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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sideshow Mahmoud

Aug 4, 05 - The miscarriage that lived, Al Zawahiri somewhere in Pakistan, came out with another video threatening the Brits for being inhumane and disrespectful to Muslims, LOL, the old fart finally went senile. The next video will probably be of he and Osama dancing naked by the pool of that Pakistani mansion their hideing out at.

Six Marines yesterday and fourteen today Aug/3/05 in a town near the Syrian border - what the hell - seal it off and do a fallugha to it!

Aug 7, 05 - Operation Quick Strike which is seriously putting an American boot up their asses has captured some correspondence meant for Zarkawi stating severe, low morale within the insurgents and asking him for help (as if he can slow down his running to help anyone). It also stated that they (insurgents) can't find safe houses ie; people willing to hide them.

The newbie terrorist/insurgents are complaining that they were lied to about how things are going and that once there being "forced" to become suicide bombers - this from two captured Libian and Saudis looking to add a couple American kills to their pickup lines back at the Casbar. Wouldn't it be great to send them back home as eunichs?
Has anyone besides me noticed how goofy looking these terroists are? I mean these guys are perfect candidates for things like suicide bombings ie; Richard Reed the shoe bomber and this new guy Harroon Aswat being extradited back to Brittain, not to bright either. A moment of pitty here. Ok, thats enough! I mean, you know, these guys couldn't get a date if they had to and no father in the world is going to do a prearranged marriage deal no matter how many goats he has. So, whats left? Suicide! Thats it, a ticket to paradise and the forty virgins. I'll bet they're locked out.


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