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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Convenient Inadmission

The Bolsheviks, er, I mean the Demokrats in Congress and liberals in general, have again, conveniently, with their control of mainstream media, omitted any acknowledgement of a key Taliban leader in Waziristan (AGENDA #1 - the Bolshevik side of Congress wants to shut down Gitmo (Guantanamo) in Cuba and doesn't want to admit that the Muslim murderers captured in battle and then being released are going right back to the battlefield and killing our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan (AGENDA #2 - downplay any success in the WAR ON TERROR.
The Muslim in question is Abdullah Mehsud who spent 25 months at Gitmo after being captured on the battlefield by Northern Alliance and American troops during Operation Enduring Freedom, December 2001.

After being severely tortured, as reported by liberal Bolshevik human rights groups, by being forced to listen to loud music from the "Red Hot Chili Peppers" which I do often voluntarily - Giv it away giv it away giv it away - good stuff (should I seek help ?)then, being released, along with many others, he returned to rebuild Southern Afghanistan's Taliban cadre of 5000 fighting assholes responsible for cross border attacks from Pakistan in March 2004. Lord only knows how many lives were snuffed out during his three years of freedom.

After being cornered and witnessing the slaughter of his elite in Zhob, Baluchistan. About to be captured, he ate one of his own grenades. In an incident of uncontrolled fear and bungling he not only soiled himself but lost control of the grenade which sent him to his maker - Allah Akbar - Gitmo must've really left an impression on him !

Years of Bolshevik liberal hand wringing and tears for the inhumane treatment of these murdering Muslims by the likes of the Chili peppers, Ted Nugent and Metalica at Gitmo is responsible for the deaths of untold American troops and innocent Afghan women and babies because of the release of the likes of Mohammed Yusif Yaqeb (Mullah Shazda)Taliban Operations in S. Afghanistan, released in 2003 - killed in o4.
Maulavi Abdul Ghaffer released in 2002 aftre 8 months in Gitmo, returned to be Taliban leader of Uruzgan and Helmand - killed Sept. 25Th 2003 - life is beautiful.

These schmucks deserved to be in Gitmo if no one has the balls to just make sure they never leave the battlefield. They're not Afghan choir boys and weren't arrested for shoplifting or vandalism, these guys fill mass graves and kill kids in the school yards and throw acid in the faces of hardbound women.

They are the bad guys, not us, so get with the program!


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