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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Biden to the Unions - Welcome back to the White House !

Baraks speech; For The Unions to The Unions and of The Unions.

He promises to

1)spend huge sums to "protect the middle class" and

2) bring in those who are aspiring to be middle class which, he says,

3) will be better for business!

That is the King of all Oxymoron's!

protect the middle class;
1) The huge sums of money being printed will not protect anything, let alone the middle class. As a matter of fact, it will pretty much guarantee that there will be no middle class after the ruination of our currency, bringing hyper-inflation, lack of trade, and transfer of economic leadership to our competitors.

those who are aspiring;
2)I always thought that middle class aspirations were achieved, like anything else desirable in life, with a burning desire (lacking in the slacker nation)to succeed such as a ballplayer, musician, actor, lawyer or anything else where discipline, education and hard work is required.

You would think, especially after the recent "To Everyone a Home" disaster, that they would have learned you can't legislate success anymore than you can dumb down borrowing standards for the uneducated (not our fault) and those lacking financial fortitude (moral deficit) guaranteeing economic Armageddon. Which, by the way, I am convinced this is exactly what the DemoKratic Party (DNC) and (especially the radical Left Wing elements) it's constituents want. Although there are those of the left wing that are just sheep with sugar plums dancing in their heads!

better for business;
3) How has Unions ever been better for business in the long run, can you say Auto Industry?

Sure, the worKers get exorbitant paychecks (it's menial labor for gods sake, right up there with McDonalds)and excruciatingly expensive Health Insurance and all the other accouterments paid for by the company and passed on to the purchaser - YOU!
And the Band Played On, meaning chances are that you won't be buying that car because the "Newly Unionised Company" that you work for is packing up for that new home in New Guinea.

Folks, you can kiss this Countries economic recovery goodbye for many years if these maniacs now in power get their way!

The Payback Pork coming out of the Washington White House and Congress under the guise of "troubled asset relief program." Is nothing more than unbridled fiscal irresponsibility that has nothing to do with getting our economy back on track !

It's just feel good socialism bearing gifts for wanna be victims of a society they never gave a damn about in the first place and don't realise their greedy selfishness will kill the welfare goose that has fed them for so long !


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