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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't be distracted !


There is a lot going on right now to distract us from our destiny as Americans crusading against a most dangerous tyranny. The latest, and in my view, the most dangerous in it's distraction is the sad situation in Haiti which, even though your heart may go out to them, we are not in any shape to foot the bill on their reconstruction. And you know all the other countries will talk, as usual, a good game but will not stand by it.

We will foot most, if not all, of the bill and then, the cry to take in refugees!Some slacker Countrys are already crying out for us to do more. Socialist Countrys like Denmark for example, who after giving 63% income taxes for their cradle to grave "personal" care and maintenance, have nothing they'll be willing to donate to Haiti or anyone else, while Americans are not only giving by way ofFederal relief aka taxes, but also, as usual, giving from their personal discretionary income as well..

The most cunning opposition to Americas battle to restore freedom, will as they, through the White House Chief of Staff, Rahm'bo Imanuel most aptly put it - "Never let a serious crisis go to waste".

The Administration is hammering the banks and villanizing them in hopes of convincing the citizenry (us) to go along with it. Yeah Yeah, I know that the banks almost got away with some harmful derivative creation and sales but are also paying off with interest. Which, by the way, is not going back to pay the debt as promised but is to be put toward the SECOND STIMULOUS.

The real problem that the government doesn't want you to understand is that the government was asleep at the helm and not doing it's job as watchdog which allowed this whole thing to come about.

Look at the Bernie Maddof debacle.
The government supposedly checked him out three times and missed his diabolical deeds.

And don't let our fellow citizens off the hook either!

Fact; Some twisted liberal views on what are constitutional rights as to property ownership created some very questionable programs like the CRA or "Community Reinvestment Act" in partnership with Senator Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection that "dumbed down the banks" lending practices allowing the financially unqualified to buy homes with short term "adjustable rate loans" that they had no intention of keeping beyond the term needed to "Flip This House" - only, they got caught when they couldn't sell in time, defaulted on the mortgage which became the "subprime TOXIC derivative" sold by the lenders all over the world.

The whole "Flip This House" phenomenon had unqualified people using "No Doc" (no documents of proof) or "liar Loans" which as we all are so aware and are paying so dearly for, in so many ways, right now !

"Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former spouse, Herb Moses was Fannie Mae executive."

July 3, 1998, Reliable Source column in The Washington Post reported Barney Frank, who is openly gay, had a relationship with Herb Moses, an executive for the now-government controlled Fannie Mae. The column revealed the two had split up at the time but also said Frank was referring to Moses as his “spouse.”

The Obama Administration is trying to demonise, for profit, in the same way they did it to the Tobacco Industry.

They need a new cash cow and the banks are it!

"The tail wagging the dog again"!

You can and should pray for Haiti, but stay out of the cash box because at the rate we're going now, we could end up like Haiti. Right now America is financially strapped and would do better to heal herself first. I know this sounds callous but a bankrupt America is no good to anyone!

Have you forgotten that we're already rebuilding (not my choice) Iraq and Afghanistan.

Besides, it only gives Obama breathing room and a chance to put on the white hat in front of the teleprompter 2 times a day for the next week - going for the vote...


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