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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

And the poll says

I'm sick and tired of hearing "the poll says, Americans feel less safe now than they did before the Iraq War". Yeah right, as if the terrorists were going to go away after getting one good lick in with 9/11 just to teach the uppity Americans a lesson. That is just more liberal antiwar bullshit that seems to get a pass (like much of their weeny ass rhetoric)! How can anyone feel less safe now with no attacks since 9/11 than they did in the period before invading Afghanistan? After which we were euphoric and feeling confident, even the markets did well! And later with the hard driving plunge into Iraq we were back slappin with awe on the performance of our men and equipment.

It's alarming how many paranoid crybaby anarchist Americans there are now days. Look, why should you, and I'm talking to you of battle age here for a minute, be losing sleep with worry? You spoiled brats live with mom, don't make your own beds and try to emulate your sixties era parents and grandparents who didn't know shit then and still don't. Thats right, try going to bed thinking of the young men and women putting their asses on the line for a worthless piece of shit like you who's getting ready to go to college on DADs credit card!
You know you'll only get juiced in it! You'll hang with a bunch of wannabe hippies (like your fatassed parents) learning how to demonstrate against a war that has no comparison to Viet Nam what so ever. Do you ever think you'll get around to examining the fact that college and life for you as it is comes from the fact that you live in a country that makes the good life possible because there are some who truly understand that if you don't nurture it, it will die. Think about that when you dream about the great car and job you expect some day. Or would you rather be making shoes in Bangledesh!

Sorry you brats don't feel safe (young and old) but it's not because we've been attacked. And you can forget about letting the Islamofacists walk so you can sleep better. Jesus Christ, what a bunch of punks!
Granted, some blunders brought on by a lack of foresight such as Custers deja vu - ending up shorthanded and surrounded by Indians, thereby putting ones self on a defensive footing, losing momentum of the offense. Ending up shorthanded was due to the lack of backbone of our so called allies to support the unnanomous U.N. innitiatives allowing the can of kick ass to be opened. Now, we know our allies were up to their eyebrows in a great opportunity, "Stealing the Oil for Food Program blind", for which no one of substance has payed. Where is that little weasel, Kofi Anan anyway? So, now we're shorthanded, making the most of what we had was imperative in pulling off the attack. Turkey wouldn't let us launch attacks from the North and troops had to be sent all the way back to Kuwait - could have been a disaster, but wasn't!

A hell of a lot more of the enemy are dying in far away places than our guys and the last I heard, none here. Try to act like an American for a change!


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