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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, August 07, 2005

A war to be taken seriously

>Below is an excerpt from an anti war group that from the looks of you will be hearing more from in the future.
Cindy Sheehan and her cohorts are camped out right now in Crawford Tx. where they are demanding to speak with the President. Now you know (maybe you don't) do to the open animosity and venom of this group, Gold Star families for Peace, that the Administration will never walk into a biligerent verb fest/photo op for a Vietnam esq antiwar group.
Your heart as well as that of the President, Rumsfeld and anyone else feels for the Mothers and families of lost loved ones who die in service to their country. But in reading some of their diatribe about the war which seems suspiciously devoid of any historical/chronological order that it seems they may be a little irrational http://www.gsfp.org/ bordering on ignorance.
No one forced their children to offer themselves to the service of this Nation, hopefully they "enlisted" as Patriots and not just educational opportunists which, for sure, some did. It makes me wonder, if their sons enlisted, as a lot did, out of a deep beleif in the mission what would the Hero think of the mayhem brought on in his name. If Ms Sheehan couldn't persuade her son not to join the military as were his wishes, what right has she to defame his descision and ultimate sacrifice?
Below is an excerpt from which I will illuminate with opposing views.

The Dangerous Gold Star Families Jan.24, 2005
by Cindy Sheehan

Secratary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld continues to astound us Gold Star Families with his heartlessness, callousness and disrespect in the faces of our children who are being killed in the mindless invasion and occupation of Iraq.

>heartlessness, callousness and disrespect - Thats simply shameful, adholescent ramblings. I'm sure the lost lives bothers him deeply.
mindless invasion - occupation - Hmm, how many U.N. resolutions were violated? How much money was sent by Saddam ($35000ea) to the families of suicide bombers for killing mothers and their children? Shooting at our pilots from the no fly zone, and of course the W.M.D. thing that the whole world beleived exsisted, which I still beleive existed but was sent to Syria on trucks (remember the satellite photos). Even if it wasn't true, due to faulty intel, It wasn't our intel at fault and anyway, has nothing to do with that lousy day of 9/11 and finally stepping up to take out that which is responsible. Maybe Ms Sheehan hasn't heard but I'm sure her son knew of the War on Terror brought on by the loss of 3000 Americans on 9/11 that unless you want terrorists killing in a neighborhood near you, it had to involve getting in their face where it meant the most, on Mulim soil. It worked they came to the honey and they're being killed! Unfortunately, some of ours will be killed as well. Thats war! Rest assured, for every one of ours killed they've lost many many more.

I am one of the founding members of a group called Gold Star Families for Peace. Some of us families who have lost loved ones in this illegal and immoral war in Iraq have organized to use our collective voices to bring the tragedy of war to the fore front of America's hearts and souls like it so tragically is in ours. We families are amazed that so few of our fellow citizens are touched by the horrors of the invasion and occupation of a sovereign country. It seems to us like the only people who are asked to sacrifice anything for the war effort are our brave young men and women fighting this so-called war and their families. There are some families in our nation like us, that have paid the ultimate price for the lies and betrayals of this current administration.

>illegal, immoral war - Really, thats ludicrous and well, ignorant!
collective voices bringing the tragedy of war to Americas heart and soul, so few fellow citizens are touched by the horrors blah blah blah - Oh please, spare us your sanctimonious bull! What makes you think you're the only ones aware of the tragedy of war? We all feel sick upon hearing the losses, we just don't wear it on our sleeves and spread the venom of misplaced emotion bordering on treason. Most reasoned Americans mourn with dignity in respectful solitude.

I, and some other Gold Star Families, have been writing and calling the Department of Defense for over three weeks. We were all meeting in DC to protest the inauguration and we thought it would be a good time to meet with Donald Rumsfeld. We have many questions to ask him about our loved ones' deaths and we deserve to have some answers. I think it is our right as Americans and grieving families to have these answers. For example, why were the children of this country sent to fight a war without the proper training, equipment or armor? Why were our children sent to fight a war that had no basis in reality? Why are American children still over there fighting a war, and dying in a war, when all the reasons for the war have been proven false? When is this administration going to bring the rest of our children home before it's too late for their families?

>Paragraph above in it's entirity - immature rantings, now you know why you weren't received, our troops (your son) are the best trained/equipped military in the world bar none! They aren't children, and they were sent because of the reality and they're still fighting because the war isn't over!

If we were granted an audience with him, we didn't really expect Mr. Rumsfeld to be truthful with us or even polite to us considering his past history of being so sarcastically untruthful and blatantly rude. The real reason I wanted to meet with Rumsfeld was so he could see the face of my son, Spc Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Sadr City on 04/04/04. I wanted him to look me in the face and see my red swollen eyes and to see all the lines that grief has etched. I wanted him to see the unbearable pain his ignorance and arrogance has caused me and my family. I wanted him to know that his actions have terrible consequences.

>You weren't granted an audience with him because he won't put himself in a slugfest with greiving loved ones of the fallen and who's only concept of truth is their own, which is clouded with pain and the need to blame someone else for descisions made by a soldier who knew the dangers and possible outcomes. As for the swollen eyes and grief, maybe you should see someone more qualified to console in such matters

Our letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails to the Pentagon were to no avail: we received no response. So in conjunction with Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) we decided to go to the Pentagon and try and meet with someone, anyone. We were met at the parking lot by a couple of dozen of police officers blocking our way. We were told that we weren't allowed to go into the Pentagon because we didn't go through the proper protocol to request a meeting!!

>Duh! - Thats right, just walk right in to the Pentagon (after 9/11) have some cool-aid!

I find it so ironic that with all the tight security for the events in DC this week that enough time and energy was mustered to stop families in mourning so forcefully at the Pentagon. I also find it ironic that if I were a wealthy Republican who had donated large sums of money for the "re"-election of the President, I could have had access to all the big wigs at the lavish parties -- but I, whose son paid the ultimate price of his precious life to this country, can't even get within a half of a mile from the man who sent him to die.

>You're not in mourning with the attitude one gleans from your rantings. It's more like a lynch mob, an assasination attempt!

We Gold Star Families for Peace are not giving up the fight to hold someone in this administration accountable for the quagmire in Iraq and the more important struggle to bring the rest of our children home from this devastating occupation now. It takes most of our energy just to get out of our beds in the morning and mourn our horrific losses. We need all Americans to wake up and start lobbying their elected officials for an end to this immorality in Iraq and to join our voices in protest.

>Please, get a grip. Rumsfeld didn't kill your son, niether did the President . The Muslim heathens killed your son while being a proud stand up American soldier to please and protect you. You are not doing him honor with this misplaced vengeance. Ask yourself what he would think of your efforts in his name.
It is , regardless of what some may think, a war to be taken seriously. A lot is at take!


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