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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

France Falling To The Crescent Hordes

Paris has fallen and France is under Moslem siege!

Not since Gengis Khan, Nazi Germany or the homegrown Socialist movement has Frances' sovereign identity been under such threat of extinction.. The peril being visited on France started eleven days ago with the underlying causes way before that. Normally I would have posted something sooner but, like most other people, I had no idea this would go on without opposition for so long..Last night, thirteen hundred cars were lit up in Paris alone, I haven't a clue how many since it all started eleven days ago not to mention buildings of which most were business' and who knows how many were dwellings??

The French have been allowing citizens of their once Colonial empire (N.Africa), among others, to immigrate for years and there is nothing wrong with that. What came back to bite them is they didn't make being a Frenchman, with all that entails, mandatory. Rather, the immigrants would enter the Muslim ghetto which is nothing more than a home away from home environment controlled by Imams with all the rules, laws and power of their old homes. Hell, the police won't even go there. It's unsuitable training educationally or culturally for acquiring employment or anything else. Therein lies the problem. Young Muslim barbarians, now inside the gates mind you, have been unleashed, making bombs, stockpiling weapons and ammunition, apparently for some time. Twelve Policeman have been shot in the town of Grigny.

The Police can no longer contain due to inaction from the beginning, and the military hasn't yet been called to quell the insurgents. French citizens did come out in parade against the violence yesterday which had most believing that would put an end to it , only to be disheartened by the massive rioting which followed that evening.

Most Frenchman are probably trying to figure out how there could be such anger and unhappiness coming from a community in which the vast majority are on the dole (social rewards). I guess they just have to much time and no need for a job.
Well, the rioting is still going on as I write this..The irony is that the Muslim thing should come to haunt the French after being so cozy that they would choose to side with the Muslim world and turn their backs on the United States who sacrificed to the inth degree to save their bacon, more than once!
The news is on, lets see, three schools burnt down, twelve cops shot, ambulance and fire workers shot at..Gotta go, this is getting good!


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