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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Denmark stand strong

Just go home already! Pests! Damn it, you left the grain bin open and look at the rats, they've come for miles and now you have the daunting job of getting rid of them! Why didn't you notice them sooner? If you did they would have been much less to deal with..Oh well, time to get to work eh!
You'd think all the dufus Moslems would get the hint. They're like the guest for dinner that wouldn't leave.
Nation after Nation in Europe has, of late, given every hint possible outside of beating the hell out of them or flat out rounding up the unwanted Muslim wretches and packin them off.. How do you inform the self righteous of their rudeness or the self absorbed that they aren't as well thought of by others as they are of themselves. Everyone has been thru this with a friend or family member at least once but we're talking about arrogance times a thousand!
Holier than thou comes to mind, self infatuated is another term when those of the Islamic ilk come to mind. But most people, in Western Culture anyway, try to avoid confrontations based on character flaws and tend to suffer anothers indescretions in silence hoping they will see the embarrasement for themselves and grow from it..Much better than calling one on it in a moment of weakness and having to deal with an embarrassing situation in which you are a part (a little too much to drink comes to mind). You suffer me silently and I'll recipricate - unspoken contract. Unless of coures a certain line is crossed, very civilized I think! The Muslims (who by the way were invited into our home) have definately crossed the line..
They are too different and too self absorbed to respect and learn from their gracious hosts and therefore should leave! Going back to where they came will help them deal with the anger and immaturity of their centuries old isolation... And let it be known violence will be met with violence, if need be!
The tact of intimidation and mob violence common in their native lands will only stir the dormant Celtic and Nordic warriors of Europe from sleep. A tribal people whose wrath the world has seen many times before should not be trifled with. The inferior desert race that follows Muhammud has seen this fierce warrior before.
Woe the day they see the banner of the cross and Thors hammer again!

Islam does not mean "Peace". It means "Submission"!

Nobody is allowed to disagree with Islam... All MUST submit!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye, my liege! The mighty Nords will never be enslaved by the rampaging dark ones. One can smell them well in advance. Plentiful time to prepare the legions of mighty Odin to defend against purest evil.
Oh evil, will you never rest? As Aretha Franklin said, why can't you show me a little respect?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006  

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