Muslims in the U.S.A.

Here is a good piece of advice for the muslim clerics here in the U.S..
Keep a handle on your flock and let them know that they are on very slippery ground.
It's not wise for them to be killing anyone here, especially while shouting that they are angry Muslims (which means absolutely nothing to real Americans) as if that gives them some sort of justification. Believe me it doesn't, especially when he left the bowels of hell to come here and live like a human being with opportunity. To be a Muslim in this country has a bad stigma attached to it and the stereotype goes way back, decades old! Muslim and Islam denotes barbarity, heathenism and a backward, caveman like mentality.. The proof is in the news with the murderous Pakistani, Naveed Hag, that just murdered a bunch of unarmed Jewish Woman in Seattle of which one was pregnant - you, in your warped beliefs, consider that a godly thing to do while the rest of the world - Gods true children - see that as the cowardly, despicable act of a beast who actually thinks it was a manly thing to do - twisted! Now they're trying to say he was a mental case. Of course he's a mental case - he's Muslim!
So get off your high horse, which to us is really just a jackass, and just slither back to where you came, that's not too much to ask now is it?
It's very dangerous for you now and every good red blooded American is just waiting for any excuse at all to drive every Muslim man, woman, and child from this country, in a whirlwind of violence.
Somewhere out there is a really pissed off American and retaliation is not far off I fear. You should be very concerned!
We will not tolerate any Jihadist bullshit in this country! Link
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