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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Tyre and Bint Jbail feeling the pain

Tyre has had a mudhole kicked in it's back and it's now being stomped dry.
A whole city block has been taken out by the Israelis (God is good)due to Katusha rocket fire and being a Hezbolah headquarters.

Bint Jbail was a Christian settlement before the infiltration of Hezbollah into the area when the Israelis left six years ago. The town has great significance to the Hezbollah because it was made Southern Central Command at that time.. And now the Israelis are tearing the bastards a new ass hole (praise the Lord).

I guess, from the looks of panic and terror (praise be)on the Hezbollah sympathizers faces, especially the old Muslim woman that rolled out the back of the speeding ambulance when the doors flew open (right out of a keystone cops film), dumbasses!

Again, I guess they should be asking themselves if it's all worth not giving back the Kidnapped Israeli soldiers....You know the answer to that right?
DUMBFUCK Hassan Nasrallah!


Blogger Billie Wonder said...

hey! u just had comented on my blog on that adress:


i wrote that article in portuguese, and my "propaganda" is not either mine, but from american MTV, and that ones were forbidden by your government.

It is not "antipatriotical" like some americans thinks (i'm not american, but i don't think that is a "terrorist" propaganda).. it just says that it was VERY SAD the terrorist attack to the twin towers, becuz' there died 2800 people. BUT in other situations like HIV and homeless people and starving childs, kills MUCH MORE than thousands people.. being world catastrophes killing millions, and your government doesn't care 'bout that.. i don't criticize.. i'm not american as i sad before..

that's just to think about and maybe reconsider your position, and not to think that my blog is a "terrorist marketeer", becuz it is a bullshit! lol


Wednesday, July 26, 2006  
Blogger Cu'cullen said...

Billie the Wonder sez - BUT in other situations like HIV and homeless people and starving childs, kills MUCH MORE than thousands people.. being world catastrophes killing millions, and your government doesn't care 'bout that..

Time to grow up Billie, stop taking MTV NEWS seriously.

It's a fact known WORLDWIDE, that the UNITED STATES gives more in relief for Tsunamis, aids and starvation than any other Nation in the world, including yours, which is probably on the dole anyway!
So before you critisize the biggest philanthropic and most intelligent nation in the world, you should get your facts straight!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006  

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