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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007


As noted by Michelle Malkin,
"Yes, "wasted." Squandered. Pointless. Down the drain. Meaningless. Video footage of the speech shows Sen. Obama delivering his scripted words carefully and confidently. No umms or ahhs or pauses as he argued that each and every member of the military who volunteered to serve and died in Iraq "wasted" his/her life."

Obama is pandering (igniting another little bit of his soul)to the far left like a charlatan because he later rebukes anything he said, meaning, he doesn't agree with the content of his speech, meaning, he lied to get their vote, meaning all the rhetoric about his being honest, humble and true to his beliefs is, well, a crock of kaka.
"I was actually upset with myself when I said that, because I never use that term,'' he told the Des Moines Register.
"Well, then what dastardly saboteur slipped it into his well-rehearsed stump speech?
What supernatural force produced the guttural noise that glided effortlessly from his voicebox through his lips and pronounced the term "wasted"? says Michele.

Is it to be taken for granted about being all inclusive, unbiased and compassionate toward other races (mainly mine)once he is made President or will the new (future)laws (desperately desired by some)proclaiming restitution look on while mobs of blacks confiscate stores, homes and business's or whatever as part of the new deal. It's happened before IE; Africa, Latin America etc. Probably not, but how will you sleep tonight - sorry!
There are some in the black community who are wetting their lips in hope of Obamas presidency as a way of wielding power, not just any power, but racial power!
Many people saw the equal rights movement as not a quest for equal rights as much as a foothold toward reversing the table of inequality. I wonder how long after his acceptance speech until the jubilation turns to blazing riot?

"Even as I said it," Obama claims, "I realized I had misspoken."
Oh, absolutely, me too!




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