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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

U.S. Government Insanity Never Ends

U.S. mulls Iraq refugeesBy Nicholas Kralev
The State Department said yesterday it will re-examine U.S. policy on the admission of Iraqi refugees, likely leading to a sharp increase in the number it admits each year.

Regarding the article above "U.S. Mulls Iraq Refugees", I can't believe they'd even consider that but I expected it.. The last thing we need is to open up our country to some traumatized, Shia/Sunni, ass backwards third world potential terrorist (they are all terrorists to me) Muslim fuck heads who will end up on the dole, suckin up radical rhetoric spewed forth from some ass hole Imam at some fucking god forsaken heathen Mosque, right here in my back yard. The land my Fathers fought and died to keep free and Christian. At least non Muslim!

I am currently researching new places to live but it seems the same insanity we here in the U.S. are afflicted with is rampaging across the globe. I have found a few candidates but will not mention it here because the last thing I want is to see the wackos who screwed things up here show up in my refuge!
A little off the track but it reminds me of when the economy in LaLa Land (California) takes a crap, or does well and people there become refugees looking for a new place to infect with their narcissistic, anarchist Utopian bullshit, they migrate to (my town) nice conservative communities and proceed to fuck em up !

Excuse me but how much forethought does it take after witnessing the mess in Europe ie: Britain, Netherlands, France , Germany etc. etc. We have (and they aren't sure exactly) approximately 11 million of the pukes here now forming radical groups (read that C.A.I.R for one) who support Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad with illegal contributions gathered here in the States.

I'm telling you, Islam has no place here. We have enough on our plate fighting them and don't need to be bringing them in to make some politician feel good about himself when we should be deporting every last one, including the so called converts! good riddance!

Stay tuned tomorrow when I show my pissed off side.




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