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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Fairness Doctrin - NOT!

Stalin, Mao, Hugo Chavez and now Durbin, Kerry and Feinstein

Yep, you can believe it but how about this - Trent Lott! Hell you say and just what is he talkin about anyway?

Fairness Doctrine, that's what!
What the hell is so fair about it? Who the frig feels so affronted to the point where they would have to enact it and for what, why are they a victim and of what?
Just what the hell is a Fairness Doctrin?

The democrats feel it necessary to silence talk radio which after all is the only place not dominated by the liberal point of view in media. Talk Radio, where millions of AMERICANS of the conservative politic can get information. I can only think of one television station that is conservative in nature - Fox News and one program not on Fox, the Glen Beck Show.(also has a radio show)and internet -

By ensuring, no, dictating the socialists get half of all shows or the conservatives lose theirs, their stranglhold on media is complete! Sounds a little like the Hugo Chavez playbook doesn't it? Right out of Nazi Germany or Castros Cuba, Putins Russia! On and on and on, the wheels of atrocity just never stop!!
Talk about silenceing the opposition before an election. Yes, that's exactly what the Democrats are trying to do. Will they use the same doctrin in fairness with television news commentators will be conservative, magazines or, hey ! What about Hollywood - 50% of the actors to be consevative. What about the bastions of liberalism, the Universities. Will 50% of all the faculty and staff in public funded Schools and Universities be conservatives?? DON"T HOLD YOUR BREATH! They aren't trying to add a voice, they're trying to silence a voice - yours! And that's exactly what they will do for sure if they win the White House. How? By and thru the FCC that's how. Right now The Democratic Senate is trying to pass the Fairness Doctrine to force there way onto the talk scene. No one wants, or is interested in the Democrat point of view in talk radio. Air America went belly up because no one cared (Jeannine Gerafolo and Al Franken).
Private money, George Soros, Mr New World Order, one scary dude among others.
Name Function Background
Rob Stein Founder/director Former chief of staff to Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown
Andrew Rappaport Founder/investor Silicon Valley investor
Simon Rosenberg Founder President, New Democrat Network
Mike McCurry Spokesman Former White House press secretary
Steven Gluckstern Chairman Retired investment banker
Ann S. Bowers Board member Founding trustee of Noyce Foundation, widow of Intel founder
Albert Yates Board member Former President, Colorado State University
Marc and Susie T. Buell Board members Mrs. Buell is founder of Esprit de Corps
Anne Bartley Board member President, Rockefeller Family Fund
Alan Patricof Donor Co-founder, Apax Partners
Bren Simon Donor Wife of Simon Property Group co-chairman Mel Simon
Chris Gabrieli Donor Boston-based venture capitalist
Rob Reiner Donor Director/actor
George Soros Donor Financier
Peter Lewis Donor Chairman, Progressive Corp.

Since the publication of this list, Soros and Lewis are said to have taken more prominent roles in the Democracy Alliance(why would they call it that), reducing support for other groups thought to be ineffective.

The real bummer here tho is that Trent Lott,(R)is also said to be supporting it in some macabre, vengeful, vendetta because conservative talk radio didn't come to the party's rescue when they turned their backs on the people and were then defeated in the last election because of it..Fuck him and the horse he rode in on if he does!




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