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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Muslim foot baths - caving in to religious extremism

We've all heard nonsense in Detroit about the taxpayers being threatened with having to pay for Muslim foot bathes at the University of michigan - those poor bastards up there are payin the devil now aren't they ?
This shouldn't even be a topic, shouldn't even have been allowed to get this far, should've been laughed off the table..

I was so pissed while catching it on the tube news that never once mentioned the HYGIENE FACTOR , I just had to find out more..
You'll find a link to the Detroit News with some (thank God) reactions from American citizens, and by that I mean, as you are all aware (Please say you are) that Muslims are true opportunists who owe no allegience to any Nation, only to Islam, which is why they are hell bent all over the world undermining their Host Countriesincluding this one. It starts like any where else, France and now England where it is fast becoming out of control like parts of Germanys big Cities where the Police won't even enter.

Well, if you idiots in Detroit, Dearborn, Tampa, DC etc. dont get your shit together soon we, the rest of America, will hold you bastards responsible for neglecting your responsibility to help keep us free and protected from outside vermon contaminates..Your university greed and piss poor ability to creat money from within made you look to lowering standards and now may be partially responsible for an epidemic of unbelievable danger and destruction to our culture !

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