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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Muslim Terrorist Dogs

Anyone wondering whats become of the London Muslim Terrorists who would best be described as the four stooges. And Muslim Doctors as well, some of them anyway - I know people here in the States who have Muslim Doctors and are now worrying because they obviously aren't reading from the same page where the Hippocratic Oath is concerned. It's said that they ,in the world of Muslim Medicine, don't have such an Oath sworn to Humanity!

Just goes to show there is no shortage of imbeciles in the Muslim world.
From that retarded asshole that tried to light his shoe , Richard Reid to those dumb ass Imams trying to terrorise the good citizens as airline passengers and their children in Colorado.
Oh, UPDATE - the goofy Imams have dropped their lawsuit against the whistle blowing GOOD SAMARITAN Passengers (they had no fucking case and know it)but still intend to sue the airline personnel - camel jockey goofballs!

And these turbaned turds who had been raised (most of em anyway)right there in jolly ole England - you can't trust any of them if you're not one of them. I doubt if they really trust each other! The thing about Human beings is that if it's known you can lie to someones face, even if you are lieing to someone you don't respect, you will always be suspect and not trusted by others deep down, including your own!
Kafeel Ahmed, the one that drove his jeep into the airport wall while trying to take out men ,women and children on their way to holiday with no discrimination or remorse died of his burns, can I get an AMEN BROTHER? And the Jordanian Doctor Mohammed Jamil Asha with him, is still in police custody - torch that prick too ! The other two captured as accomplices, Ahmed's brother Sabeel Ahmed and Mohamed Haneef will hopefully get theirs while in prison (you can see their photos by following the link)just try to imagine them in prison towel berkas making coffee and whoopee for Gus and Hammer their new roomies.. Allah Akbar, right boys.
You stupid fucks!



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