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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Obamas Dangerous Mind

Subject: McCain's dangerous choice

Dear MoveOn member, Don't insult me ! Today is John McCain's 72nd birthday.Happy Birthday ! If elected, he'd be the oldest president ever inaugurated.- So what! experience in life is a good thing! And after months of slamming Barack Obama for "inexperience," That's a good thing too ! here's who John McCain has chosen to be one heartbeat , crass ! (but we've come to expect this type of behaviour from the liberals)..away from the presidency: a right-wing religious conservative who is a devout believer in the 2nd Ammendment (dead shot) with no foreign policy experience,which Obamalamadingdong has absolutely none as well! who until recently was mayor of a town of 9,000 people.and of course, Osamabama has never run anything except his mouth!Osamabama is a Junior Senator of four years in which he spent 3 of them running for President - God Help Us All !Governor / Mayor / Vice President to be Palin has 13 years of Executive experience Osamabama has none, zilch! Plus, she can outshoot and more than likely kick his ass with a baby on her hip any day of the week!Huh?Who is Sarah Palin? Here's some basic background: You'd be wiser to ask - Who is Barak Hussein Obama ?
She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage.1
He is a product of the, (which some say is corrupt beyond belief) "Chicago Political Machine" - need I say More?
Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

Obama is a memeber of the rascist, black militant Trinity universal Church of Christ in South Side Chicago which, until the purge, was run for 20 long, white bashing years by the black radical Jeremiah Wright whose pal Lewis Farakhan of the Muslim, radical, rascist, anti Semite, and dangerously Militant Nation Of Islam. whew, that's a mouthful of nasty isn't it ?
She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.
He Associated both professionally and socially with felonious anarchist
William Ayers of the Underground Weathermen who was and said.,
"Leader of the 1960s and 70s domestic terrorist group Weatherman
"Kill all the rich people. ... Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents."
Participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972
Currently a professor of education at the University of Illinois


Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4
Obamalama embraces "black liberation theology" beliefs such as the "debt" the U.S. "owes" all blacks for slavery espoused Jeremiah Wright !

She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5
Only ignorant, uninformed fools believe that!

She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's not stupid or pandering and realizes that we need it all energy resources and this is no time to go looking for another socialised piggy bank fall guy like the tobacco industry was/is for legalised corporate raiding (piracy) !She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years, which they won't ! She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—because they are not an endangered species! she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.6 You libs are of the belief that keeping oil prices high has political advantages for the Demokratic Party and everyone knows it ! This is information the American people need to see. Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends and family.Absolutely, I intend to do just that!We also asked Alaska MoveOn.GeorgeSoros members what the rest of us should know about their governor. The response was striking. Here's a sample:
She is really just a mayor from a small town outside Anchorage who has been a governor for only 1.5 years, and has ZERO national and international experience.Obama has none, nada! I shudder to think that she could be the person taking that 3AM call on the White House hotline, and the one who could potentially be charged with leading the US in the volatile international scene that exists today. —Rose M., Fairbanks, AK

He is really just a half breed with issues, a huge inferiority complex and no practical executive experience, sworn to get back at white people for his mothers mistakes and the burden he (like Jeremiah Wright) had to endure as a child with a vendetta and ambitious wife!
She is VERY, VERY conservative, He is very very Liberal considered the most liberal in the Senate and far from perfect. She's a hunter and fisherwoman, and scares the hell out of the left because they know she can solidify the RIGHT! but votes against the environment again and again. The demokrats say they're for the working man but in their zeal to destroy anyone thats sucessful and creating the Anerican Dream for his/her family is destroying the same dream for others because they lay waste to the very jobs / careers of the working man - go figure ! She ran on ethics reform, but is currently under investigation for several charges involving hiring and firing of state officials.That's just more hyped lies by the Demokrats! She has NO experience beyond Alaska. —Christine B., Denali Park, AK - He has no experience beyond the streets of Chicago !
As an Alaskan and a feminist, I am beyond words at this announcement. As an American and believer in truth and against Government Corruption as Sarah Palin is it truly hurts me to know their are such America haters as yourself in America..Palin is not a feminist, and she is not the reformer she claims to be. So, who says she needs to be a rabid femiist - you, who the fuck are you ?— Karen L., Anchorage, AK

Alaskans, collectively, are just as stunned thats a lie ! as the rest of the liberal nation. She is doing well running our State, but is totally inexperienced on the national level,and you want Obama ? and very much unequipped to run the nation, if it came to that. She is as far right as one can get, which has already been communicated on the news. In our office of thirty employees (dems, republicans, and nonpartisans), not one person feels she is ready for the V.P. position.—Sherry C., Anchorage, AK - you're a sniveling turd !
She's vehemently anti-choice and doesn't care about protecting our natural resources, even though she has worked as a fisherman. You and Obamalama Hussein are Marxists and wont be happy until you'v brought down the whole ball of wax ! McCain chose her to pick up the Hillary voters, but Palin is no Hillary. WTF makes you think she ever started out to be like Hillary Clinton for christs sake?— Marina L., Juneau, AK

I think she's far too inexperienced to be in this position. I'm all for a woman in the White House, but not one who hasn't done anything to deserve it. There are far many other women who have worked their way up and have much more experience that would have been better choices. There is not any Woman with Sarahs experience in fighting and suceeding in the war on corrupt holders of the PUBLIC TRUST , especially liberal demokrat woman! This is a patronizing decision on John McCain's part-Yeah, just like Barats descision to hire Joe Biden "deadman walking'" and insulting to females everywhere that he would assume he'll get our vote by putting "A Woman" in that position.—Jennifer M., Anchorage, AK You are such a naive shallow puppet, I dont know how you even breath on your own!
So Governor Palin is a staunch anti-choice religious conservative. She's a global warming denier who shares John McCain's commitment to Big Oil. And she's dramatically inexperienced.In picking Sarah Palin, John McCain has made the religious right very happy. And he's made a very dangerous decision for our country.In the next few days, many Americans will be wondering what McCain's vice-presidential choice means. This is great, you expect John and Sarah to win already don't you? Please pass this information along to your friends and family.Thanks for all you do. –Ilyse, Noah, Justin, Karin and the rest of the team - Blah blah blah !Oh, have a nice day! Sources:
1. "Sarah Palin," Wikipedia, Accessed August 29, 2008
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin2. "McCain Selects Anti-Choice Sarah Palin as Running Mate," NARAL Pro-Choice America, August 29, 2008
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=17515&id=13648-7677524-vI.EW1x&t=13. "Sarah Palin, Buchananite," The Nation, August 29, 2008
4. "'Creation science' enters the race," Anchorage Daily News, October 27, 2006
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=17737&id=13648-7677524-vI.EW1x&t=35. "Palin buys climate denial PR spin—ignores science," Huffington Post, August 29, 2008
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=17517&id=13648-7677524-vI.EW1x&t=46. "McCain VP Pick Completes Shift to Bush Energy Policy," Sierra Club, August 29, 2008
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=17518&id=13648-7677524-vI.EW1x&t=5"Choice of Palin Promises Failed Energy Policies of the Past," League of Conservation Voters, August 29, 2008
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=17519&id=13648-7677524-vI.EW1x&t=6"Protecting polar bears gets in way of drilling for oil, says governor," The Times of London, May 23, 2008
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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Nancy Lewinsohn on August 29, 2008. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


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