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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Health Care Debacle

I've been trying to keep up with the health care debacle and am convinced both sides are inept (like a fox due to lobbyists vis AMA, big Pharma & big Ins, The lobbying group America's Health Insurance Plans, has launched a seven-figure advertising campaign claiming to support "bipartisan reforms" for health care. ) . Either way someone gains through captive patients or insurance customers, meaning you ! ..

The problem that no one seems to want to shine a light on, except in passing is the "HIGH COST OF MEDICAL CARE" whether it's unaffordable insurance premiums or the exhorbitant fees doctors and hospitals charge, no doubt due to the "WHATEVER THE MARKET WILL BEAR MENTALITY" caused by the (irresponsible) non caring attitude of policy holders who figure all those unnecessary tests ordered by the primary doctor and referred to one or more of his (buddies) fellow doctors who in turn, reciprocate - proverbial milk the cow scenario.
Not to single out Doctors without mention of the Universities, whose diabolically high tuitions insure huge graduation debts of hundreds of thousands of dollars,the result of 6-8 years of Medical School. University tuition is number one in cost inflation - greedy professors, tenure (getting paid to write books for personal gain)and waste perhaps !

No one seems interested in discussing in any detail beyond rhetoric, the business of actually accounting for the above costs including the duplicity of compounding costs for equipment, medications, supplies, services etc, in some part due to the many wholesale middlemen who all live on markups ! I mean, five bucks for a band aid. Gimme a break!

I know how it is for amputees who are expected to shell out $40,000 to $50,000 bucks for a prosthesis and the industry gets away with it because many amputees, but definately not all by a long shot, have insurance of some sort - again, milk the cow.

There is a lot of blame to go around but as far as I'm concerned no body is even asking the right questions and the powers that be are coming up with lame solutions that will, in the case of the Bolsheviks (DemoKrats), whose tax will cripple our economy which in turn will collapse the world economies as a result (they are still inexorably linked) .

The Pansies (Repukelicans) plan will help us all get insurance, the premiums of which will keep going up due to increasing health care costs - catch 22 , making everybody happy except for me and you !

By design, neither party has, nor wants serious answers to solve this dilema !

We have all become to accustomed to the cliche', "THROW THE BUMS OUT" but you have to get reaquainted with it.

Just keep repeating "THROW ALL THE BUMS OUT" ! and start a new "legitimate" party, devoid of any of the losers now present in the aforementioned parties (including the fools of the Liberschmarian Party thats steeped in Communists, who raise their pocket constitutions screaming that they are entitled to free health insurance under the "Public Welfare" clause - fools).

I hope this doesn't seem unfair as an indictment of only those mentioned above, because we've all heard the stories of corruption and outright theft from the principles, citizens and national policies vis illegals such as anchor babies, wet foot dry foot policies and hospitals going broke for uncontrolled, unpaid Emergency Room treatment that gets passed on, driving up the costs for all of Americas citizens..


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