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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Fellow Patriots;

We have, dare I say it, really allowed ourselves to fall into a very dangerous situation beginning in the last several decades and especially now. Actually it all began with the Civil War and the defeat of the South in it's glorious defense of the Constitution. Sounds whacky, sure, to those unfamiliar with history which, these days is damned near everyone under fifty, but it's o so true!

The debasement of the Constitution really took off with the Great Recession, where the Progressives, a harmless way of saying communists, gained ground by capitalizing on the crisis. Much the same way they have grown into the monster they have become, capitalizing on the present Subprimed disaster where the usurpers are pumping money into the cronies pockets of the DNC and president Obama's supporters and to supposedly bail out Banks that should have just gone bankrupt.. I say "supposedly" because if that were the main goal and not the well contrived power grab that it is I would maybe feel differently.

The evidence of a power grab to me, is just too overwhelming!

We have to take back the country starting in our own Towns, States and Nation in a "Constitutionally Conservative" Blitzkrieg that will leave the liberals running ass over tin cup for the airports. Good riddance !

We will then dismantle everything they have done and for the sake of America's founders and those who sacrificed to actually defend the "ORIGINAL LAW OF THE LAND" we will dismantle any agency and department not pertinent to it including the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue, Board of Education and lobbyists caught bribing or writing legislation will be imprisoned as traitors along with many select Congressman and women, including their complicit aides..

Sounds harsh but we have seen what they have shown as their intentions as to the treasonous schemes they have hatched with the deceits and harms they have planned for this nations citizens by bankrupting it.

These people entrusted to do the peoples business and who "SWORE TO SERVE AND PROTECT The CONSTITUTION OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" have deceived, betrayed, their sworn oath while some have gone as far as to mock it.

These people deserve no quarter and as far as I'm concerned should get what they were ready to give !



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