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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The TEA PARTY PATRIOTs don't need Karl Rove or the GOP;

In response to Karl Roves article in the Wall Street Journal

Why do I get the feeling that Karl Rove's reason's for the article were to get the Tea Party's to banish certain, in his (GOP's) and the elitist suits opinion, groups that may be a microcosim of the movement, but in no way the majority. We the people are the engine and the differences among us temper our resolve with the same balance as the Founders used to design our government of checks and balances.

Rove, "If tea party groups are to maximize their influence on policy, they must now begin the difficult task of disassociating themselves from cranks and conspiracy nuts. This includes 9/11 deniers, "birthers" who insist Barack Obama was not born in the U.S., and militia supporters espousing something vaguely close to armed rebellion."

Why would anyone, supposedley, sworn to "serve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America" feel threatened by a group whose Core Principles are;

"The Constitution of the United States of America instituted the government that secures our God-given rights.

The John Birch Society endorses the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of our national government, and works toward educating and activating Americans to abide by the original intent of the Founding Fathers. "We seek to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people concerning the designs of those who are working to destroy our Constitutional Republic."

Or, be distrustful of someone whose national origin is in doubt when that person has been shadowy, to say the least, when simple requests have been made for illumination on the subject - it's obvious, he is hiding something - it's as simple as that !

Some of us see no difference in what our fore fathers did in having muscle, Minutemen who tried to do what the Federal Govenment fell short of in it's, Constitutionally, few responsibilities vis protect the borders. Citizen Soldiers are necassary to let those with, temporary, power know they will not tread on us nor place their foot on our necks. This is as American as apple pie and is not only protected but expected by the founding fathers as handed to us in the Constitution.

The Militia groups agree that many members are deeply worried about gun control, are angered by the federal economic rescue packages, and are dismayed by government interference in areas such as health care. They voice frustration at what they perceive as America's international decline.

Tensions are running high and some fear major bloodshed springing from a minor event. A law enforcement official told the SPLC that "all that's lacking is a spark".

One of the new patriot groups is called Oath Keepers. Its members, like those in other groups, look for guidance from America's Founding Fathers.

Formed last spring, Oath Keepers' members – limited to current or former servicemen and police – swear to obey the US constitution rather than politicians.


It's disengenuous for those in Government to act surprised when it's their actions, or lack of, in some instances that flipped the 'American Self Preservation Switch' which is hard wired in every American Patriot.

As for the warning to the GOP's becoming entwined in the TEA PARTY's web while still harboring those unsavory American Patriots whose love of country far out weighs it's love for any political party, I say that you and your elitist bretheren still don't, and probably never will, get the fact that you have had your chance and have brought America to her knees. We sir can do know worse !

Mr Roves comments sound like self serving elitist crap that smacks of some feeble attempt at child psychology which could only be espoused from an elitist point of view.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts...But, as well, the whole can't exist without it's parts....

"It is in the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigour. . . . degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats into the heart of its laws and constitution."
Thomas Jefferson


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