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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Interesting view, from three feet away ;

Mosque controversy;

Here's how I see it ;

1. All this gab about Muslims right to worship as they please,
2. Muslim rights including Sharia law
3. Build Mosques where they want,..

1. All this gab about Muslims right to worship as they please.
They can worship where they please as long as it isn't in the United States.

Islam, it's essence, is an enemy to the State and shouldn't be allowed in the United States. Islam is not a religion but an 'Ideological Political Movement', or, as AvidEditor put it,

“Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components."

The 'Constitution of The United States of America', the law of the land, will not be permitted to survive if the Muslim population is permitted to increase in 'The United States' and don't be naive, that's their plan !

Which brings us to Sharia Law,

2. Muslim rights including Sharia law,
America with it's Christian/Judeao, Bible based Constitution and Islam with it's heathenistic Quran, based in barbarism with abominations such as pedophilia "Mohammad after robbing a caravan, would throw huge tent parties in which sex, food and wine were dispensed freely. However the Prophet had kaichi boys for his own private use.
Kaichi boys are boys dressed as women hired to serve the male members and passengers of the caravan.
Or the rape of young girls via marriage; "Drugged and beaten -
" My Dad told me to sleep with my husband, or he would kill me, but I refused"
Marriage and sex with young girls are not allowed here but Muslims demand to live under the laws of their culture where the girl can be legally murdered as an 'honor killing' and to not follow the laws of 'THIS CULTURE', this country, where it's not 'a right' to be, but a privilege, a privilege that if one is subversive, treasonous or dangerous to this 'Constitutional Republic', can be taken away - ex post facto.

Which leads us to the supposed right to build a Mosque,

3. Build Mosques where they want,

Why ? I don't feel the need to accommodate, in the name of tolerance, any group or people where that same accommodation is denied, meaning I don't see any Churches in Mecca or even Saudi Arabia, the home of the poster child for intolerance, Wahabbism...

If we've established, as I believe we have, that Islam, therefore it's followers, in the essence of it's intolerance, it's inflexibility to assimilate and the almost militant revulsion and refusal to adapt to the culture of it's adopted host, Islam is a subversive, insurgent danger to all American values, up to and including individual freedoms.

It's not a right for an aggressor, an enemy of the State, an ingrate, to build anything without the blessings or approval of the citizens of such a noble Nation as ours.
We shouldn't have to suffer the insult of being talked down to by an entity that has just barely slithered into the light of modernity while demanding an undeserved place, among men, in civility.

The grievance I find most egregious is their lack of respect, the scurrilous contempt they hold for anything American including it's citizens.

They would be happy, no, they are praying for the day that they, only they, inhabit this geographical place called North America..

We, as a people must begin envisioning America as our home, which it most definitely is !

If I invite you to my home and you insult, threaten, show intentions to harm, destroy or steal it....I will not only remove you, I may do worse!

So, open your naive arms, with your tolerant, compassionate Christian heart to this barbaric abomination, this plague and then envision yourself, hands bound behind, on your knees....

(interesting view - from three feet away isn't it !)



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