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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

The libs are on the march

They have had Bush on the ground now for months and are kicking the shit out of him while his compadres look the other way. The libs are saying everyone (worldwide) who (covering their asses) felt Saddam was a threat and should be removed made an honest mistake except for President Bush, who designed the whole conspiracy to fool the world into going to war. This is not just liberal politics as usual, this is madness. His point man has been ambushed and out of commission while his body guards are fighting off a relentless wolf pack. Sounds grim and it is. If the GOP, especially the White House, doesn't pull together and start fighting back, rather than being singled out of the herd one by one like the weak prey they've been acting of late, it's over, finished!
The GOP has finally done something in the commercial I saw on the tube, actually I don't know who should get the praise, but it was a masterpiece. The one with Iraqi Kurds thanking America.. And today Cheney, the V.President gave a pretty good speach in answer to the Dems (and the XMarine Senator John Murtha). But that's not enough, not by a long shot!
The cowards in the ranks are running like frenchmen. What ever happened to "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" and "where go we one, go we all"! It's come down to abandon ship, every man for himself! Running in the face of the likes of Nancy 'the Medusa' Pelosi, Ted 'let's be accountable for youthful transgressions' Kennedy and their way too many to mention list of Schummer, Reid, turncoat Snowe - R, etc.etc. trying to undo the tax breaks that have lead to financial stability in the face of some pretty dire situations and, last but not least, treasonous constituency who in their anti-war zeal are willing to risk the cambodian style slaughter of the Iraqi people thru abandonment in early withdrawal and the demoralization of our fighting men who understand the connection of their part in the lure of the Islamofascist to come to his death in Iraq.
Mr President, get your ass back here and show you have learned from history by not making the same mistake your dad did (and he caught hell) trapseing all over the globe when the real firefight is here at home..
It's the eighth round for Gods sake, stand up and fight!


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