A Fathers Fear
A dear friend of mine (name withheld) has changed direction about the Iraq War in recent months from kick ass, which coincided with his sons first tour as support group for attack helicopters in which he met his Apache AH pilot and superior (now lovely bride - name withheld) to totally against - bring them all home NOW - in large part I'm sure because his son, (name withheld) being in the reserves, is being called back up, with rank, and different duties more to the hearts and minds side of the conflict (thank God, I care for the guy as well).
The War has gone from nuts to dangerously stupid, history teaches you can't go from offense, without totally bringing the enemy to it's knees, to defensive occupational hearts and minds bullshit when the population is armed to the teeth and the borders (this country has an obsession with not protecting borders) are an open highway of infiltration for weapons and dumbfuck Muslims wanting to die in order to get laid because they're to stupid and ugly to get a woman here on earth..
Don't get me wrong, if you've read any of this blog you know I'm not one of those mentally deficient lefty maggots, burning our soldiers in effigy while spitting on wounded VETS in wheelchairs etc etc. Don't get me started! From the forward plunge to Baghdad in the very beginning which accomplished nothing in the way of diminishing the enemy on the way. No, we just left the flank wide open allowing the enemy (can you say Republican Guard who put on civis and melted away)to freely lay waste to the supply lines which couldn't keep up anyway and the occupation which amounts to nothing more than playing the odds everytime you pull the patrol straw which is nothing more than being a fish in a barrel and splitting up the troops and making them bivouac with Iraqi soldiers (Sunni/Shiite) at outposts isn't the answer either. Hey damnit, that's what those expensive fucking hopped up remote control toys are for - flying eyes with rockets - use em !
Oh, there were and are plenty of mistakes, the worst. Four years later and no one can blame any parent especially after seeing all the media reports on the amputees, disillusioned civilians and dead.
But then again, the troops were traind, conditioned and aware that the day may come to pay the piper for those educational and VHA perks that seduced them into signing the bottom line. But that's no excuse for the assholes at the top to be wreckless and wasteful with the best damned Military Resource in the world!
Now the War is grinding along and another new General with a brave new plan (The Surge)is on the scene (this reeks of the Civil War and the Union Generals if anything)and no one is holding there breath anymore.
I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to call for the troops to come home because the conventional Armys job is done the Shock and Awe was inadequate and failed to bring the enemy to it's knees. We have no business hunkered down in the cities. Bases are definately (Iran) needed in Iraq for covert black ops and air strikes but the citys should be left to the murder clubs until they either come to their senses or annihilate each other - their choice - without our guys being caught in the middle ! Link
The War has gone from nuts to dangerously stupid, history teaches you can't go from offense, without totally bringing the enemy to it's knees, to defensive occupational hearts and minds bullshit when the population is armed to the teeth and the borders (this country has an obsession with not protecting borders) are an open highway of infiltration for weapons and dumbfuck Muslims wanting to die in order to get laid because they're to stupid and ugly to get a woman here on earth..
Don't get me wrong, if you've read any of this blog you know I'm not one of those mentally deficient lefty maggots, burning our soldiers in effigy while spitting on wounded VETS in wheelchairs etc etc. Don't get me started! From the forward plunge to Baghdad in the very beginning which accomplished nothing in the way of diminishing the enemy on the way. No, we just left the flank wide open allowing the enemy (can you say Republican Guard who put on civis and melted away)to freely lay waste to the supply lines which couldn't keep up anyway and the occupation which amounts to nothing more than playing the odds everytime you pull the patrol straw which is nothing more than being a fish in a barrel and splitting up the troops and making them bivouac with Iraqi soldiers (Sunni/Shiite) at outposts isn't the answer either. Hey damnit, that's what those expensive fucking hopped up remote control toys are for - flying eyes with rockets - use em !

Oh, there were and are plenty of mistakes, the worst. Four years later and no one can blame any parent especially after seeing all the media reports on the amputees, disillusioned civilians and dead.
But then again, the troops were traind, conditioned and aware that the day may come to pay the piper for those educational and VHA perks that seduced them into signing the bottom line. But that's no excuse for the assholes at the top to be wreckless and wasteful with the best damned Military Resource in the world!
Now the War is grinding along and another new General with a brave new plan (The Surge)is on the scene (this reeks of the Civil War and the Union Generals if anything)and no one is holding there breath anymore.
I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to call for the troops to come home because the conventional Armys job is done the Shock and Awe was inadequate and failed to bring the enemy to it's knees. We have no business hunkered down in the cities. Bases are definately (Iran) needed in Iraq for covert black ops and air strikes but the citys should be left to the murder clubs until they either come to their senses or annihilate each other - their choice - without our guys being caught in the middle ! Link
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