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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 2007

This is the sixth year since that tragic day. As I write, General Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker are in their second day of being grilled by the Anarchist Party membership of Congress.

Presidential candidate, John McCain, just gave a rousing speech on how as Ive said a thousand times Iraq is the other battleground of the War on Terror.

To leave Iraq, surrender, now, would be a disaster of enormous proportions. Dwarfing Cambodia or Rwanda or Darfur.

McCain reiterated, as anyone with an IQ above Britney Spears is aware (apparently, in America these days there is a severe deficit in that department - especially on the LEFT & RIGHT Coasts), the speech made by Ahmenijad of Iran that Iran will soon step into fill the void in Iraq assuming we retreat as the American Anarchist Party insists.

He also mentioned, as have I many times, that the Iraqi Theater of the War On Terror has been handled all wrong from the beginning - going into the defensive, occupational position of sending small defenseless patrol units into the grinder day in, day out was irresponsible slaughter. Now, when it's almost too late (yet to be decided) the Pentagon, thru Petraeus, is getting it right by staying on the offense, which always keeps the enemy off balance!

The mad dash to Baghdad, leaving the rear and flanks exposed and the supply lines at risk, still haunts me as the biggest blunder in Modern Military History - they just threw all the Military text books out the window and the price of folley was paid in irreplaceable Troops - what a waste!

I don't know who to blame! Probably the civillian politicians but the Military from the top is enept and incompetent. The blunders seem to go on forever! From the escape of Bin Laden to throwing troops at the murderous IED's from Iran to giving headjobs to the Iranian backed Malicki Shia Government while the Iraqi Police/Military infiltration and sabotage went unabated is nothing short of criminal!

Saudi Arabia. Your days are numbered as far as sitting back with that Wahabist smirk on your face. You men in ladies dresses are still promoting suicide bombers and terrorist training camps. Not to mention setting up your heathen schools on my ground! I don't have to agree to get along for your (my) oil. You fucks roamed around the desert before WE found oil in your then, worthless sand box, and by God you'll roam blind around that worthless sand trap again if I have anything to do with it!

I'm telling you America, if you don't put me in charge you're all gonna die! The way things are going - probably in bed!

I warn you tho that you will hate me - just not as much as Americas enemies - all of them !


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