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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

No Bailouts !

That's the mantra of, according to some pollsters, at least 50% of taxpaying American Citizen voters these days.

The anger "mad as hell and ain't gonna take it any more" attitude is because of the Governments bailing out of Corporations who have made serious mistakes due to lack of oversight, corruption or just downright sloppy governance.

CEO's are being let off the hook for corporate malfeasance and just not doing their job, claiming they were'nt aware and then receiving huge severance packages when they leave instead of having to forfeit them when the company goes down leaving the tax payer on the hook..
Then there's the corporate welfare thing where perfectly healthy companies are getting tax payer subsidies.
And then the biggy. "income redistribution" or the Robin Hood rip off where you, as a financially successful citizen, is legally ripped off, where your hard earned wealth is stolen from you with risk of imprisonment, and given to those who pay little or no taxes at all because their vision of the American Dream is viewed a little differently and skewed more to the model of Cuba, the Soviet Union or China.

Throw in the disfuctional Congress it's self and you've got poo!

Many of these riled Americans are thinking third party. And to many, independant Presidential candidate and Constitutionalist Ron Paul is looking pretty good!


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