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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Obama's Won!

Sorry folks but I've had it!
First off, McCain shouldn't have been the Republican choice. He was chosen and we tried to make the best of it.

And what's with the Obama "Change" thing?
Why is it that every time I cross paths with a black guy he wants my change?

The only change, you as a tax payer is going to get from an Obama regime, is a mugging, literally! This will be reminiscent of South Africa after apartheid!
Get your passports in order. Hide your wives and daughters!

There were fresher, more experienced, in more ways, candidates. But pecking order took hold and you got another, cant speak without a prompter, can't really speak, old, mentally shallow with speech attributes stuck on one track - war experience and one whom allows his handlers to make him over into a robot - like they're doing to Palin!

They bring in a fireball and then put the fire out by smothering her.
Then you have a financial crisis whose opportunity to fix is totally mismanaged by the GOP. And the slaughter began, through the press, of the GOP's footmen who couldn't fightback, couldn't even state their case in an intelligent manner.

You have a besieged president with dementia hiding away and signing on to wall street has beens (now in Government positions) half baked schemes to rob and defraud the public into a assuming financial responsibility - post haste - for the sins of the Government.
The Bailout Bill just passed last night in the Senate and will be voted on by the House.You always have to be suspect when the Democrats and a Democratic-leaning Treasury Secretary trying to cover his butt cry that we have financial Armageddon if we don’t have almost one TRILLION dollars right now!
The House must not pass this porked out pig of a bill. Millions, almost a billion dollars will be going to a demokrats kids bow and arrow factory. It includes part of the profits being allocated to ACORN, the National Urban League, and LaRaza?
Democrats just want more money for their left-wing political constituents.
“Directs a certain percentage of future profits to the Affordable Housing Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund to meet America’s housing needs.”

Millions for Puerto Rico Tax Extenders ?

Many may already know that ACORN ( The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is under investigation in several states for voter fraud. They have been caught turning in hundreds of thousands of fake voter registration cards in an effort to stuff ballot boxes with fake voters and pump up Democrat vote totals. ACORN’s founder also tried to cover up an embezzlement scheme his little brother perpetrated when he stole $1 million dollars of the organization’s money. This has only lately come to light.
…..What we have here, essentially, is Obama using a non-profit group called Citizens Services Inc. as a front to funnel payments to ACORN for campaign advance work…..

……FEC reports show that from February-May 2008, Obama paid $832,598.29 to CSI…..
….(and from the Consumer Rights League) “ACORN has a long and sordid history of employing convoluted Enron-style accounting to illegally use taxpayer funds for their own political gain. Now it looks like ACORN is using the same type of convoluted accounting scheme for Obama’s political gain.”……
Of course, many are also aware of the race oriented Hispanic La Raza group that has been a major player in trying to allow illegal aliens to enter the U.S., vote in our elections, and take freely of schools and social welfare monies.
The National Urban League (NUL), formerly known as the National League of black men and women, is a civil rights organization based in New York City that advocates on behalf of African Americans and against racial discrimination in the United States.

You had the first House vote go down in flames with one third of house demokrats, the Black Caucus, lead by Jesse Jackson Jr not voting for it and then jumping up the Republicans leg for voting it down when they could have had it in the bag with their own numbers!

They have run around the end of the Republicans, who I'm convinced can't get out of their own way and are going to crumble under the demokrats feet!

McCain is thru - finito..

You who vote for Obama will get what you want and I hope to hell you're going to be sorry for it !

Every one of the Congressmen and Senators should be thrown out post haste before any more treason is crammed down our throats. In the name of dire emergency of course!



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