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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

McViegh Wasn't Born of Someones Free Speech, McViegh Was Born of Fire

The Insurgent Left, through it's personal bullhorn, Bill Clinton, among others, in it's goal to steal away the Tea Party Patriots First Amendment Rights by defamation, intimidation and now contrived association, is proclaiming that the Constitutional Conservatives are inciting violence by speaking out against an Administration that is setting the foundation, via the ruin of America, for a tyranny as un-American as anything that ever existed.

Upon the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord which were fought on April 19, 1775, in Middlesex County, 'The Shot Heard Around The World", the left wants the world to believe that the Patriots demonstrating in DC are somehow commemorizing the bombing of the Murrah Building when a Timothy McVeigh, just home from Desert Storm, destroyed the FBI's Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City which murdered 168 people in what became known as the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Clintons message is that the Tea Party's free speech and non violent demonstration is somehow inciting a new McVeigh.

That's odd because, as I remember it, McViegh wasn't born of someones right to Free Speech. No! McViegh was born of the fire of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, TX.

That invasion by federal forces and directed by Janet Reno (remember that one?) carried out by the ATF, FBI and any other jack booted, over amped cowboy they could come up with, ended a 51 day seige of the compound and resulted in the unecessary murders of 86 people, 4 of them officers. Some may think the term "murders" of those of the Branch Davidians is unfounded.
But there are those also who know that the Government could have arrested David Koresh (on gun charges) with no problem because they knew through surveillance that he and another went to town almost daily in a pickup truck.

Those innocents didn't have to die !

McVeigh later said that the government’s mishandling of that situation in Waco and a smaller incident at Ruby Ridge where Randy Weavers Farm was trespassed on Aug. 21, 1992 by a team of six U.S. marshals, split into two groups. (again, he was 'entrapped' on gun charges)
"This case began after Randy Weaver was entrapped, as an Idaho jury concluded, by an undercover Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agent to sell him sawed-off shotguns."

One of the marshals threw rocks at the Weaver's cabin to see how much noise was required to agitate the Weaver's dogs. A few minutes later, Randy Weaver, Kevin Harris, and 13-year-old Sammy Weaver came out of the cabin and began following their dogs. Three U.S. marshals were soon tearing through the woods. FBI snipers took their positions around the Weaver cabin a few minutes after 5 p.m. on Aug. 22. Within an hour, every adult in the cabin was either dead or severely wounded -- even though they had not fired a shot at any FBI agent.

Randy Weaver, Mr. Harris, and 16-year-old Sara Weaver stepped out of the cabin a few minutes before 6 p.m. to go to the shed where Sammy's body lay. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Randy Weaver in the back. As Randy Weaver, Mr. Harris, and Sara Weaver struggled to get back into the cabin, Vicki Weaver stood in the cabin doorway holding the baby. Agent Horiuchi fired again; his bullet passed through a window in the door, hit Vicki Weaver in the head, killing her instantly, and then hit Mr. Harris in the chest.

McVeigh was born by the serious mistakes made by out of control Government at Ruby Ridge and Clinton's orders at Waco.

So for the Marxist Government in office now or Clinton then, it seems rudely hypocritical for them to be blaming the Tea Party for the likes of Timothy McVeigh or anyone else for that matter.

I've often wondered if Clinton wakes in horror at night hearing the screams of all those women and children burning to death at Waco.
I'm sure he does !

This is exactly why, now, the majority and growing, of everyday, law abiding American citizens are hell bent on getting the stink out of the White House and Congress and restoring the Constitutional Republic of the Founding Fathers..

So, before they, the elitist, Politburo wannabes start accusing the true believers, protectors and defenders of America, the law abiding citizens of this Constitutional Republic, they should first be absolutely sure they are on the right side of truth, honor and the morality that is The United States of America.


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