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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A successful life requires, responsibility, accountability and maturity;

I saw a special last night on CNBC regarding Walmart and the disgruntled employees demanding more money while courting Union representation to get it.

The program focused on a few fortyish employees who declare they can't afford the health insurance Walmart offers and complained that they can't raise their two and four children families on that pay having to rely on public assistance to supplement their income of what they call the 'minimum wage' of $11 - $13 pr hour.... I suppose not, I doubt if McDonald's employees can raise families on it's low, burger flippin, wage either...


DUH uh! You're not supposed to raise families on these low wage jobs, but, like welfare, if one needs a short term leg up, to get a breath, and relaunch himself through education, or the updating of ones job skills, it's a good place to start.

These jobs are great as second incomes, or to supplement retirement or for school age introduction to the work force - but as a 'sole income career' for a growing family, GET REAL !

And now, the ingrate communista's are going to demand that Congress or the Government force these 'service industry companies' to pay more or introduce Unions to push company killing measures to appease those whose lack of ambition and drive to succeed, even when given the free early education (and shirked it off) necessary to acquire the tools needed to compete in business or workforce opportunities...

Hey, they're burger flippers, cashiers and warehouse workers, or like the guy above, a forklift driver in the warehouse.. If they don't like the wage, they should find a different job, stop having children or get a second job !

For gods sake, they're not rocket scientists and shouldn't expect to get paid like them !

A successful life requires, responsibility, accountability and a maturity that just can't be legislated;

"No man wins when Freedom fails,The best men rot in filthy jails, And those who cry appease, appease, Are hanged by those they tried to please!!! *Author Unknown*


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