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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Union thugs calling Tea Partiers THUGS ?

The AFL-CIO 'industry wreckers' and it's cheif suckler, Richard Trumka, and Andy Stern's SEIU Marxists are teaming up with $88 billion dollar warchest for the democrat campaign to (pure insanity) keep the National Socialist democrats in power.

Richard 'demon seed' Trumpka (among others) accused the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS of spitting on Senator Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and Rep. John Lewis. "The latter had the word 'nigger' shouted at him." as they and other lawmakers walked across Capitol Hill shortly before passage of the Democratic health care bill.

Trumka said he himself had seen the events in question. “I watched them spit at people, I watched them call John Lewis the n-word,” Trumka said. “I witnessed it, I witnessed it. I saw it in person.

Andrew Breitbart said there is no video or audio evidence of either event happening. Breitbart has, in fact, offered a $100,000 award to anyone who produces evidence that the racial insult actually occurred, and so far he has had no takers. There were of course, in the age of Blackberry's, I-Pods, camera phones of all makes and models everywhere and no photos/video proof anywhere - this was big and for some folks there, one of the biggest 'HISTORICAL' events in there lives, tourists and no proof of their false accusations...lies!

Richard Trumka's accusing Sarah Palin of inciting violence !
Are you kidding me Trumpka accusing someone else of instigating violence ?

This is from 'Andrew Breitbarts 'Big Government'

He had a reign as President of the United Mine Workers where his inflammatory rhetoric lead to bloodshed and death.

“UMWA President Richard Trumka…urged union members to…‘kick the (expletive) out of every last one of ‘em.’” (“Sabotage Attempt Foiled at Peabody Coal Beltline.” Nashville News [Nashville, IL] 8 Sept. 1993)

“You’d have to be very naïve to believe that if management brought in scabs, there won’t be something somewhere.”(Sands, David R. “Striking miners: Big Coal not serious.” Washington Times 3 Sept. 1993)

“I’m saying if you strike a match and you put your finger in it, you’re likely to get burned. That doesn’t mean I’m threatening to burn you. That just means if you strike the match, and you put your finger in it, common sense will tell you it’ll burn your finger.”( McClain, John D. “Violence possible UMW chief says.” Virginian-Pilot [Hampton Roads, VA] 3 Sept.1993)

1993 UMW strike against Peabody Coal — Eddie York, a 39 year old nonunion worker, “was shot in the back of the head and killed” leaving a job in Logan County, West Virginia. “Guards told police the truck careened across the road and went into a ditch. When guards rushed over to check on York, they continued to be pelted with rocks, guards told police.”(Sanders, Pat. “Trumka calls for peace as probe continues.” Charleston Daily Mail 24 July 1993)

In a detailed account of the York murder and subsequent investigation, Reader’s Digest noted that “UMW President Richard Trumka did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local.” Eventually, the union agreed to let the company “dismiss the eight original defendants if they were convicted,” but when the company “issued letters of dismissal to the seven pickets who pleaded guilty,” the union filed a grievance on their behalf.

(Fitzgerald, Randy. “Murder in Logan County.” Reader’s Digest Feb. 1995)
1985 UMW strike against A.T. Massey Coal — “At the Sprouse Creek Processing Co., Buddy McCoy was a union man who crossed the picket line to become a foreman. ‘I had a family to care for,’ says McCoy, who received a three-stitch gash in the head from marauding strikers after his defection.” (Trippett, Frank. “Violence in the Coalfields.” Time. 21 June 2005)

1989 UMW strike against Pittston Coal — Virginia Circuit Court JudgeDonald McGlothlin Jr. declared that “the evidence shows beyond any shadow of a doubt that violent activities are being organized, orchestrated and encouraged by the leadership of this union.” (Feder, Don. “Senate takes a walk on issue of labor unrest.” Boston Herald 29 Apr. 1990)

Unanimous Virginia Supreme Court reinforced Judge McGlothlin’s findings: “Union officials took active roles in these unlawful activities. Notwithstanding the large fines, the Union never represented to the court that it regretted or intended to cease its lawless actions. To the contrary, the utter defiance of the rule of law continued unabated.” (Miller, Steven. “Louts and Rat World.” Nevada Journal July 1990)

Labor 'insiders' in DC will tell you that unions pursue a Democratic agenda because it benefits workers. The government takeover of the auto industry was conducted, in large part, to save the jobs, pensions, and health care plans of auto workers;

That's just thuggery within Trumka's AFL-CIO....

What about Andy Stern's SEIU?

We've all seen the beatings of a black man in St.Louis at the Castor/Reed TEA PARTY rally.

and SEIU Assaulted Workers During Corporate Campaign;

So, for the Trumka or Stern Union Dynasty's to throw accusations of violence at others is just absolutly preposterous !


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