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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

New Orleans, rebuild or not

Is New Orleans becoming a money pit? Some think so. Some think it necessary for political reasons such as, the democrat powerbase of Louisiana has been begging, whether healthy or not, the displaced to return at any cost, hmm, cost, $$$ there it is folks, $$$. Not just any money, federal money as in welfare dollars flowing into the city will be the only money for some time. Fifty four percent of the population of New Orleans were section 8 mostly living in the lowland Parishes. While the remainders average income was $27,000 pr/yr with no jobs for them to come back too! Part of the city, the lowlands, is below sea level and sinking. Yes, sinking even more due to artisian well depletion!

Louisiana, Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin who's jobs are on the line (can't rule a ghost town) wants fed money to completely rebuild residentially which is definitely not a Federal responsibility. Gov. Blanco is in D.C. this very minute asking congress for money "with your help, we will come back even more prosperous than before" HeLLo, more prosperous than before! Since when? Louisiana ranks one of, if not THE poorest state in the nation! While the legal and prudent thing would be to properly fix the levees and Ports but leave housing and business rebuilding up to the markets. Unless you are on e of the communities that took in a welfare liability that may want to stay.

To the CNBC question "should federal (taxpayer) money be used to rebuild the parts of New Orleans that are below sea level -yes/no" , my vote is no - wow, the votes in, 94% say no!

By the way, Louis Farakhan of the infamous - Nation of Islam - cult is accusing (seriously) whitey of bombing the levee to get the poor blacks out so they can grab the land for development. The majority were renters and of those properties owned, how many even lived in the area? I'd be curious to know the percentage of those who owned and lived in the lowland parishes of New Orleans! Seems to me that if you're on the dole ie; taxpayers paying your rent, medical, food and entertainment you really have no say. I guess the parties over, in New Orleans anyway!

Pork is out of control since President Bush threw some 250 billion dollars up for grabs with no bid contracts, The GOP fiscal conservatives are losing their minds and wondering what Bush has been drinking. The k street lobbyists are coming out of the woodwork and they want everything from oyster beds to alligator farms.
A boon for illegal alien laborers who will undoubtedly get the jobs if all the goof balls in D.C. decide to fill the pit with low income housing. Oh, don't forget, it all has to be cleared first. Total disaster if the govt is left in charge and bush doesn't get over his identity crisis. I, for the life of me, can't understand why the democrats hate Bush so much? He's the best thing that ever came along for them!


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