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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Where's Osama?

I never thought I'd ask that question aloud, conditioning I guess! I grew accustomed to the idea we don't really want to nail him because we don't want to make a martyr of him. His death won't stop terrorism. We can't get at him because he's in Pakistan and that will make life hard on Musharef blah blah blah...Well, that's got change folks. We (I) need to see his head on a stick and nothing will ever seem to be going right with this war on terror until that stupid looking camel jockey is as dead as those he killed on 9/11, Kobar Towers, Somalia, the Embassies in Africa, the Cole etc.etc.etc.
I must've gotten side tracked somehow and lord knows that wasn't hard to do with all that's been goin down lately (where did the last four years go so fast?). I'll bet a lot of you are wondering the same thing!
Well, I'm awake now, and want my plate filled with the sweet meat of vengeance. It's time now to, at all cost, cough up a few terrorist pigs for slaughter. Lets start with the little Egyptian Zawihiri. How do you cook up a piglet? Ah, luau! Roll him up in some palm fronds and throw it in a pit of hot coals and cover.
Zarkawi, now he's been getting away with a lot of killing. He likes it exhibitionist style.He likes to immerse himself in his work and wouldn't ask anyone to do what he wouldn't. Actually he likes it so much, no one can get a cut! To be a fly on that wall, do you think they argue like madrassa kids over a goat head? C'mon man, you cut off the last three...It's my knife and besides, I'm the instructor...You can blow yourself up tomorrow in the cafeteria...No way, that's Mohammad, I'm blowin myself up at the old folks home..
We did get Zarkawis number one man Abu something or other, he's (was) responsible for paying and bringing in the insurgents. He decided to stand and fight yetserday - bad move!
Now how do you off somebody like that? Got be something real special, artistic. How about auctioning his demise off to the highest bidder with the most creative technique, for public entertainment. I like that. Maybe the troops would like to take a shot at it?
Have we gotten Omar yet? I'll have to check that one!
Osama, yeah this will take some doin! Maybe something slow from the Spanish Inquisition, something that will include his family as participants in some meaningful way. Ah, maybe he should be made to torture them? That son in the video, yeah, the girly one getting married..
I digress, but you get the point. We need a party, a celebration. Saddam who, get real! No, no. We need the biggies and are being denied by politics, weak policy and minds. You know the State Dept is behind a lot of this inaptitude. They get these chess games going and can't stop.


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