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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans Underwater

An ounce of prevention. Payup Time could've been avoided if the city would've acted a long time ago where the levees are concerned. Everyone knew, admittedly, that the levees were too low for the "Big One" that we all knew was coming, and they just spun the wheel of odds. By just adding a foot in height every five years over the last thirty the city could've avoided the breach that will now cost the city billions. Not to mention the death toll which, mark my words, will rise! As soon as the shock wears off there will be an uproar of opportunity wanting to cash in on the fact that (in the news) the levees have lost height due to settling over the years not to mention they were just to low to begin with and no one wanted to get off the dime. It's kinda like driving a car that you know has bad tires or ball joints but don't want to break down and fix due to the cost which may cut into the good life - bang, now your in the hospital and someone else is dead - live with it!

Katrinas hold on NawLins Man, check out the lootin! Montezumas revenge all over again. What I mean by that is the looters are out stealin sneakers and big screen TV's (nothin but the best) like Cortez trying to escape the Aztecs with pockets full of gold while tryin to swim away, they will pay with seious waterborne diseases and lack of sustenance. More likely get killed by another idiot wantin their booty. This early in the aftermath they should be stockin up on water and food. Water and food, are you nuts?
Where do you suppose they're stashing all that loot? One woman was asked why she needed all the shoes (six pairs) and she replied, for survival ! Busted. Do you suppose the authorities will go around identifying the looters by who's wearin new Nikes?

It's just beginning. Now that the Mother of all Storms, their feelings I'm sure, is over. The aftermath will be a nightmare of infection, disease and gun packin predatory (compliments of Walmart and gunshops) thugs! Not to mention the gouging practices of opportunists preying on the misfortunes of others thru outrageous prices for absolute necessities like water.
Three people murdered , rapes in the rest rooms and get this, muggings - what valuables could they possibly have? You guessed it , Essentials! And all this in the (not so) Super Dome. Outside it's mayhem as well. Shooting at the rescue helicopters, National guard, Hospitals, Cops and each other.
Yep, there's something about African blood - and it aint good! Not all mind you but the killing squads are active and in New Orleans. Mobs with cruelty and savagery in a time of weakness and need! Next time some one calls you Brother ask him where he was and what he was doin in Nawlens when the sun went down .

Jesus, crawlin over the dead stealin they're belongings !

Cap em!


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