Abu Hamza Rabia is toast

YeeeeeHaaaaawww that son of a bitch is dead. It's party time. I've got Rare Earths 'I just want to celebrate' on the tuner and it's time to boogie! Yeah man, Osamas #2 terrorist punk is dusted. Popped like corn on high heat..
Man I wish you could tell how good I feel right now. Heh, this isn't illegal is it?
Nobody can feel this good and be legal.
Abu Hamza Rabia (don't) rest in peace prick. Heh, that 70 virgins thing,
WOW, Abu Farraj al-Libbi I'll bet you're prostrate right now. Man, did you dodge a bullet or what?
And the rest of you guys. Well, you know your days are numbered.
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