Torture Of Islamo Fascist Terrorists

Is a wonderful thing and truly neccesary in the WAR ON TERROR. A lot of Liberal Mamby Pambies (including Presidential Candidate John McCain)seem to have a problem with it and their argument, (if we torture them they will torture us or we want the moral high ground) against it is rather weak and just a lot of Boy Scout Bullshit!
In case you (they) have been sleeping since 911, Muslims would just as soon torture, beat, maime and cut your head off in front of a camera or rape your daughter in front of you than screw their own wives and if you've ever seen their wives (very hard to do)you wouldn't be to surprised!
The liberal hug the enemy, hate America crowd is moving to close Gitmo and give them CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS meaning attorneys paid for by the American Taxpayer! They've already closed Abu Graihb in Iraq - damn shame cause we did some great work at getting the lieing bastards to give up the goods on their free to kill Americans there and elsewhere mentality! Link
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