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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aig Bonus recovery

If AIG can be forced through the tyrany of cohersion and the blackmail of unreasonable taxation in it's legal contracts (Barney Frank), to give back contractually agreed upon compensation, the foundation of our nation, constitutionally is in grave danger!

These bonus payments could have been stopped as contingencies in exchange for bailout money, but were accepted and agreed upon by the principals in Timothy Geithner for one and Cris Dodd as another..

Shouldn't we recover the pay of a Congress that has failed miserably to honor it's contractual duties of proper fiscal management and prudent accounting for the people of the United States.

Right now, the scream of the day is the GM bailout where the extremely bad reasoning is that GM is too big to fail.

Bullshit, it's too valuable as a host body for the Demokrats constituency UAW, yep, the Union and it's reelection money/votes is what's being protected.

GM should have gone chapter 11 bancruptcy reorganization, where "ALL"contracts would have been renegotiated allowing GM to breath without the Boa-constrictor deathgrip the union parasite has on it.

The powerful Union (UAW) through it's lobby has called in the IOU's for past cash contributions and wants protection via preservation of the failed Auto manufacturer -PERIOD !

They lie, manipulate truth and wage a war of dissention against their employers, the people of the United States.

These low life cretons in our government have plotted and are now engaged to usurp the power of the people with their treachery.

They (Nancy Pelosi & friends)no longer protect but undermine and prostitute the Constitution for self grandisement and the furtherance of their own ideologies at the expense of irreperably damaginging the fabric of our culture and system of self governance!

You will not, without the accompaniment of armed insurrection, get the attention and obedience of these off the ranch traitors who have lost respect for their masters and must be made to pay..They do not feel you worthy, for lack of intelligence, to give you any respect and honestly, for 85% of you, thats so very true!
After all, they are aware how undeserving and obsurd it is that they are actually in the Halls Of Power of the "once " greatest Nation of the World -


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