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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Chris Dodd - cancer/vacation - how convenient!

Chris Dodd has to go back to face the music with his constituents during the Congressional Vacation amidst a whirlwind of unrest and the talk is that his political (cross your fingers)career, dalience is more like it, is finished!

I'd love to see the medical charts on that asshole. "Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd says he has been diagnosed with an early stage of prostate cancer and will have surgery early in August." because this is just to damn coincidental. After all, how often do the demoKrats use the "I'm sick routine" or , in the case of John screw the fact my wife has cancer Edwards, never let a crisis go by without exploiting it - oh wait! That was Obamas Chief of Staff, Rahm "dead fish" Emanuels quote regarding the economic crisis!

When they have to go face up, not like the men they should be as representatives of the people, but usually as the assholes (or should I say cowards) they really are (no, they're assholes) - we don't want to be unfair to cowards!

He, Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, bailing out banks and mortgages, yeah right, he 's bailing out himself..like most of the demoKrats in Congress - hell, the Obama Administration for that matter, are nothing but a bunch of low class criminals!

It's only fitting that the "king of Sweet Heart deals" with a splash of "family connections" Dodd's Wife, a Former Director of Bermuda-Based IPC Holdings, an AIG Controlled Company and sits on the board of four health organizations.

So now, it's recess and they have go to face a disgruntled constituency, who I have absolutely no sympathy for whatsoever. They deserve it because their stupid, illiterate decision is going to be the undoing of this "once" great nation!

So, Dodd, do ya think there's (if true, which I doubt) some karma here? Seems only fitting that an asshole suffers from one sent by hell..
just a thought..kind of payback from the Wanda Sykes Liberal Taaaaalerance... "I hope his kidneys fail" and Late night TV host David Letterman "stating" that during their recent trip to New York, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter "was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" during a Yankees baseball game. The next night Letterman said that the hardest part of Palin's trip was "keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter."

From me to you ya fuck, bend over backwards and lick it like the dog you are and if you can, spread it around amongst those commie bastards you run with. Cancer, ha! The only thing you're suffering from is the loss of scrupels, morality and all human identity!


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