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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Muslim maniac waltzes through non existent security

Just how the hell did this Muslim maniac, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab , fly under the radar and get on Northwest Airlines 253 when;

1. he paid cash

2. he had no luggage

3. bought a one way ticket

4. argued when they requested a passport

5. he's a young Muslim

6. the turd's name was in a database indicating "a significant terrorist connection" although it did not appear on a "no-fly" list.

Why was Farouk Umar Abdul Mutallab allowed to maintain his U.S. visa ?

He didn't just get the the strategically important seating by accident either, over the wing and fuel tanks - he had inside help !

A passenger who boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in Amsterdam with attempted plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab says the would-be terrorist had no passport and was aided by a sharp-dressed man who claimed Mutallab was a Sudanese refugee,

Conservative radio host Mike Gallagher told Fox and Friends' Brian Kilmeade that he'd like to see a separate line at airports to "scrutinize anybody with the name Abdul or Ahmed or Mohammed.” AND I AGREE 3000% !

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, God help us, !told Jake Tapper on “This Week” that “everything went according to clockwork” in how passengers, crew and the government reacted to the attempted bombing of Flight 253.

Is she out of her mind or what? The idiot in the White house, some call him their president, won't even acknowledge the failed airline bombing, attempted murders, as a terrorist act. He, and all the other liberal communists both government and citizens, are trying to pass this terrorist act as a criminal act, as in burlary or a common seven eleven holdup. He was read maranda rights then wisked off to a federal prison in Illinois where he's given a civil taxpayer funded defense attorney. This is, no other way to put it, FUCKING INSANE ! The Muslim bastard should have been thrown into a dark room where he got the shit kicked out of him, thrown on a transport to Gitmo and interrogated for info on his jihaddi classmates from Yemin and not allowed to see daylight, forever, let alone an attorney for gods sake..

Be afraid citizens, be truly afraid that she and her like minded associates in government are running this country and are absolutely clueless..

Government and Airline security had nothing to do with Christmas Day 2009 not being written into history as another day of, mourning and broken hearts because of another deranged Muslim slaughtering more innocents in his quest to please Allah.

At the behest of some emotionally twisted Mullah, whose orders to murder, are nothing more than a maniac masturbating to rhythms of the heathen cult he serves so well, that little African Muslim monster tried to kill all that is good that day, but by the hand of providence he failed!

Will we be this lucky the next time? If the lessons learned and forgotten in recent history is any gage, I fear not !
That Obama Hussein idiot sittin in the White House still can't bring himself to say "Muslim Terrorist"


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