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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Are we Socialists yet ?

A reply to;
Socialist Platform of 1928;

Good debate.see comments "Socialist Platform of 1928" in article above, ..a daunting one of which would require a fair amount of time.. I am seriously tempted to join, line by line to discredit a few well accepted "theories" that while in hypothetical discussion seem true to mark but in real life "non ivory tower" applications are nothing more than breach of contract law, attacks on personal property as protected under the Constitution and just out and out theft ! Some, child labor laws were good (high speed coal mine grade belts,) but in some situations like the family farm (soon to be controlled by government Gardener fined for illegal "Agricultural Excesses")
where children worked at ten and younger learning and productively contributing to the family's success and sustenance.

Those who worked land learned early and became successful citizens, entreprenuers and in some cases managers in the very factories they came up in. Those that didn't became dregs that leached off of society or filled the prisons.

(We will always take care of those who can't themselves as a community, church and charity outreach.

No place for the government *see below - as reply to #'s 2, 3 4, etc etc govt failures ie: Amtrac, etc)

Which brings us to the daring statement made in - #12.

#12 "“Abolition of the brutal exploitation of convicts under the contract system and substitution of a cooperative organization of industries in penitentiaries and workshops for the benefit of convicts and their dependents.”

Oh yeah, that's the typical spuel of the lefties who would further over burden the decent, hardworking and, more often than not, victim of the criminal who must then be housed, once again, at the expense of the aforementioned "Taxpaying Citizen".

The generosity of the academic elite whose generosity comes from the pocket of the productive citizen, sometime victim, to criminals whom those same elites have decided that punishment and economic retribution (in the form of hard labor with regard to apportionality to the crime - of course !) to pay for the costs of confinement in a 'spartan manner' is somehow inhumane. I contend that it is, as it should be a place of confinement or the isolation of those who would act in a way dangerous or detrimental to a free, civilised and functional society.
No place for those who would function otherwise!

So, here we go, line by line, I guess.

intro by J.P.Arendt;

intro; "Herewith the economic planks of the socialist party platform of 1928, along with an indication in parentheses of how these planks have fared. The list that follows includes every economic plank, but not the full language of each."

Cu'Cullen, My comments are all italicised and or bold.

#1. “Nationalization of our natural resources, beginning with the coal mines and water sites, particularly at Boulder Dam and Muscle Shoals.” (Boulder Dam, renamed Hoover Dam, and Muscle Shoals are now both federal government projects.)

Nationalisation of 'natural resources' ?

The 10th Amendment states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception.

The federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, and health care, ad infinitum.

2. “A publicly owned giant power system under which the federal government shall cooperate with the states and municipalities in the distribution of electrical energy to the people at cost.” (This is a generally accepted process across the country.)

Besides being "UnConstitutional"..The Federal government has shown over and over again that it is inefficient, wasteful and ignorant in the operation of anything best left to the Public sector as a matter of commerce, fair competition, modern innovation, research and developement..

3. “National ownership and democratic management of railroads and other means of transportation and communication.”
(Railroad passenger service is completely nationalized through Amtrak. Some freight service is nationalized through Conrail. Private railroads are strictly regulated by the Federal Government. The FCC controls communications by telephone, telegraph, radio, and television.)

Again, Besides being "UnConstitutional"..The Federal government has shown over and over again that it is inefficient, wasteful and ignorant in the operation of anything best left to the Public sector as a matter of commerce, fair competition, modern innovation and developement..

addendum: Stop and 'seriously' think a moment regarding;

“National ownership and democratic management of "communication.”

They can't be serious (but are).

Do you really want to give the federal Government control over "communications ?" ala Hitlers 'Third Reisch', Stalins 'Soviet Union', Mao's 'Communist China' or how about something a little more close to home in both Time and Geographical proximity like Hugo Chavez's 'Venezuela' and his mentor Castor's 'Cuba' ? Nuckin Futz !

4. “An adequate national program for flood control, flood relief, reforestation, irrigation, and reclamation.” (Government expenditures for these purposes are currently in the many billions of dollars.)

If, by what they mean by “An adequate national program for flood control," means that if someone wants to build in flood plane or hurricane prone area, they should have to self insure so that the tax payer won't be hurt by increased insurance premiums or taxes by people who keep rebuilding time and again in dangerous areas. Tornado alley is another bowl of wax - basement homes I guess ? live where you want, it's your decision and 'responsibilty'.

As far as flood relief, communities ( read that 'States,' usually take care of each other.
No need for another bloated, inefficient and wasteful'Federal Bureau' - It's been proven time and time again Hurricane Katrina comes to mind..

5. “Immediate governmental relief of the unemployed by the extension of all public works and a program of long range planning of public works . . .” (In the 1930s, WPA and PWA were a direct counterpart; now, a wide variety of other programs are.) “All persons thus employed to be engaged at hours and wages fixed by bona-fide labor unions.” (The Davis-Bacon and Walsh-Healey Acts require contractors with government contracts to pay “prevailing wages,” generally interpreted as highest union wages – also the national minimum wage.)

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)was passed with the goal of raising depressed crop prices by limiting production. Farmers were paid subsidies for the first time for keeping a portion of their land out of production. Ranchers were paid to reduce size of herds. The government bought excess grain and cattle to keep prices artificially elevated.
However, the AAA had its problems. Many farmers did not accept the basic premise of the AAA because the idea of being paid to grow less "went against their work ethic."
Do you really think the government should pay farmers to do what they will do anyway when say, the market falles out of cattle, hogs or chickens - it's called "culling", "culling the herd" because prices are too low due to an imbalance in product and demand !
No wonder stalin wanted to kill all the academics !

People still debate whether WWII and not the works projects actually ended the 'Great Depression'although all agree that the roads, power plants, etc truly helped logistically during the war and the growth that followed.

As for "minimum wage, fixed by bona-fide labor unions", back then before 'global trade' and competition with cheap labor, maybe so. But now, you either 'keep the border open for illegals' or move your factory overseas OR, as the progressives and their dreams of "One World Order" (hello George Soros)and total centralised control "globally" you strip away national sovereignty and all that entails. (I'll pass on that one thanks !)

Can you imagine the "redistribution of wealth" needed to equalize wages/income globally ?

Forget that third world Africa's income will come up to meet yours. Your income will be slashed to raise theirs. Obamas Progressives, the Marxists/Socialists/National Socialist Democrats are already giving money to Brazil to drill 'deep water oil wells', yes the same technique used in the Gulf as in the "Deep Water Horizon" BP rig explosion, which then issued a ban on all rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico was given one billion dollars last year and an expected one billion dollars this year to, hold on, it's coming, DRILL DEEP WATER WELLS IN THE.....WHERE?....GULF OF MEXICO !
.......................holy s*&%# !
If Obama, Cass Sunstein, Andy Stern, Valerie Jarred and the rest aren't stopped, China will be drilling in your very back yard, because they'll own it!

6. “Loans to states and municipalities without interest for the purpose of carrying on public works and the taking of such other measures as will lessen widespread misery.” (Federal grants in aid to states and local municipalities currently total tens of billions of dollars a year.)

Again, Besides being "UnConstitutional"..The Federal government has shown over and over again that it is inefficient, wasteful and ignorant in the operation of anything best left to the Public sector such as and especially, 'BANKING'!

It's been proven over and over, states that take one time Federal dollars have been held politically hostage and in the following years the 'unfunded mandate' crushes that States fiscal health - think of those poor 'house flippers' who got the ARM no-doc and liars loans, realestate loans only to find when the switch flips they couldn't afford it and then the dominoes start fallling right into the taxpayers laps as "subprime poison"...

Once again, the fed has no business meddling in such things within this capitalistic 'Constitutional Republic' PERIOD !

7. “A system of unemployment insurance.” (Part of Social Security system.)

OHhhhhh, you mean the only 'LEGAL' Ponzi scheme, on steroids, ever invented !
Some, soon many more, like to call this economic budget buster 'Social Insecurity'...Seriously, it had it's place and may have even worked if put in the proverbial "Lock Box" instead of being left as a check book for every little, and big, earmarked pork project to secure elections - this will be stopped also !

Unemployment Insurance, 'unabused', is a good thing......that should be left to the States ! Everyone knows someone on disability that shouldn't be - disabilities are handed out like viagra, the pill or is that abortions - what ever it is it shouldn't be paid for by the taxpayer!

8. “The nation-wide extension of public employment agencies in cooperation with city federations of labor.” (U.S. Employment Service and affiliated state employment services administer a network of about 2,500 local employment offices.)

Oh good, then we don't need the Fed dabbling in it !

9. “A system of health and accident insurance and of old age pensions as well as unemployment insurance.” (Part of Social Security. Full global health insurance proposed widely.)

Look, just reduce the "Health Care Costs" which was what the whole HC cost debate was supposed to be but morphed into "Health Insurance" debate and that ridiculous abomination of a HC Bill..

Just like the 'Tobacco Industry', 'Wall Street', the 'Medical Industry' and now, the 'Insurance Industry' another deep pocket, evil business interprise cash cow for a tyrannical, illegal, out of control, criminal Government about to implode !

10. “Shortening the workday” and “Securing every worker a rest period of no less than two days in each week.” (Legislated by wages and hours laws that require overtime for more than forty hours of work per week.)

Well, you should go back to the part above referring to work ethic in America, not the lazy ass Socialist Europe model that has Greece, with the rest to follow, violently rioting because the unfunded entitlement promises can't possibly be honored...especially when they all work for the government somehow, cheat on taxes and only work six months a year !
Liberals need to grow up, get out of their parents basements and learn how to live in reality !

Listen, you can work as much or as little "as you can afford".
There are big eaters and little eaters...Eat what you can afford, want more, earn more.
Want to work a three or four day week, you can do that but if you don't want to work at all don't expect to be taken care of by the tax payer...he has enough mouths to feed and you're work ethic is not his problem !!

11. “Enacting of an adequate federal anti-child labor amendment.”
(Not achieved as amendment, but essence incorporated into various legislative acts.)

Abusive labor practices for anyone is bad !
The problem today is that kids don't learn anything useful in life -especially the value of work and rewards for your efforts - work ethics, the boot strap mentality that made America the greatest, most appreciated and sought after identity in the world...at least until the progressives got a hold of it !
And besides, "they", the Progressives, hold countries with slave labor practices as their models of perfection, like "Communist China" for one where people, oh excuse me, I meant "Workers" are paid .50 cents or less an hour and and, due to housing problems are warehoused like sardines in the factory lofts.
Yeah baby; "Workers Of The World Unite", right Trumpka, aint that right Andy Stern ? You Betcha !

12. "“Abolition of the brutal exploitation of convicts under the contract system and substitution of a cooperative organization of industries in penitentiaries and workshops for the benefit of convicts and their dependents.”

Oh yeah, that's the typical spuel of the lefties who would further over burden the decent, hardworking and, more often than not, victim of the criminal who must then be housed, once again, at the expense of the aforementioned "Taxpaying Citizen".

The generosity of the academic elite whose generosity comes from the pocket of the productive citizen, sometime victim, to criminals whom those same elites have decided that punishment and economic retribution (in the form of hard labor with regard to apportionality to the crime - of course !) to pay for the costs of confinement in a 'spartan manner' is somehow inhumane. I contend that it is, as it should be a place of confinement or the isolation of those who would act in a way dangerous or detrimental to a free, civilised and functional society. No place for those who would function otherwise!

13. “Increase taxation on high income levels, of corporation taxes and inheritance taxes, the proceeds to be used for old age pensions and other forms of social insurance.” (In 1928, highest personal income tax rate, 25 percent; in 2008, 35 percent, above 40 percent proposed by Obama; in 1928, corporate tax rate, 12 percent; in 2008, 35-39% percent with proposed increases by Obama; in 1928, top federal estate tax rate, 20 percent; in 2008, 48% with proposed increases by Obama.)

Here we go, all the above were the needs they say you can't do without and now they present the "Holy Grail" of payment plans and comrades, it's called "THEFT"..They not only want to steal your money but they will-

Tax those who employ you to the extent they can no longer afford too.
Less Fed revenues leading to more increases thereby more bancruptcies or border hops.

Not only steal it while you're alive but that which you 'thought' you were entitled to pass to your loved ones when you catch that train for the 'Hereafter'..

14. “Appropriation by taxation of the annual rental value of all land held for speculation.” (Not achieved in this form, but property taxes have risen drastically.)

Now they use aerial photo's, courtesy of "Google Maps" to see and intrude on what you do with your personal property - illegal swimming pool maybe!...

*see above mention gardener Steve Miller fined for growing too many vegatables - this when the libs are outlawing the evil fast food industries like McDonalds, suing Ronald McDonald, cramming.....hold on ...here it comes....VEGANISM yeah, that's right , the new HIP word for vegatarinaism.....

The Peta God says...don't eat meat, eat a rudibegga and don't forget to call a vegatable by name damnit.....Run around with a dirty ass because little miss kewl, Cheryl Crow, says to use one square of toilet paper - yeah, you dirty ass monkey sons a bitches.

But if we catch you growing veggies we're gonna drag your sorry ass off to court, maybe jail....hell, we just might use "Rights of Imminent Domain" and take your damn garden to feed all those worthless dumbass third world idiots who can't get out of their own way and to whom you've been throwing away billions in aid for years .......you stupid shits...no wonder the ivory tower academics who haven't worked a day, or ran anything bigger than a dishwasher in their lives, think you're a bunch of retards....it's because until you finally get your freakin heads out of your asses and do something to stop all this Marxist pipedream bullshit - YOU ARE !

I gotta stop now....go find a therapist, maybe a tall branch !
&^$^&*) #$@%&*&ed off ..


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