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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Power at any cost

Ok, your (blue) politicians, hard at work, have come up with what they consider a brilliant way to save their retarded asses in the redistricting battle!
Are you ready? Better sit down for this one because it's as brilliant as their last big move out west (Texas) a few years ago, when they irresponsibly avoided the vote by getting on busses and heading for a New Mexico hotel..The public expects to see Texas Senators at work in the Texas Senate — not dodging the sergeant-at-arms by fleeing to Albuquerque. http://beldar.blogs.com/beldarblog/2003/08/poll_shows_demo.html

Alright, alright I'll tell ya already! They want to let non citizens vote..That doesn't sound so bad does it? And if they still need more to win, well, just send some voting forms overseas or maybe just load up the vans with tourists at the beach. Canadian and Mexican nationals will gladly come over to help with the voting.
If I didn't know these people were absolutely serious, it would be hilarious. But I'm sorry to say they are deadly serious and like I've always said, the Libs will burn down the farm in order to control it. In order to get a flow and maintain the momentum against President Bush and the GOP they will stop at nothing. It's maniacal! The driven zeal with which they will stampede, crushing all that matters into broken bone and gore, destroying, instead of protecting their culture, to empower themselves.

It's the same in Iraq. The Liberals, (and who are these mysterious liberals anyway? Are they anarchist college kids from the infamous northwestern U.S. ? No! They're adults and they inhabit congress, universities, the courts, the press, local governments and you're local pubs). They will stand with our countries enemies hurling insults against us. They will endanger their own military sons and daughters with accusations and will undermine the confidence of those fighting the fight to eliminate those who would kill them while they sleep. Oh, and while we're at it, lets expose some more secret over seas interrogation depots..The constitution gives no "right to know" state secrets, period!
All for their utopian play, starring themselves as the rulers and saviors of the new world order. Legends in their own minds at our childrens childrens expense!
Sell us out baby!


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