Imams and American Airlines
Why is it that even the Muslim of modest means acts like royalty among non Muslims?
These people are so self centered it gives new meaning to the word vanity. They are so steeped in the conditioned ideology of being better than everyone else by their Imams that they actually expect non Muslims to behave as their servants/slaves do and bow to their every whim and are shocked when others don't feel it necessary to accommodate every wish/demand of their skinny, incompassionate little minds.
Case in point, (and these are only a few) the trumped up feelings of insult based on using the image of Muhammad which Islam has done many times, known as the Cartoon incident in the Netherlands, was a hypocritical pack of horse shit!
They murdered Theo Van Ghogh !
And now they want to turn airplanes, lobbies and busses into prayer halls.
#1 The Airlines singled them out because , by design I'm sure, they had the stupidity to do the Islamic holy roller thing in public at an airport,RADICAL PROFILING , the same airlines used by the 9/11 murderers, doing the same alah akbahr bullshit as they did just before they started slitting the air hostesses throats.
If these guys are that stupid, I don't want them anywhere near an airliner, PERIOD!
#2 Three of these guys had - now hang onto your hat - ONE WAY TICKETS and NO LUGGAGE to phoenix!
This was not an innocent accident, they planned this whole incident out of some warped indifference!
Listen, they are a menace and growing stronger every day in their ability to understand and turn our laws and customs against us. If we don't stiffen our resolve and resist them, even at the cost of discrimination, profiling and yes being called hipocrits, we/our children, are in for a real ugly time. Because there will be serious friction in the future!
Myself, I have no qualms calling a spade a spade . I want all Muslims out of the United States, forever, and I don't care how it comes about. Islam and it's followers belong in an asylum!
The sooner the better.
Labels: Homeland Security