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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

New Orleans, rebuild or not

Is New Orleans becoming a money pit? Some think so. Some think it necessary for political reasons such as, the democrat powerbase of Louisiana has been begging, whether healthy or not, the displaced to return at any cost, hmm, cost, $$$ there it is folks, $$$. Not just any money, federal money as in welfare dollars flowing into the city will be the only money for some time. Fifty four percent of the population of New Orleans were section 8 mostly living in the lowland Parishes. While the remainders average income was $27,000 pr/yr with no jobs for them to come back too! Part of the city, the lowlands, is below sea level and sinking. Yes, sinking even more due to artisian well depletion!

Louisiana, Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin who's jobs are on the line (can't rule a ghost town) wants fed money to completely rebuild residentially which is definitely not a Federal responsibility. Gov. Blanco is in D.C. this very minute asking congress for money "with your help, we will come back even more prosperous than before" HeLLo, more prosperous than before! Since when? Louisiana ranks one of, if not THE poorest state in the nation! While the legal and prudent thing would be to properly fix the levees and Ports but leave housing and business rebuilding up to the markets. Unless you are on e of the communities that took in a welfare liability that may want to stay.

To the CNBC question "should federal (taxpayer) money be used to rebuild the parts of New Orleans that are below sea level -yes/no" , my vote is no - wow, the votes in, 94% say no!

By the way, Louis Farakhan of the infamous - Nation of Islam - cult is accusing (seriously) whitey of bombing the levee to get the poor blacks out so they can grab the land for development. The majority were renters and of those properties owned, how many even lived in the area? I'd be curious to know the percentage of those who owned and lived in the lowland parishes of New Orleans! Seems to me that if you're on the dole ie; taxpayers paying your rent, medical, food and entertainment you really have no say. I guess the parties over, in New Orleans anyway!

Pork is out of control since President Bush threw some 250 billion dollars up for grabs with no bid contracts, The GOP fiscal conservatives are losing their minds and wondering what Bush has been drinking. The k street lobbyists are coming out of the woodwork and they want everything from oyster beds to alligator farms.
A boon for illegal alien laborers who will undoubtedly get the jobs if all the goof balls in D.C. decide to fill the pit with low income housing. Oh, don't forget, it all has to be cleared first. Total disaster if the govt is left in charge and bush doesn't get over his identity crisis. I, for the life of me, can't understand why the democrats hate Bush so much? He's the best thing that ever came along for them!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cindy Sheehan - at it again

A quick note on Sheehans shenanigans!
She's in D.C. getting arrested on T.V. and by the look on her face lovin every minute.
I heard 100,000 people(doubtful)showed up but that they are many different groups demonstrating about everything under the sun which deligitimizes the anti war stance in the quest for numbers game! Disingenuous?


How long have we been having to lower ourselves in having to acknowledge, let alone deal with Muslim heathens. They actually think highly of themselves, totally ridiculous... Unforgivable! I never thought I'd see the day when our lands would be populated by these cretins. When and how did it come to be that we would sink so low as to allow these heathen misfits into our countries. We need to start a little dialogue amongst ourselves to remedy this growing problem. These people, by their very nature, are unable to assimilate into our culture. They are militantly opposed by their religion to even coexist with us. Doesn't this make you very suspicious? It's like inviting someone to dinner and they won't leave, just sit their hungrily lookin at all your stuff while insulting you! Their intentions, which is no secret, are to spread by hook or crook the cult they call Islam. Which by the way is based on the words and documents of the Jewish Prophets, taken then by the Christians and then some five hundred years later by Moslems Islam, when it came to be.
Amazing how they picked up on, broke away from, and now hate the ancestors of the people who founded the very religion they have adopted! What would Abraham think of the hatred toward the Jews and Christians by the Moslems?
Do the Imams speak of the fact that the Korans stories are almost verbatim of that of the Bible? ie; Adam and Eve, The great flood - Noahs Ark etc etc etc.
If Mohammed were alive today, would he be arrested for plagiarism, hung for inciting to riot. Or would he be ashamed of how his flock could go so totally astray to the path of Satan?
And today, Cat Stevens, Muslim minstrel of London. (according to the Taliban and other devout Islamicists he's not even a good Muslim, rather an infidel) says the London Tube bombings were due to Britain's foreign policy. Yeah, that's right. Foreign policy created to protect Britain from its enemies. Of course if you're a heathen you won't like it, but then, you shouldn't be in Britain should you? It's easy, get the fuck out!
You know what, you stupid Muslim fucks are going to mess around and piss us off! Your people, worldwide, will pay big time for your juvenile games, as deadly as they may be.

Ocean front property

Now it's Hurricane Rita. Maybe there is something to the Global Warming theory. The ocean is being warmed by the absorption of carbon dioxide thereby creating the fuel needed to turn an ordinary tropical storm into a cat 5 monster on steroids. So it goes anyway. I think it 's a cyclical thing that's been going on for millennia but what do I know!
Everyone has seen the evacuation of Galveston/Houston by now and must be amazed at the long line of cars. All I can say is, not me. I hate lines! Can you imagine how frustrating it must be, bumper to bumper, thirteen hours to go sixteen miles. And the southbound lanes are empty. You don't want to get out of line but the gas gauge says think about it - seriously! You get out, head for the station but can't get near it do to the line for gas - the rumor is there is no gas - wake up wake up, it's only a dream Speaking of lines, I hear ocean front property will be on the market soon!

Where's Osama?

I never thought I'd ask that question aloud, conditioning I guess! I grew accustomed to the idea we don't really want to nail him because we don't want to make a martyr of him. His death won't stop terrorism. We can't get at him because he's in Pakistan and that will make life hard on Musharef blah blah blah...Well, that's got change folks. We (I) need to see his head on a stick and nothing will ever seem to be going right with this war on terror until that stupid looking camel jockey is as dead as those he killed on 9/11, Kobar Towers, Somalia, the Embassies in Africa, the Cole etc.etc.etc.
I must've gotten side tracked somehow and lord knows that wasn't hard to do with all that's been goin down lately (where did the last four years go so fast?). I'll bet a lot of you are wondering the same thing!
Well, I'm awake now, and want my plate filled with the sweet meat of vengeance. It's time now to, at all cost, cough up a few terrorist pigs for slaughter. Lets start with the little Egyptian Zawihiri. How do you cook up a piglet? Ah, luau! Roll him up in some palm fronds and throw it in a pit of hot coals and cover.
Zarkawi, now he's been getting away with a lot of killing. He likes it exhibitionist style.He likes to immerse himself in his work and wouldn't ask anyone to do what he wouldn't. Actually he likes it so much, no one can get a cut! To be a fly on that wall, do you think they argue like madrassa kids over a goat head? C'mon man, you cut off the last three...It's my knife and besides, I'm the instructor...You can blow yourself up tomorrow in the cafeteria...No way, that's Mohammad, I'm blowin myself up at the old folks home..
We did get Zarkawis number one man Abu something or other, he's (was) responsible for paying and bringing in the insurgents. He decided to stand and fight yetserday - bad move!
Now how do you off somebody like that? Got be something real special, artistic. How about auctioning his demise off to the highest bidder with the most creative technique, for public entertainment. I like that. Maybe the troops would like to take a shot at it?
Have we gotten Omar yet? I'll have to check that one!
Osama, yeah this will take some doin! Maybe something slow from the Spanish Inquisition, something that will include his family as participants in some meaningful way. Ah, maybe he should be made to torture them? That son in the video, yeah, the girly one getting married..
I digress, but you get the point. We need a party, a celebration. Saddam who, get real! No, no. We need the biggies and are being denied by politics, weak policy and minds. You know the State Dept is behind a lot of this inaptitude. They get these chess games going and can't stop.

Monday, September 26, 2005

While you were out

This is a good article from Townhall.com

The big picture
Michael Barone (back to web version) | Recommend to a friend

September 26, 2005

It's often hard to keep the big picture in focus. Television news tends to center on bombs going off in Iraq and has mostly ignored several million people voting in Afghanistan. We see footage of angry Palestinians, but not much about the ongoing progress toward democracy in Egypt. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in turn have dominated the news and have made it difficult to get a sense of what is happening in the world.

A world spinning out of control: That is what the old-line broadcast networks seem to be showing us. But I see other patterns. George W. Bush has consistently asserted that one reason for removing Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was to advance freedom and democracy in the Middle East. In spite of the improvised explosive devices, that seems to be happening. Lebanon's Cedar Revolution was as inspiring an example of people power as the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Libya has dismantled its weapons of mass destruction. Egypt, by far the largest Arab nation, had its first contested election this month, and, as the Washington Post's David Ignatius writes from Cairo, "the power of the reform movement in the Arab world today ... is potent because it's coming from the Arab societies themselves and not just from democracy enthusiasts in Washington." Which is evidence that Bush was right: Muslims and Arabs, like people everywhere, want liberty and self-rule. Afghanistan has just voted, and Iraq is about to vote a second time this year. Violence continues, but the more important story is that democracy and freedom are advancing.

True, the news is not positive everywhere. Iran seems determined not to give up its nuclear weapons programs, and the efforts of the British, French and Germans have not stopped them. The good news is that the British, French and Germans appear to recognize this. North Korea also, despite initialing a draft agreement, seems bent on building more nukes. The bright side is that China, the one country with leverage over Kim Jong Il, seems more inclined to use it.
The problem here is evil regimes against which we have no real military options. The best hope for a solution is peaceful regime change, of the kind endorsed by Michael Ledeen on the right and Peter Ackerman on the left.

Polls show that most Americans think the economy is in dreadful shape, even though almost all the numbers are good: Inflation and unemployment are low, and growth is robust despite the exogenous shocks of Sept. 11, Enron and Katrina. After a generation of almost constant low-inflation economic growth, perhaps we Americans are only satisfied when we have bubble growth, as in the late 1990s, and are unimpressed when the American economy proves once again to be amazingly resilient. This is all the more astonishing when you consider that we are going through a time of increased competition and change, as China and India, with 37 percent of the world's population, are transforming their economies from Third World to First World. Such a large proportion of mankind moving rapidly upward: This has never happened before and will never happen again.

Couple this with the facts that Japan seems to be growing again, after 15 years of deflation, that East Asia and Eastern Europe continue to grow robustly, and that major Latin countries like Mexico and Brazil are growing as well, and the economic picture around the world looks pretty good, despite sclerotic non-growth in western Europe and continued poverty in Africa.

But even if things are going well, isn't America hated around the world? By the elites and chattering classes of many countries, yes, and by much of the American elite and chattering class as well. But we are not competing in a popularity contest. In a unipolar world, the single superpower will always arouse envy and dislike. The relevant question is if we can live safely in the world; the French may dislike us, but we can live comfortably with France. The recent Pew Trust polls showing diminishing support for Islamist terrorism in Muslim countries indicate things are moving in the right direction. The increasing interweaving of China into the international economy suggests China may not be a military threat. A world spinning out of control? No, it is more like a world moving, with some backward steps, in the direction we want.

Michael Barone is a senior writer for U.S. News & World Report and principal coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Scuttle the Shuttle update

They made it back safely, some time ago now! Jesus, where's my calendar?
Well, thats not the news from Shuttleville now anyway. They're planning on a $billion$ trip with a new (do you think they got the message about scrappin the shuttle)and improved spaceship, the Interprise I think they call it! And dig this!
They're going back to the Moon! The Moon, Bwahahahahahha! They never left it. Those idiots live on the Moon. God, I hope they still have to use their own Money. They aren't using Tax dollars are they? Someone please tell me they don't use our money!

Book Plug

I don't usually plug books but Tony Blankleys "The Wests Last Chance", is a winner!

New Blankley Book Exposes Jihad No One Sees

by Robert Spencer
Posted Sep 16, 2005

Tony Blankley begins The West’s Last Chance by imagining a scene from 2008 in which a Republican presidential candidate, avid for Muslim votes, declares:

“It’s time for sharia in America.” He continues: “There are only a handful of terrorists. Our challenge is to reduce that number, not expand it. We’ve been in the Muslims’ faces for too long. Of course, all Americans must be law-abiding. But for our Muslim citizens, let the law they abide by be the peaceful law of sharia. Sharia is a friend of strong family values, and therefore of strong American values.”

Inconceivable? Unfortunately not. The prospect of post-Saddam Iraq emerging as a sharia state has evidently provoked little concern in Washington. Journalist and Islamic apologist Stephen Schwartz has even asserted that “in reality, the concept that lawmaking should not conflict with Islam in a Muslim country is an entirely uncontroversial principle established in many moderate Muslim states.”

Left unmentioned is the widespread persecution of Christians in Iraq, not only by proponents of sharia, but on sharia grounds: selling alcohol in violation of sharia prohibitions for subservient non-Muslim dhimmis, women going out in public with heads uncovered, etc.

The prevailing and never-to-be-questioned dogma that Islam is a religion of peace leads to the concomitant assumption that the sharia, Islamic law, is essentially benign. No official notice can be taken of its institutionalized oppression of non-Muslims and women, its draconian punishments, its disapproval of so much that is central to human experience, even music.

Jihad terrorists around the world are, by their own account, committing violence in order to institute sharia governments first in the Muslim world and then over the entire globe. But this agenda is not advancing by violence alone. The official refusal to acknowledge the Western world is facing an Islamic jihad onslaught that is pressing forward through both violent and peaceful means has allowed that jihad to gain a solid foothold in Western Europe.

Blankley, the Washington Times editorial page editor, details how political correctness and multiculturalism have been the best friends of jihad in Europe. He reminds us that in January 2005, British jihad leader Omar Bakri Muhammad declared: “I believe that the whole of Britain has become Dar al-Harb [land of war]. In such a state the kuffar [non-believer] has no sanctity for their own life and property.”

On July 7, the British reaped the bitter fruit of allowing this kind of rhetoric to be preached unchallenged among British Muslims for years. As Blankley reveals in this book, Britain is relatively more aware and willing to stand up to the jihad than many other European countries.

The West’s Last Chance (Regnery—a HUMAN EVENTS sister company) is sobering proof that it is long past time for European and American politicians to abandon politics as usual—above all, the pandering for votes that he lampoons in his 2008 scenario, which hits uncomfortably close to home given the access to the White House that Muslims now in jail (Abdurrahman Alamoudi) and on trial (Sami Al-Arian) for terrorism-related offenses once enjoyed.

The Bush Administration’s pressure on Israel to withdraw from Gaza and follow up that withdrawal with more concessions is just the latest indication there is still little or no understanding in Washington of the jihad agenda and how to counter it. Will it take the transformation of Europe into a staging ground for international terrorism to wake up the solons of Foggy Bottom? An easier way would be for them to study Blankley’s book carefully, and heed its warnings.


Monday, September 05, 2005

A voice of sanity

A flood of Bush bashing
Debra Saunders
from Townhall.com

September 5, 2005

It is only a matter of hours now that, after any catastrophe anywhere in the world -- a tsunami, a hurricane, a terrorist bombing on the London tube -- Bush haters find ways to blame President Bush. Hurricane Katrina? Bush haters have pointed their fingers at global warming, the war on terror, the Bush tax cuts, the national dependence on oil -- and in every category, Bush is the root of the evil.

Forget nature. George W. Bush is more powerful.

The German environment minister and U.S. enviro Robert F. Kennedy cited global warming as a cause for the hurricane. It doesn't matter if data show, as James Glassman of TechCentralStation pointed out, the peak for major hurricanes came in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Columnist Molly Ivins criticized Bush for cutting $71 million from the New Orleans Corps of Engineers -- even though the levee that broke had just been upgraded.

Are National Guardsmen in Iraq? Yes, some 35 percent are, but more are in Louisiana, and nearby police and firefighters can pitch in.

Bush haters who want to appear less rabid than their quick counterparts wait a whole day or so. Thursday, The New York Times editorial page hit Bush for delivering a bad speech about the hurricane's aftermath, for grinning while he spoke and for asking Americans to donate cash but not asking them to sacrifice.

The day before, the paper opined, "This seems like the wrong moment to dwell on fault-finding, or even to point out that it took what may become the worst natural disaster in American history to pry President Bush out of his vacation."

It's not as pithy as some of the other anti-Bush slogans, but here's an idea for a T-shirt slogan: "Clinton vacationed at Martha's Vineyard, and nobody died." Others have lighted on left-leaning targets.

They blame residents of New Orleans for living in a city built largely below sea level. They fault homeowners who live near the beach. Of course, industries like shipping and tourism exist because of those locations. When you think about it, every locale has its hazard, be it hurricane, blistering heat, blizzard, earthquake or tornado.

Some blame families that did not heed the call to evacuate -- including families that didn't have cars, money or places to go to.

On the right, there is triumph in how the left should be held accountable for America's failure to build more refineries -- as the hurricane damage drives up the price of gasoline.

Some gloat that if the left had allowed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the nation's oil supply would not be an issue. And what about all those liberal Californians who drive SUVs?

Say what you will, but all of the above arguments are a luxury. Alabama families are dredging water from their living rooms. In the Big Easy, women have had to wade through the nasty liquid clutching a few belongings.

And for them, the big issues were: Where do I go? What will I do for work? Where is my dog? Did my neighbor make it? How long will I have to sleep in a shelter? Do I even want to go back to the town that I call home? They aren't stranded because of politics, SUVs or climate change. They are stranded because a planet that graces us with sunshine and warmth also makes storms.

They are stranded because a powerful storm cut a swath through their universe. They thought they could handle it. They survived Camille, or some other storm, and they thought they'd be better off at home. They wanted to be near their families and their pets.

They never knew it could get this bad. They had made the same choice before, and it worked for them.

This time, what worked before failed. At times like this, Americans need to help each other.

©2005 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

UPDATE - to "John Roberts to the Judiciary"

Farewell to Chief Justice William Rehnquist 1924 - 2005.
Lord knows, there won't be many like him to pass this way again!
He tried valliantly to preserve the Constitutional "balance of power" as the Forefathers had intended.

With the onslaught of activist liberalism that has been relentlessly gnawing, like rats, at the separation of powers by activist judges within the U.S. Supreme Court, who feel they should not just interpret laws (they're job) but should also make/change them (Legislators job).
Chief Justice Rehnquist dutifully tried to keep the other Judges agendas at bay. Not an easy task with the rabid liberalism running rampant everywhere.

Today, after a long slanderous and intellectually corrupt battle with the Democrats, President Bush has nominated Judge John Roberts to replace dearly departed William Rehnquist!

Wait, whats that hideous noise? Oh, it's the wailing and nashing of teeth coming out of the Democratic Party. Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Boxer, Braun and on and on.

It is pretty much a given that Judge Roberts will be confirmed. Due to Americans being totally pissed at the dishonest fillibustering that went on for the last six years by the democratic side of the aisle, not to mention the counter by Republicans ie; going nuclear if the libs try it again.

Ahh! Today is a truly great day!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Kanye West

Answer to Kanye West
Excuse me, I know this isn't very well written - but I'm pissed!

Kiss my white ass !...... I don't like your freakin music either ! And whats with that stupid ass name - Kanye West - It better mean you're headed for West Kenya, you retarded, "militant nigga muthafucka"! Mike Myers should've knocked you out when you puked that shit. And yes, we do have permission to shoot your black ass when the situation dictates, It's called the USE OF DEADLY FORCE IN SELF DEFENSE!

I hope that Money-thon Concert For Hurricane Releif that aired September 02, 2005 on NBC, MSNBC, ABC, ( or whatever bullshit liberal, anarchist station) last night falls on it's face and doesn't make one skinny ass dime from the "Whites"! Which means, of course it's busted. You black ass, crackhead celebrities couldn't scrape up any change between fixes, pimp mobiles and keepin the 12 year olds pregnant in the hood if your life depended on it. The rest of "YOUR PEOPLE", the gangsta crowd are ungreatful, rascist slackers livin on our dime and struttin, all proud of yourselves cause you beat the system like it's your duty. Everyone knows you're too stupid to find daylight at noon. Lots of money don't make one wise, the Hip Hop culture is proof of that!

You are one ignorant son of a bitch and the whole worlds watchin! The rapes, muggings, looting, murder and all the dumb comments from "radical niggas" like you and your welfare pimp WHO'S YOUR DADDY politicians. It's out there now and just confirms what everyone here and around the world has known all along. Keep it up fool, you're doin great!
Those "White People" you hate so much ie; the Red Cross, truck drivers with supplies, doctors, nurses, and firemen who won't come into the city because you stupid bastards are up to your usual fare - shootin, rapin and carjackin. Jesus Christ man, it's "YOUR PEOPLE" that are shootin at the Rescue Helicopter Crews and those are my people! So fuck you and YOUR PEOPLE.
Didn't your mammy tell you not to criticise folks if you're worse than they are?

Don't stop at Houston. Don't stop until you see the sign that reads Zimbabwe - Welcome home!

Before you start bustin chops about President Bush (I wish you had as much on your plate as he) think about how long you'd last at his job. Your jungle assed brain would explode (within the first half hour). Hell, you probably can't even read, everyone knows all "YOU PEOPLE" have to deal with is how to beat the welfare system, gettin to the corner to bum change from Hard workin, taxpayin "White Folk" that pay for everything from your food to your crack babies and who, by the way, are gettin pretty damn sick of it ! Yep, loose shoes, tight pussy and a warm place to shit - as long as it's free! The sad part is you "dumb fucks" wear that shit like a badge of honor and when a proud Black American like Bill Cosby or Condoleeza Rice try to wake you up, you uncle tom his/her ass, just like the harranging your kids get in school when they try to do well to make something of themselves...
You fucks are lost and you did it to yourselves! Stereotype - No. A reality, of your own making! And before you start throwin the "YOU Racist" crap at me, don't waste your time. I'm not on any guilt trip and woe the day when the rest of us start realising WE DON'T OWE YOU JACK!

And stop stealing our kids bicycles. You think we don't know where all the stuff you thievin bastards take ends up. There aint a white person alive that doesn't think, well, there goes another stolen bike every time you go ridin by on one that looks better than junk! And quit thinking your hustling the "dumb white people" when you beg for spare change, they give it out of pitty, pitty for someone who's self esteem is so low he could walk under a snake with a top hat on. You know, suicide is an option!

Get off your fat, lazy, black asses and start doin some of the jobs the Mexicans, and before them the Viet Namese aren't afraid of. For years, wave after wave of Immigrants have come here not speaking a word of english, with nothing, absolutely nothing! They came from far worse circumstances than you, they succeed and move on up. You need to rethink your allegiances to organizations like the NAACP / RAINBOW Coalition who need, in order to survive, to keep you ignorant (stupid), radical, and most of all POOR!Better yet, for every Immigrant that comes here to work and contributes to Society, one of you ought to take his place!

Did I forget to say how I really feel?............ Just in case - FUCK YOU "SAMBO"!

NOT ONE FREAKIN DIME..........................................

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans Underwater

An ounce of prevention. Payup Time could've been avoided if the city would've acted a long time ago where the levees are concerned. Everyone knew, admittedly, that the levees were too low for the "Big One" that we all knew was coming, and they just spun the wheel of odds. By just adding a foot in height every five years over the last thirty the city could've avoided the breach that will now cost the city billions. Not to mention the death toll which, mark my words, will rise! As soon as the shock wears off there will be an uproar of opportunity wanting to cash in on the fact that (in the news) the levees have lost height due to settling over the years not to mention they were just to low to begin with and no one wanted to get off the dime. It's kinda like driving a car that you know has bad tires or ball joints but don't want to break down and fix due to the cost which may cut into the good life - bang, now your in the hospital and someone else is dead - live with it!

Katrinas hold on NawLins Man, check out the lootin! Montezumas revenge all over again. What I mean by that is the looters are out stealin sneakers and big screen TV's (nothin but the best) like Cortez trying to escape the Aztecs with pockets full of gold while tryin to swim away, they will pay with seious waterborne diseases and lack of sustenance. More likely get killed by another idiot wantin their booty. This early in the aftermath they should be stockin up on water and food. Water and food, are you nuts?
Where do you suppose they're stashing all that loot? One woman was asked why she needed all the shoes (six pairs) and she replied, for survival ! Busted. Do you suppose the authorities will go around identifying the looters by who's wearin new Nikes?

It's just beginning. Now that the Mother of all Storms, their feelings I'm sure, is over. The aftermath will be a nightmare of infection, disease and gun packin predatory (compliments of Walmart and gunshops) thugs! Not to mention the gouging practices of opportunists preying on the misfortunes of others thru outrageous prices for absolute necessities like water.
Three people murdered , rapes in the rest rooms and get this, muggings - what valuables could they possibly have? You guessed it , Essentials! And all this in the (not so) Super Dome. Outside it's mayhem as well. Shooting at the rescue helicopters, National guard, Hospitals, Cops and each other.
Yep, there's something about African blood - and it aint good! Not all mind you but the killing squads are active and in New Orleans. Mobs with cruelty and savagery in a time of weakness and need! Next time some one calls you Brother ask him where he was and what he was doin in Nawlens when the sun went down .

Jesus, crawlin over the dead stealin they're belongings !

Cap em!