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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Barak The Magic Negro

Well, lets get the origination out of the way right off the bat!

Barak The Magic Negro
The term "Magic Negro"
Submitted by The term "Magic Negro"
Submitted by walleye on December 28, 2008 - 1:40pm.

The term "Magic Negro" originated in an L.A. Times column. story

Having endured the massive rug beatings given by the apologists since it's coining, it has assumed the tenacity of the "Energizer bunny". Attempts to make wheat from chaff and votes from innuendo have and will continue to fail. This term and the album on which it appears are jokes and parodies suffered lightly by all but the Pee Cees. Find another standard to bear.

And nice try, all you apologists for the ill, unfair, snide, disrespectful and definately "unforgettable" abuse you shoveled on Governor/Mayor Sarah Palin.
Thin skins now eh!

You will reap the wirlwind now. Your manchild president elect has, in case you havn't seen it yet, failed miserably already.

He has renigged on all the "Change Change Change" rhetoric, hired all the Clinton people and assumed the safe(Bush) stance of "It's going to take a long time."
But he speaks well !

But you won't acknowledge that until it is no longer possible to ignore it.
Which as we've seen with President Bush, will be when it's too late!

Besides, It's not as though the hipocritical swill you swim in goes unnoticed. Again, you're either too smart to take it seriously or (more likely) just driven.

Racist? Seriously???
Submitted by knitts on December 28, 2008 - 7:52pm.

Instead of simply branding the song as "racist," I would appreciate it if someone could explain how the song is "racist." Does it, at any point, claim or insinuate that the black race is inferior to other races? I've listened the song many times and I can find no part of the song that espouses such views. Perhaps you may not agree with the views expressed in the song or it may not be your style of humor; however, it is utterly irresponsible to place such an extreme label on this particular parody.

Anybody see the D.L. hUGLEY Show lately - dumb question!

Wow, Maxiemom
Submitted by twas_was on December 28, 2008 - 6:32pm.

".... if you are a racist, you are a Republican...". Would that be like saying: "if you are black, you are a liberal"? And "if you are a racist, you can't be a Democrat"? What about reverse-racism? What about, in the presidential campaign, "if you are black, you must vote for Obama"?

I think, Maxiemom, you are a racist. The kind that pulls the race card regularly. So, I guess my 85-year devout Christian Republican Mother is also a racist.

Your post would have been more effective if YOUR racism hadn't come out.

I have a feeling, no, not a feeling but a preminition, that those White conservatives not racist, now, will be before Obamas failed 4 year term is up!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

OBAMA - The Great Pretender

Don't take my word for it, ask him. I'm sure by now now he's peed the bed a few times !

Campaign speech - "I don't want the same old faces in my administration"

Obama’s national security appointees (like all his earlier ones) aren’t “change to believe in” or what people expected for their votes.
They’re recycled establishment figures.
Their agenda is business as usual, and they’ll continue the same failed Bush administration policies at home and abroad. Washington’s criminal class is bipartisan.
Obama was chosen to lead it and is assembling a rogue team that’s little different from the one it’s replacing.

Ok, if we must have a black man for president to ease some historical guilt or just because the country, the world, is sick of white men running America and think the color of ones skin will change the nature of man - any man I can think of many blacks more qualified than Barack Hussein Obama - Alan Keyes for one !

It hasn't been loud but the buzz has begun.

More and more I'm hearing from the left, the disappointment felt as the campaign promises fall to the ground like the feathers of an increasingly distraught parrot.

And the moderate white right who thought all would be well with those in the hood who hate and surely would have have feasted on their fears of riot, rape, anarchy and bigotry had they not joined in the chorus of change (for change sake )!

Even the new appointed faces in media, of which there have been many, are beginning to look strained. Take the racist D.L. Hugely for example is that Hugely as in hUGELY or Hugely as in UNFUNNY?
I googled him and the first thing that came up was the faux paus regarding comments he made comparable too the Imus "basketball team" remarks which, incidentally, got Imus fired.
Even Jay Leno picked up on it!

The Obama puppy wasn't ready to hunt. And now, all, not afraid to acknowledge it, can see for themselves that the decisions made in the future will have insider ink all over them, leaving the boy king to dangle and bounce at the end of the "Clinton Team "strings.

The only thing that seems genuine so far, and gets a lot of mention, is the 70's born Superfly swagger that has it's roots in the psychological over compensation syndrome "I'm petrified someone will find out I'm petrified" moves!

To the seasoned demokrat, that's just fine. The Clinton machine again in power with Americas little darling in the lights or sights if one needs to take the heat. It's a win win situation no matter how it works out - L.A. has been spared to boot - you gotta love this country!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dems fail to protect UAW

The big vote in the Senate to hand over cash to Automakers for bailout fails.
The Republicans threw a wrench in the works by asking the UAW "United Auto Workers" to sign off on pay concessions before the negotiations take place which , of course everyone knew they wouldn't - who would ?

But that was done by design, the Rebublicans knew the UAW would never sign off before the negotiations even take place.

The UAW is upset that the US Government won't subsidise,"bail out" the Auto Makers like the European Governments do.

They're also upset that the US subsidises Foreign car makers here, which is done by the way, to bring jobs for American Workers which apparently the US companies haven't been able to because they are losing market share by being outsold. Apparently because they make cars the majority of US citizens either don't want or can't afford !

As the dinosaur mentality prevents them from competing, while trying to swim in fast waters with a cement block around their waists called the UAW. Foreign companies are, have been, eating their lunch!

To be fair, "fair and equitable trade that is", with so-called "Global Trading Partners" is in miserable shape, again, by our inept Government who go to work everyday, having fashion shows and social gatherings, but do little of the PEOPLES WORK unless it benefits themselves in some gratuitous way!

Of course, Americans knew that and it shows in the approval or should I say "disapproval ratings" of that septic tank called Congress!

The Republican move against the bailout, as predicted, will force the Automakers into chapter 11 for reorganization which gives a company the ability to renegotiate, and here's the magic word, CONTRACTS and that means union contracts. The same happened with other companies, the Airline Industry immediately comes to mind and they became efficient, competitive and profitable!
Unless of course that Republican in name only weak kneed President of ours crumbles and signs the blank check!

Many, and I'm one, believe the Unions are partially to blame for the Auto makers predicament and it's inability to compete with lower cost car makers that have flooded the market with high quality, desirable "expensive" autos.

The Unions aren't totally to blame.

The big three were asleep at the wheel at a time - and I lived it - where they just didn't feel they needed to compete.

The good, proud, and sometimes not too smart. (no one learned from the 1970's oil crisis)citizens of this country carry a share of blame as well which led us right back into the fuel hostage scenario! Money to the Arabs for oil and money to the foreign car makers for the ride (that can go right into clothes from China, etc etc.)hence the financial crisis looming now

Foul you say! Beyond the decent pay for fair work, I don't think it's an employers responsibility to be the nanny of employees.
You get your pay, live within your means, pay your bills allowing for outside investments, less interference in the medical insurance area might help keep it affordable for those not fortunate enough to be a Union employee - irony here, finacial markets in turmoil!

That's why it's always stressed that education is imperative for every family.
We are human and that should be enough to convince anyone that caution and due dilligence in life is imperative.

The democrats are singing woe, doom and gloom for the world (and they control most of the media) trying to force the Republicans into the corner with crys from the peanut gallery - that's YOU (because you're idiots and I mean that with all due respect brothers and sisters. It's your country and you gave it away to a Congress in which 95% of them should be in prison).

They have been in the, "THINK LOBBIES" , bag for years as their major contributor, supported by another major contributor, the "LAWYER LOBBY".
Pretty formidable foes I would think !

Look, Chapter 11 reorganization is just whst we need to move forward in the 21st century and it's new competitive Global landscape - without a new streamlined machine, we're doomed to the mediocrity of past failed empires for sure.
Without a doubt!

The fear induced panic caused by the Media and helicopter money mentality should be reigned in and in it's place should be careful thought.
The Autombile Industry should not be given $25billion which is just for starters! and presumed they will do the right thing, They haven't convinced me they're capable!