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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Location: United States

About me, Hmm Read my posts and make up your own mind

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I can't believe the Administration is actually considering selling some high tech weaponry to, get this, friendly fucking Muslim nations - Saudi Arabia for one to balance the Iranian threat - NUCKING FUTS ! I can't fathom the hangover that came up with that one - Fucking Treason !
99% of all homicide bombers, jihadists, insurgents and Al Qeada are freakin Saudis!
This whole stupid ass bunch of Muslim terrorists going back 35 years to present were spoon fed and nurtured since infants on Saudi Wahbiism - somebody stop me!

Bush/and company YOU'RE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF! And God dammit, release Border Guards Ramos and Campeon
Jesus Christ man ,get it together!


American Conservative

A friend from San Fransico - never thought you'd hear that did ya ?
asked what being an American Conservative, a response to a java script email of Christ bitch slappin President Bush, meant to me. For better or worse this is how I replied.

Common sense decisions that protect the system that allows us to excel in our chosen endeavors and yet take care of those who can't without punishing those who can with a redistribution of wealth that will, without a doubt, kill the very capitalistic transfer of assets through trade that enables research and the risk of capital that creates the innovations and services which enrich our lives as well as employ those who haven't yet discovered the freedom and joy of independence gained thru free public education and self determination all of which an American has the right and freedom to profit from. Like ones castle, his earnings should be free from the tyranny of unfair tax for the creation of more wasteful, inefficient and corrupt departments that would rob the system of the flow necessary to sustain it's citizens with the tools and methods with which to maintain it for now and in the future .
Disrupt this economic Eco system and it will crumble, no doubt leaving the naive and ignorant wondering where the good life came from and worse, where has it gone?
Some people think they have it tough now. Bring it down like the anarchists want and you will see a misery unimaginable, unseen since the Dark Ages.
Sound good, support the socialists who gobble lies from those like Michael Moore who would have you believe that the poor are left to starvation and sickness as a matter of course. When truth be told, they have in many cases better, cheaper anyway, health care, free rent and food help. Not to mention because of the wealth of it's citizens, unmatched philanthropic gifts not only here but globally,Crass you say. Maybe. But remember they had the same free public school system you did. Complete with books, teachers and starting in the sixties, lunches..They made different choices with the opportunities offered. You took your books home to study, they don't know what happened to theirs. You did homework, they did drugs. You got a job on the weekends and after school toward college, they knocked up your neighbors sister. And now, after realizing the error in judgment.They've hired the ACLU and liberal judges to make you, who walked the walk and talked the talk pay for their irresponsibility's and lifelong party..Then they have the audacity to complain and blame those who made the sacrifices and prospered for their miserable circumstances!Getting carried away here!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

La Raza - Cozy With

Article Title: "Cozy With ‘La Raza' "
Article from
Investors Business Daily - If you don't read IBD, well, It's no wonder you're a failure in Life & fortune !

Section: Issues & Insights Date: 7/24/2007


Election 2008: If a GOP candidate sought votes from a white group calling itself the "National Council of the Race," he'd rightly be shunned as a racist. But let Democrats do the same and they're called "progressive."

The difference, of course, is that in the latter case both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were appearing before the National Council of La Raza ("The Race"), a radical Latino group.

Trolling for votes, Obama pandered to La Raza's convention in Miami over the weekend, selling himself as one who marched alongside Latinos at last May 1's illegal immigrant amnesty rallies.

Clinton, by contrast, insisted she was "at home" among the La Raza crowd, having hired a top La Raza official, Raul Yzaguirre, as her national co-chair. She then whipped out a mariachi band in his honor to celebrate his birthday.

Obama challenged Clinton's flashy mariachi tactics by saying he'd "walked the walk" for amnesty and would revive the sunken immigration bill that went down in flames in the Senate this month. "We will make this a priority and get it done," he said.

But rather than either of these campaign tacks being political gaffes, both got favorable media coverage because the Latino community supposedly has been "galvanized" over the loss of the Senate immigration bill. It signaled that Obama, like Clinton, buys into the idea that the bill's end was brought on by what La Raza calls a "wave of hate" and that other American voters won't notice.

The irony is that La Raza is no ordinary organization. The name, in English, literally "the race," is something its embattled apologists now claim means "every race" or "community" - both absurd, since they both mean just the opposite of the actual word.

The organization has been around since the 1960s, with many name changes. If it really means "community," the Spanish language provides at least two completely serviceable words for that - "pueblo" and "comunidad." It's called La Raza because its leaders want to be called that.

La Raza is not only the loudest proponent of illegal immigration in the U.S. It fosters ethnic separatism in schools. It runs Hugo Chavez-type handouts for indigents and has ties it refuses to renounce to fringe groups like MEChA, whose own slogan is derived from the rhetoric of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro: "Through the race, everything; outside the race, nothing."

Today's La Raza is a $52 million not-for-profit group that lives off congressional earmarks, shakes down big corporations like WalMart and Bank of America for financial support, and has made illegal immigration and ethnic separatism its leading agenda.

Obama's spiel showed only that he understands the mentality of leftist pressure groups, with this one falsely claiming to define and represent all Latino voters.

Even La Raza's own Web site disproves that. A July 23 study by "Ed In '08" and La Raza reported that U.S. voters of Latin American extraction are more concerned about education than immigration.
That startling fact moves the debate too far into territory La Raza wants nothing to do with, like condemning failing public schools; oppressive, politically correct teacher unions; and the herding of immigrant kids into Spanish-only classes dubbed "bilingual."

What matters to La Raza is amnesty for illegals, if not through the Senate, then through the 1960s tactic of silencing opponents by smearing them as racist.

Of the candidates who attended the convention, Obama stood out as the most willing race-baiter, his Chicago activist experience coming in handy. He denounced immigration bill foes as "both ugly and racist in a way we haven't seen since the struggle for civil rights."

It's pure charlatan logic. The illegal immigration issue is about whether to reward foreign invaders who've broken the law, just because there are 13 million of them.

Obama should know that there are also 300 million other Americans of every skin color and ethnicity - including Latinos - who oppose amnesty and resent efforts to intimidate them through charges of racism. Americans have already shown they won't be intimidated. They believe in the rule of law.
Indeed, something much bigger is happening in this country with a federal government not responding to its own laws and an outraged citizenry up in arms. Maybe Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should get a clue.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Vets For Reality

Here's an EDITORIAL from the only Paper worthy of MANDATORY reading for all you robots of the liberal bent..

The Washington Times:

Vets for reality
One of this week's more notable Washington events flew under the media radar save for "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and a few conservative Web sites. Vets for Freedom, a "pro-mission" band of Iraq and Afghanistan military veterans, took to Capitol Hill to try to convince senators that the mission in Iraq is worth the effort. We applaud this group's effort in the political war to support the real war. It's a telling sign of the parlous state of the Iraq debate that a group like this, focused solely on sustaining the war policy and consisting of first-hand witnesses to the war, has to exist.

Most of the 25 or so who came to Washington are combat veterans, some of them wounded. Alongside them were the father of a Marine killed in action in Iraq and supportive veterans of all ages. They knocked at the office doors of Sens. John Warner, James Webb, Carl Levin, Barbara Boxer and dozens of others on the opposite side of this war debate. Most weren't available. They also were met in person by two Iraq stalwarts, Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain. Nine senators showed up at an afternoon press conference, including Joe Lieberman and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Mr. Warner met the Vets in person. The meeting was reportedly icy, but the Virginia Republican deserves plaudits for granting them hearing. The usual Hill recourse to unscheduled groups with an unwelcome message is polite notice that the senator is a busy man (or woman), and he just can't meet you right now.

Two of the group's messages cannot be highlighted enough. The first is that Washington's penchant for re-arguing the decision to enter Iraq is utterly irrelevant to the most important Iraq question right now. It is not enough to argue that al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq before the invasion. It's surely there now, and people who turn their backs on Iraq could not also be serious about combating al Qaeda. The terrorists consider that country the prime current battleground. We cede it at our peril.

The second message is that the surge is a serious improvement over previous efforts in Iraq. It deserves a chance, and it is beyond hypocritical for Congress to undercut it. This Congress confirmed Gen. David Petraeus by an 81-0 margin to be commander in Iraq with a mandate to keep fighting. That they have gone wobbly before the surge is fully in effect says everything one needs to know about this Congress and nothing much about the general. "You can't create D.C. timelines for what's going on Baghdad," the head of Vets for Freedom, Army National Guard First Lt. Pete Hegseth, told "Harball" on Wednesday. "As a soldier who has been there and seen what this strategy can do, [the surge] has the opportunity to bring about real change, finally," he also said.

Here's hoping a first-hand, personal approach to the Iraq debate can turn some heads which otherwise would not.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Muslim Terrorists bring down Brazillian Airliner

SAO PAULO, Brazil - A plane with as many 170 people aboard crashed and burst into flames in Sao Paulo on Tuesday after skidding off a runway.
The four men who are suspected of having hijacked the plane had trained for years, authorities believe, learning to fly, practicing martial arts and procuring some of the information they needed over the Internet.
The authorities raided one of the Islamicists apartment and found disturbing writings in arabic - You must make your knife sharp and you must not discomfort your animal during the slaughter," it read.
"Completely forget something called 'this life.' The time for play is over and the serious time is upon us."

Woefully, a call that if made earlier may have stopped the tragic crash.

I'm on United Flight A320 flying from Porto Alegre in southern Brazil . The plane has been hijacked. We are in the air. They've already knifed a guy. There is a bomb on board. Call the Congonhas airport ."

The scenario above is ficticious but is a reminder of what could very well have been due to the high influx of radical Muslims that have been migrating into the Southern Hemisphere in the last thirty years with Venezuela among others, being a friendly host to many...

The following is taken from "ANALOGKID"

From an AP article recorded at Petrified Truth.com:

In South America, U.S. officials have long suspected Paraguay’s border with Brazil and Argentina as an area for Islamic terrorist fund-raising. Much of the focus has fallen on the Muslim community that sprouted during the 1970s, and authorities believe as much as $100 million a year flows out of the region, with large portions diverted to Islamic militants linked to Hezbollah and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

FrontPage.com did a large expose in March of 2004:

the [tri-border] area is home to roughly 20,000 Middle Eastern immigrants—mostly from Lebanon and Syria—and has long been a hotbed for terrorist fundraising, arms and drug trafficking, counterfeiting and money laundering. By moving freely through the region’s porous borders, operatives from the terrorist organizations Hizbollah, Hamas, and according to some reports, al-Qaeda, are able to conduct arms-for-drugs deals with secular Latin American terrorist groups like the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Peru’s Sendero Luminosos (Shining Path). All told, U.S. officials believe that between $10 and $12 billion is funneled through the tri-border region each year, with Hizbollah among the prime beneficiaries.

Terrorist Bombings in Argentina


In 1992 and 1994, two bombs devastated the Argentinean Jewish community and marked the arrival, for the first time, of Middle Eastern terrorism to South America. While the two cases, which are thought to be related, have been officially under investigation for over nine years, little progress has been made, and the responsible parties have not yet been apprehended.

Argentina's Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires was the sight of the first explosion, a car bomb, on March 17, 1992. The bomb killed 29, and injured over 250. Among the victims were Israeli diplomats, children and clergy from a church located across the street, and other passerby. The investigation of the case was assigned to Argentina's Supreme Court. Chief Justice Ricardo Levene was given the task of investigating and presenting his findings to the court. For over two years, however, the investigation languished, and virtually no action was taken, despite the fact that Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the explosion immediately after it happened.


No one knows as yet the actual cause of the crash, it just happened several hours ago and our hearts go out to the families of the victims.
But make no bones about it they are there and coming here and very capable of the above disaster in spades!

So stay awake damn it - VIGILANCE - snooze you lose !

Monday, July 16, 2007

Islamic Charities on Trial

A few years ago, We, The People of The United States of America started dismantleing so-called Islamic Charities which were nothing more than the bagmen or fronts for terrorist organizations like, but not limited too, Hamas who funnel the money that buys the weapons and hands to operate them in killing Americans.
Well, it's all coming to fruition. Finally, the wheels of justice and recourse are coming full circle.

The trials are moving ahead and the villainous Muslim murder fronts are being taken to task.
But what really makes me exstatic is the organizations who, in their bold social invisibility operating undercover as do-good intermediaries between two cultures ie; The American culture and that of the parasitic Muslim community attempting to attach itself in a vampirical manner until the victim is weak enough to overtake and substitute it's mannerisms.
That organization is responsible for intimidating certain vacal talk radio hosts and most recently, television guest host and commentator Cal Thomas.

TADA - That group is C.A.I.R. Center for American Islamic Relations!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Muslim militant activists - at it again!

More bullshit from the anals of Political correctnous gone bonkers!

A snipit
From The Washington post

In order to escape the eternal vigilance of the just-ended Tony Blair years and move headfirst into the kinder, gentler Gordon Brown era, the following phrases might help advance this new thinking: Rather than call it "The War on Terror," refer instead to the "The Dispute over Anxiety." "Radical Muslim terrorism" is passe. Instead, focus on "Deeply held, true-believers' self-defense syndrome." As for "car bombs," refrain from stigmatizing either car owners or bomb-makers. Both groups are entitled to their views. So, call these implements "Dynamic, motor-vehicle-based, physical-environment-rearrangement devices."

While you're at it, read CAIR's duplicitous ways

Where Syndicated Columnist Cal Thomas is yet another in American media who is being silenced by C.A.I.R. the radical Muslim activist group responsible for taking Talk Radio Host Michael Graham off the air stripping him of his livelihood!"Islamic group cair, council for american islamic relations got am radio talk show host Michael Graham of WMAL, fired for speaking his mind after the London bombings. The group complained and WMAL cratered for the $$$ - boycot WMAL to get the $$$ point across in spades! The Link at the bottom has info that will blow your mind and make your finger twitch" http://citizensoldiers.blogspot.com/2005/08/wmal-talk-jock-fired-by-islamofacists.html

CAIR has mastered the art of appearing to oppose terrorism, while at the same time leading the charge against those who seek to thwart it.

A case in point is its curiously neglecting to condemn Britain's Islamic terrorists, while during the same week blasting as "Islamophobic" Mr. Thomas' remarks on local radio station WTOP expressing concern about fundamentalists from the "Middle East and South Asia" who are integrating into the broader Muslim society




Excerpt from
The Washington times;

Baghdad on the Potomac

This 110th Congress demands accountability. It failed to deliver its "first 100 hours" agenda, passing just two bills in its first 100 days, one a continuing appropriations resolution left over from the 109th Congress, the other the NATO Freedom Consolidation Act of 2007. It has not "drained the swamp," as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised. Raise the minimum wage, bring the troops home, fix our health-care woes, address college affordability, promote energy independence, and fix the budget — all were promised, all have come to naught.

Can't say it any better!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Below is an EDITORIAL from the WASHINGTON TIMES , I love that paper!

Anyway, This goes with the IN DENIAL theme in that the WEST is also in denial that we haven't done anything to deserve the misplaced wrath of those dumb asses in the Mideast other than let their Home country's Saudi Arabia's Wahabists for example keep spewing anti West garbage with impunity, to divert blame away from themselves.. They even furnish their schools here in the U.S. and abroad with text books that incite to murder, US!

Terrorism is not the West's fault

The notion that, somehow, the cause of Islamist terrorism is "us," the West, persists. And so this weekend's thwarted United Kingdom car bombings have prompted yet another "Why do they hate us?" moment. The West's own preferred answer, it seems, must always be some offense we have committed. London Mayor Ken Livingstone thinks Iraq is driving "disaffected young Muslims" to murderous self-immolation, in apparent ignorance or disregard that three of the suspects are medical doctors. The New York Times refers to a "disenfranchised South Asian population" — this, in one of the world's free democracies. Others finger Salman Rushdie's knighthood as an incitement of Muslim outrage. Still others say Israel-Palestine. Others, poverty.

How they know this, except that terrorists themselves promote these notions publicly, and except that Muslim opinion generally tends to be negative on such subjects, is never clear. Much clearer is the characteristic these explanations have in common.

"I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people on TV proclaimed that the sole cause for Islamic acts of terror like 9/11, the Madrid bombings and 7/7 was Western foreign policy," explained ex-terrorist Hassan Butt in yesterday's Daily Mail. "By blaming the Government for our actions, those who pushed this 'Blair's bombs' line did our propaganda work for us."

Reviewing what actually took place this weekend, none of these explanations wears very well, except as indicators of their expositors' ideological blinders. What we do know is this: Would-be terrorist killers struck out at Western civilians, scores or hundreds of whom came all too close to being coldly murdered. In Saturday's case, the targets were ordinary people at an ordinary airport. In Friday's case, they were late-night revelers and clubgoers not so different from those killed in the 2002 Bali bombings. The two nightclub bombs were rigged to detonate in a staggered fashion so as to maximize casualties in the street in a hoped-for moment of chaos following the first explosion.

We also know that at least some of the suspects are well-integrated immigrants from the Middle East and South Asia, some working in middle-class or even upper-class jobs. One is a "brilliant" neurologist with the National Health Service, the Daily Mail reports.

There exists a deep urge in the West to look inward, to blame ourselves for Islamist terrorism, for some "root cause." The terrorists themselves and their abetters are all too happy to indulge this fantasy, which, in the end, says much more about us than it does about the terrorists.

This phenomenon is about more than terrorism. It permeates our relations with much of the Muslim world. As in this recent Reuters dispatch: "U.S. may alienate Muslims over human trade: Malaysia." It quotes one Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar warning Westerners not to meddle in his country's poor record on human-trafficking — that is, slavery — on the occasion of a U.S. government human-trafficking report which fingered several majority-Muslim countries. "The U.S. really needs to be friendly to Muslim countries," he said. Have we now reached a point where our moral objections to slavery are being tempered as "alienating" to some Muslims?

In Denial STILL

Article in FrontPageMagazine.com this morning shows that Britain still doesn't get it, even with the supposedly hard line new Prime Minister Gordon Brown who took over for Tony Blair who the Muslims hated and I don't know why, because he also presided over the obviously still in tact, politically correct and immoral sellout program of win their hearts and minds which is as much a hindrance to peace in Britain (or the world) as it is a bribe to the so called moderate Muslim community which according to polls 67% still believe that it's ok to use homicide bombings in THEIR Jihad or WAR WITH TERROR and it's perfectly acceptable for Muslim British (is there really such a thing) citizen Jihadis to go to Pakistan to train and join the Islamofascists in Iraq and Afghanistan to kill British and American soldiers like some kind of religious Pilgrimage.
The only consolation is that there is a never ending stream of live targets for our boys, who like nothing more (boys will be boys) than droppin those raghead bastards at every opportunity. And they do , God bless em!

So good luck and thanks for the nightmarish realization that the next 8-10 years in Britain will be the same as the last - the humiliating experience of having to see the shame on the faces of a once great people while their Parliament kisses the asses of the Mullahs of Great Britain as a tribute to Peace while the Arab world smirks with pride!

Well, you dumbasses have a real nice day ..
