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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Jeremiah Wright- po po crookedy boy!

I wasn't going to acknowledge the guy after his speech at the NAACP last night because, frankly he's the typical dumbass, narcissist, loudmouth, militant racist, "almost"nappy headed goofball with to much power and to many empty heads listening to him!
1) Dumb ass, because of all the alleged education listed in the introduction, he lost me with all the right side left side learning differentiations of the Human brain with said differences being inherent from the negro race to the Caucasian race - rubbish, the way one learns is due to his physical environment and those he learns from (which speaks volumes).
Apparently he agrees with the cliche "you can take the boy from the jungle but you can't take the jungle from the boy" as witnessed by his wiggling, writhing explanation of why black students can't/don't know how to sit in a European style sitting device known as a CHAIR, while being unable to sit in functionally neat rows (I'd be embarrased if a homey)which of course is good training in the design, functionality and presentation of ones abode which reflects on ones pride and understanding of civility in a world of chaos - not to mention a little self disciplineI guess if one is un-evolved and mentally still resides in chaos he can't recognise the difference.
2) Narcissistic, because, well you witnessed the man in action - nuff sed (spelling lesson in accordance with ones geographical genetics or a true accent and not a manufactured statement of defiance, extreme prejudice and hatred labeled EBONICS)!
3) Loudmouth, typical I'm right, you're wrong, I'm everything good, you're not and listen to me shout louder than you which proves it !
4) Militant racist, which is evident every time he opens his mouth, the people he runs with, the agenda he espouses. And even when he tries to sugar coat it because the audience is much larger due his media exposure (which goes back to why I wasn't going to pile on making it even worse)he can't help himself, further proof of aforementioned traits 1) 2) and 3).
5) "Almost" nappy headed goofball, which is what I think is at the foundation of the poor mans neuroses, psychotic episodes of anti social rage if you will!
a)It's obvious he's not 100% negroid.
b)He's allegedly highly educated which is debatable.
c)he's obviously dealing with an abundance of inner racist anger and discontent.

More than likely an unhappy childhood of not being accepted for the Caucasian portion of his racial makeup while having to settle for second best by gaining acceptance in the negro community. All this drove him even harder to excel in the world of academia to be accepted and his service in the Military, then thru frustration his service as preacher/activist. I say preacher/activist because most,if not all negro churches foster (unlike White places "OF WORSHIP") militant racist politics more in common with his militant Muslim counterparts Lewis Farrakhan of The nation Of Islam, (who by the way it is said is a close friend of Jeremiah White) and Malik Shabaz (admirer of the late Malcom X)of The New Black Panther Party. Some say the negro religious experience is almost as politically bombastic as the militant Muslim religious experience we've all heard about. Imams telling Muslim worshippers how wonderful suicide in the name of God is - losers.
Which, by the way, is illegal if getting tax exemption as a PLACE OF WORSHIP !
AS witnessed in last nights speech and confirmed by the uneasiness felt in your gut,
Jeremiah White is a broken man with some serious psychotic antisocial baggage and could, if not all ready, become a serious danger to not just white people but the fabric of society it's self thru the incitement of civil unrest and violence.

I put a link in for those of you who would like to read for yourselves just what a wack job the stricken reverend Wright really is. It's an excerpt from Anderson Cooper of CNN (yeah yeah, I know)titled "The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s 9/11 sermon"
I mean, at todays speech at The National Press Club he was there with Obama praying, get this, IN THE BASEMENT because it wouldn't be good to be seen together - stuff the three (Obamas Marxist wife)of em in a satellite and launch it!
sic em Spike sic em!


Monday, April 21, 2008


The man is bonkers - he's never done anything right and he's always wrong!

Now the bloody little traitor is making deals with Hamas who leads the naive twit to believe they'll "accept Israel for ten years" if they, Israel, gives back the pre 1967 war borders. Oh, that's a sweet deal! Especially after the Muslims attacked Israel.
Don't forget, that the Hamas Constitution - if you will - specifically states there will be no peace deals made with Zionist Israel and that nothing short of annihilation of them will ever be accepted.

So, hey Peanut, go back to building houses and stop meddling in national affairs!

It makes you look stupid but most of all, you're embarrassing us and no one wants to have to clean up after you - AGAIN !


see; OBAMALAND link

An article from the American Thinker
March 19, 2008
The Real Agenda of Black Liberation Theology
By Jeffrey Schmidt

Now, suddenly, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright is misunderstood. Suddenly, so-called black liberation theology is misunderstood.

Wright's successor at Trinity United Church of Christ, the Reverend Otis Moss III, won't bow to the wishes of "they" to shut up. It begs the question: "Who are they?" The larger white cultural? Or liberals and Democrats who see all this unfavorable publicity hurting the election chances of Barack Obama?

The sad truth is that neither the Reverend Wright nor black liberation theology is being misunderstood. Both, thanks to the candidacy of Barack Obama, are being exposed. God, in fact, works in mysterious ways. And unless it's the aforementioned liberals and Democrats who are trying to hush up Wright, Moss and others of their ilk, sensible Americans want to hear more, for knowledge is power, the power to combat hate.

And make no mistake, what Americans are hearing, they don't like. In the Rasmussen poll, 73% of voters find Wright's comments to be racially divisive. That's a broad cross section of voters, including 58% of black voters.

In an article in the Washington Post, unnamed ministers commented that black liberation theology "encourages a preacher to speak forcefully against the institutions of oppression..."

And what might these institutions be? They are not specified. But it is safe to say that they are not the welfare state or the Democratic Party. Given that black liberation theology is a product of the dreary leftist politics of the twentieth century, the very vehicles employed by the left to advance statism certainly can't be the culprits.

For the left, black liberation theology makes for close to a perfect faith. It is a political creed larded with religion. It serves not to reconcile and unite blacks with the larger cultural, but to keep them separate. Here, again, The Washington Post reports that "He [Wright] translated the Bible into lessons about...the misguided pursuit of ‘middle-classness.'"

Not very Martin Luther King-ish. Further, all the kooky talk about the government infecting blacks with HIV is a fine example of how the left will promote a lie to nurture alienation and grievance. To listen to Wright -- more an apostle of the left than the Christian church -- the model for blacks is alienation, deep resentment, separation and grievance. All of which leads to militancy. Militancy is important. It's the sword dangled over the head of society. Either fork over more tax dollars, government services and patronage or else. And unlike the Reverend Moss and his kindred, I'll specify the "else." Civil unrest. Disruptions in cities. Riot in the streets.

Keeping blacks who fall into the orbit of a Reverend Wright at a near-boil is a card used by leftist agitators to serve their ends: they want bigger and more pervasive government -- and they want badly to run it.

If any further proof is needed that black liberation theology has nothing to do with the vision of Martin Luther King -- with reconciliation, brotherhood and universality -- the words of James H. Cone, on faculty at New York's Union Theological Seminary, may persuade. Cone, not incidentally, originated the movement known as black liberation theology. He said to The Washington Post:

"The Christian faith has been interpreted largely by those who enslaved black people, and by the people who segregated them."

No mention of the Civil War involving the sacrifices of tens of thousands of lives; no abolition or civil rights movements. No Abraham Lincoln. No Harriet Beecher Stowe. No white civil rights workers who risked and, in some instances, lost their lives crusading in the south to end segregation. And since the civil rights movement, society hasn't opened up; blacks have no better access to jobs and housing; no greater opportunities. The federal government, led by a white liberal, Lyndon Johnson, did not pour billions of dollars into welfare programs and education targeted at inner cities in an attempt to right old wrongs. And still does so. A black man, Barak Obama, on the threshold of winning his party's nomination for president, has in no way done so with the help of white voters in communities across the land.

In the closed world of Cone, Wright and Moss, Jefferson Davis and Bull Connor are alive and well. Black victimhood is the doing of white society, not the doing of angry black leaders and leftists, who see advantage and profit in keeping too many people in black communities captive.

Barack Obama knows all this, as a seventeen year congregant at Wright's church, and as a liberal community activist prior to his election to the Illinois Senate. That he feigns innocence, or that he professes forbearance for some of Wright's words because of the goodness of others, is not the line one expects from a post-racial politician. It is what is expected from a man whose career is steeped in racial politics, a politics that does great harm to the very people it purports to serve.