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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

DHS - Janet Napolitano put a bulls eye on your back!

Tax Day, April 15th 2009

Was not only the deadline for sending off your pirated ransom but also the day that America drew a line in the sand telling the government enough is enough with 200 T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) parties from east to west, north to south, all over the country, Nazi DemoKrats and spineless Repukelicans alike.

The lead up to the demonstrations was interesting because it came to light that a report was released by ex-governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano who wants to walk away from the most important Federal responsibility it has. Protecting the borders of the United States. Saying it's the border states job - wrong! She's accusing, anyone with opposing views to Obamas economics, as radical right wing, gun toting, bible thumping terrorists who should be watched like the - hmmm, the new administration doesn't call radical Muslim terrorists, terrorists anymore and I'm not up on the P.C. lingo since the "change" so lets just say that Americans with different views on, extreme taxation accompanied by extreme spending thereby bankrupting America into third world status, occupy the same space as Waco's David Koresch where 80 people were found dead, 23 of them children under 17. , KKK CEO David Duke or Randy Weaver, the latter a very scary government sanctioned setup and elimination of American citizens. It's incredible, the way the government trespassed, sequestered, destroyed private property (families pets) ambushed and and killed American citizens on their own property - Whether or not you consider these people goofballs or not isn't the point - chilling!

The present powers that be are flat out paranoid, and of course, people with feelings of guilt usually are! The left have always schemed to alter, manipulate and water down the Constitution of the United States of America relegating it to storage in the Smithsonian basement, out of view, as a non discript Historical Document.

Why would an Educated American, President or not, knowing of our History and escape from Tyranny bow down to any king?

Obviously, some Americans are more concerned with their own "street versions" of American History to really care about it's Founders and true beginnings! Many associated with this present Government and it's advocates are already rewriting the history books.

Universities, that are supposed to be opened minded bastions of debate and higher thought, have been taken over by and populated with liberal bias where guest speakers of a different mind or ideas are shouted down, harassed or just not allowed to speak. Where students of a different view are forced underground or face violence.

The Present power structure in America is dangerously close to out right destruction of all we hold dear in the Constitution. The left just can't be allowed to have it's political party of National Socialism succeed in the rebirth of the;

Nazi Party
German (American) political party of National Socialism. Founded as the American Workers' Party, (DNC)it changed its name to the National Socialist American Workers' Party when Adolf Hitler (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, George Soros, Barak Obama etc.) became leader (1920–21)(2006-2009).

The nickname Nazi was taken from the first word of its full name, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. The party grew from its home base in Bavaria (California)and attracted members from disaffected elements (A.C.O.R.N., NAACP, Moveon .org)latter founded by anarchist George Soros And since 2003, tearing down what he views as the "fascist" tyranny of the United States, as he has put it, is "the central focus of my life."
It organized strong-arm groups(Brown Shirts)later the SA ,(A.C.O.R.N.) to protect its rallies and disrupt those of opposition groups. Though the failed Beer Hall Putsch (Universities)diminished the party's influence, the effects of the Great Depression brought millions of new members, and in 1932 the party became the largest bloc in the Reich stag (U.S.Congress). After Hitler was named chancellor in 1933, he obtained passage of the Enabling Act, and his government declared the Nazi party to be the only political party in Germany and required bureaucrats to become members. The party controlled virtually all activities in Germany until Germany's defeat in World War II (1945), after which the party was banned.

Speaking of Venezuela, Obama began a closed-door meeting with the leaders of UNASUR, an association of the 12 South American nations, Chavez walked around the u-shaped table and handed him a book, "Las Venas Abiertas de America Latina," or "The Open Veins of Latin America." It's an amalgamation of wrongs committed by colonialist European powers going 500 years.
A little memory jog is probably warranted here.

Chavez came to power by enlisting the support and antagonistic prowess of the poor to democratically win the vote to power in Venezuela and since then, the sleeping people, much like Nazi Germany in the 30's. have voted to give him lifetime presidency.

To date, Chavez has whittled away at freedom of the press, any opposition has been intimidated into quitting or killed and has totally secured dictatorial status.
Just today, the mayor of Caracas, in fear of his life, has been replaced by Hugo Chavez' hand picked replacement and given complete authority over the Capitals inner workings.

Sounds a little like the path of America at present.
Right now, mayor of N.Y.City, Michael Bloomberg, is on television talking about how most gun owners are responsible, law abiding gun owners. Yet, He's talking about shutting down gun shows where the same law abiding citizens may purchase "legally" because, admittedly, a few bad apples are running around out there!

Like Nazi Germany of past or Chavez's Venezuela now. It won't happen overnight but will take on a slow, creeping process. Almost undetected, I say almost because there will be those lone voices, as always, who will be shouted down, threatened, disappeared and eliminated before they can unite in opposition.

Mark my words, It won't be long, they're coming for your gun, all guns!

*update; DemoKrat congresswoman Ca. Jane Harmon busted in a (how bout a little video)wiretap offering political favors for Israeli contributor.

Did you see the great old, Don't Tread On Me flags at the T.E.A. parties!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Al (not so sharp) Sharpton and ACORN

Here ya go;

Your taxes, billions in STIMULOUS MONEY given to ACORN by those stupid asses in Congress and approved by that shit fer brains, unqualified, Muslim lovin, anti American President yours, not mine who then goes overseas and puts us as a Nation in the toilet, pisses all over us and then bows down to a Muslim jackass King!

Well, Al Sharpton and ACORN's threatening the famous Sheriff of Maricopa county Arizona - "America's Toughest Sheriff", Joe Arpaio, with bussed in ACORN anarchist nazis for demonstrations, that will end up riots when the citizens of Maricopa, who have pledged to tear ACORNS heads off and shit in their necks if they stick their blackassed Marxist noses in Arizona's business!

Al Sharpton, one of many radical, rascist activists, a black version of David Duke, (who can't even spit on the sidewalk without getting arrested)and ACORN has demanded Sheriff Arpaio's (he is famous for saving tax payer dollars by housing criminal convicts in tents) resignation to which they got a belly laugh and invitation to hell!
Now they, typically, when these socialist anarchists don't get their way, are threatening the people of Arizona with riots and demonstrations if the Arizonians don't fire the good Sheriff - to which he said - good bring all that undeserved tax money here and spend it in our restaraunts, hotels and gas stations!

You just gotta love that guy!

If you have nothing to do, go out and help the Arizonians throw a little welcome party for the ACORN nazis!