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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Location: United States

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oil pits to Brain pits

You know, it really is annoying but forgivable that children don't get it.
That their parents or adults in general don't get it, pisses me off.
But when seniors, or about to be's don't get it, I get skeered!

What don't they get, you ask?

They just don't understand the world they live in "DAILY" .
They're unaware of their environment, even though they like to consider themselves environmentally HIP! Their immediate surroundings, the magnitude of (dare I say)their lives and how Petro-chemicals of all kinds thread through their very (modern) existence!

"Pull out of the Mideast, stop the war, elect someone friendly to Al Gore, he has the answers. It's just for oil anyway they cry"! Oh Obama we love you , save us!

Please! Find a tall building, have an introspective moment, AND JUMP!

You can't get away from The Petro King that easily.
It's more than just gasoline and motor oil.
It's the Asphalt, your Tires, the door seals, the wipers, orings, the gaskets and Teflon washers, it's the refrigerator door seals, air conditioner seals and orings, the upholstery, radios, phones, Cd's, clothes, shoes, your freakin beloved Crox, computers, printers, inks, makeup, medicines, ointments, planters, toys, and if from China your food, school supplies, food containers including Baggies, Tupperware, water bottles, Clorox bottles, detergent bottles, milk jugs, YES, you're eating the stuff regularly, reading glasses, sunglasses frames, sex toys, rubbers for gods sake - you even put it on your dick and then stick it (or get stuck) in some poor unfortunate Twat for Gods sake (forgive me Lord, please take care of the starvin Pygmies)!

And after you've totally replaced The Petro King and figured out what to do with all those unemployed masses (and I mean MASSES)because if you haven't figured it out yet, everything and every job in this modern civilization is based on, you guessed it - "The Petro King"!
Go for a bike ride or something - minus the grips, peddles and tires .
Have a nice day :)

OIL DEPENDENCY - Sins Of The Fathers

A friend of mine, who has a son in Iraq, took an obvious emotional turn with his sons first tour which has since gotten more intense.
This has given me a sense of alarm and after several E-mail exchanges, I, in the last exchange told him to get a grip and this is the resulting exchange.

To keep everything in context, here's the full exchange which started with a joke.

A Zebra dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. As he enters, he asks St. Peter,
'I have a question that's haunted me all of my days on earth.
Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?'
St. Peter said, 'That's a question only God can answer.'
So the zebra went off in search of God.
When he found Him, the zebra asked, 'God, please - I must know.
Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?'
God simply replied 'You are what you are.'
The zebra returned to see St. Peter once more, who asked him,
'Well, did God straighten out your query for you?'
The zebra looked puzzled. 'No sir, God simply said 'You are what you are.''
St. Peter smiled and said to the zebra, 'Well then, there you are.
You are white with black stripes.'
The zebra asked St. Peter, 'How do you know that for certain?'
'Because,' said St. Peter, 'If you were black with white stripes,
God would have said, 'You is what you is.'

Cute eh !

Well, Bill (not his real name) is a Demokrat so my response was hmm, a little morose I'll admit.

"Speaking of zebras, who ya votin for?"

to which he replied;

"I am a one issue guy. I want this in Iraq over.
I won't vote for any of these dwarfs unless they will end it immediately."

and I back at him;

"Get a grip man!
No one is (can) going to end it immediately!"

to which he fired back;

"Then that answers your original question.

"Get a grip" means what? Let children lose limbs and lives for nothing?

Bring the naive children home. Let all the worldly adults who feel we have a reason to be there
suit up and we will fly them over there and provide all the guns and ammo they need.

We are still a super power. We can do whatever the hell we want. Are we afraid to admit we made a mistake and withdraw?

If it is the oil fields we are worried about. Withdraw from everything but the oil fields. Let the adult volunteers protect them.

Screw the rest of the country and its civil war.

If this conflict requires more than that, then declare a real war and institute a draft. How? far would that get?

We need some outside the box thinking."

not to let liberal irrationality run the world unabated - or with rampant abandon as is the case nowadays; ..................my retort;

"I never asked a question that needed answered!

To get a grip means, to calm down, to think rationally and clearly..

"Let all the worldly adults who feel we have a reason to be there."

Absolutely, the adults now were the idealistic youth of 35 years ago who knew that oil would be fought over in the future, just like water and other finite resources.

Well, they, WE are having our heads handed to us "The Sins Of The Fathers"! for not getting away from oil 35-40 years ago. We saw it coming - then drove off to Yellowstone.
The children (sons) have always died for the failings of the Fathers.

As long as we are in (even more so now with Russia, India & China vying for the resource)desperate competition with others to maintain our lifestyle and they are headlong into creating theirs, nothing will change.

Yes we went into Iraq out of necessity - I know you don't agree but that's the FACTS.

Saddam stormed into Kuwait (remember?) that's a no no! Then he was positioned to threaten (and did in rhetoric) Saudi Arabia's Oil Fields - that's a no no!

The war was totally justified but the execution of it was a total blunder.

Face it we (and any other world power in the Alpha position would have done the same) we had to protect our interests - read OIL!

Iraq means nothing except in words behind the agenda - It's better to patronize, show friendly, than to live amongst resentment and time will (maybe) see them as friendlies making oil trade much easier.

As for the outside of the box thinking, read the news, watch the markets trade solar, bios, windmills, hybrids nukes, etc.etc. it's happening but just not as fast and in the order that pleases you.

This problem would have been solved by now if WE would have taken the steps needed then !

I agree and would go to Iraq in their place in a heartbeat - but only if the rules and regs that get in the way of winning were lifted - (and I could neutralize everything Sunni, Shia & Iranian in sight!)
never forget!

BTW, I find it a little irritating that you would call OUR Brave Young Men and Woman proudly serving their country "NAIVE"! Does that include Eric (not his real name) as well? Then you won't mind if I call those that havn't enlisted to do what's best for THEIR NATION Slacker Hippy Cowards would you - didn't think so !

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Koran used for target practice

OK, so what!
The man doesn't like Islam, he's definitely not alone in his belief.
Many - read MILLIONS - feel the same way and is it really any wonder?
I myself feel the Koran, as a symbol of Islam is abomination and it's my right to say so!
Besides, they burn the AMERICAN FLAG by the gross. The Muslim world is probably the biggest purchaser of Ole Glory.
I know Many Muslims feel the same about the Bible or Tripitaka (three baskets or works) and the Jatakas (Buddhist Religious Books)or just about - NO, not just about any other religious writings, BUT ALL and ANY other religious writings. So, piss on (that's been done as well)the Koran and all the heathen pricks that read it!

One of Americas Finest is being punished for doing what his training and adversarial psychological mindset demands - hate the enemy and all that represents his enemy - PERIOD!
He is a soldier - a NON POLITICAL representative of the "UNITED STATES MILITARY" a trained killing machine, NOT a Piece Corps worker, Boy Scout or even a Presbyterian Missionary for Christs sake.

He is entitled, even more so than a citizen, to not only hate his enemy through the expensive training he received with U.S. Tax Dollars, but (and I demand it) ACT ON IT !
If the Brass has to buck up a little in embarrassment to (GET THIS) apologise, then so be it - that's what they're supposed to do, let em do their job too and all will be well with the world ! Life will be good.

After all, (unless you've forgotten) close to FOUR THOUSAND AMERICANS hurled themselves from the Twin Towers, many of them on fire, because some Muslim assholes decided America didn't give enough to the world and that Americans, not their own Tyrannical Royal Families, were responsible for their miserable/wretched little shit pot lives - while the rest of the Muslim world cheered and partied in the streets!
Have you forgotten?


Friday, May 02, 2008

Iraqi Refugees Enroute To A Neighborhood Near You

Is this insane or what?
According to the State Department and Department of Homeland Security 1,135 Iraqis have been admitted already with another 12000 in the works.
The Liberally chubby joyrider Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) is naturally complaining that the administration's performance has been "slow," and he promised to turn the screws with legislative reforms for speeding up U.S. Iraqi refugee programs.

Ok, that means
1) Welfare, Muslims feel it's an entitlement no matter where they are - they'll feel right at home. And you'll pay for it!

2) We have enough shell shock trauma to deal with of our own and don't need people with visions of black and decker drills to the head or knees dancing in their heads.

3) This is very important! They are Third World Muslims and will present tons of problems in the future when the culture shock feeds their depression and disillusionment to where they will become very dangerous.

4) What about their children? Take a look at Britain, France and the Netherlands. Most of the Muslim Immigrant problems they have are not necessarily from the 1st generation Muslim Immigrants but caused, at least in action, by their offspring who want to venture off and learn jihad then come back and blow shit up and kill people. Ah you say, We do that our selves - and that's my point - we have enough crazies, why import them ?

5) Traditions - You know you've heard the nightmarish news, we all have, about honor killings, running off back to Muhammad Land with the kids, throwing acid in their wives faces and after a bad day shooting up the airport or CIA Headquarters.
Hey who wants to be for their immigration (for some bleeding heart liberal romantic notion) and then watch a school bus bombing in the name of Allah?

Write your Congressman or do what ever you have to, but don't let this happen!
If he doesn't understand your cold-heartedness, tell him, not in my neighborhood - PUT THEM IN YOURS?