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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Imams - an update

This is an update to Imams'Threat To National/Global Security

Excerpts taken from
"Imams narrow target of 'Does'"
By Audrey Hudson

The Washington Times

"A group of imams suing US Airways for discrimination amended their lawsuit this week to target only the "John Doe" passengers who they say are racist and falsely accused them of behaving suspiciously."

It's obvious to all, with any inner sense of alarm, what the Muslim community has left up to their heathen spiritual leaders, the occupational vanguard or footsoldiers if you will. The undoing of the West from within, using the laws and Christian customs of tolerance, acceptance and passivity against us, without firing a shot.

"The imams are being represented by New York lawyer Omar Mohammedi in the lawsuit, which has triggered an outcry among lawyers who say they will defend the "John Does" for free."

Let there be no doubt that these legal adventures in subterfuge are well planned and funded by, for one , organizations like M.A.S. - M.C.F.A. and of course C.A.I.R, www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/701 which parades around under the guise of cooperation, participation and patriotic use of Americana in it's civil rights laws while undermining well established common sense in the courts. For example, the case in question here as well as defending the right for a Muslim woman, Ginnnah Muhammad, 42, of Detroit to wear the niqab -- a scarf and veil that covers her head and face, leaving only the eyes visible -- blocking the judges ability to observe the facial expressions which tell a lot about the possibility of deception/body language etc.

Her attorney Nabih Ayad is one of several named as a threat who should be monitored

Who's Behind the ACLU NSA Lawsuit . . . And Why Are They Lying?

By Debbie Schlussel

"I'm referring to ACLU lawyers Noel Saleh, Mohammed Abdrabboh, and Nabih Ayad, the ACLU Plaintiffs named in the yesterday's Complaint, attorney William Swor, a member National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Nazih Hassan--all named in the lawsuit. They are exactly the kind of people whom the federal government SHOULD be watching, but probably isn't. One of these men admitted to funding Hezbollah, one was accused of tampering with a witness, and a third signed a document contradicting statements he made in the lawsuit. Not to mention, one of these men engaged in exactly the same "spying" (on me) that he now opposes when done by the NSA."


"It is "unconscionable" that those who report suspicious activity could be "terrorized in our own court system in our own country," said Rep. Steve Pearce, New Mexico Republican, who introduced the measure.
"Religious liberty is not absolute," Mr. Hasson said. "It must yield before the government's legitimately compelling interests. And the prevention of terrorism aboard airlines is certainly such an interest."

Many Muslims in this country (forget about Europe, it's lost) have since toned down the rhetoric but were espousing sharia law (not capitalized for on purpose)in public and will no doubt carve out sections of metro areas such as Detroit, Minneapolis, Tampa or wherever they have concentrated as they did in Germany, Spain, Netherlands, (R.I.P.Van Ghogh)and France - ha - France, where the police won't even venture!

"The Becket Fund labeled the case "legal terrorism," which Mr. Awad said "only adds to the empty and sensationalistic rhetoric of those who seek to disparage and demonize a segment of our society."
"It was not meant as an insult," Mr. Hasson said. "I think the public outcry over the targeting of the John Does proves the point I was trying to make. That legal tactic is self-defeating."

All is not lost yet, spread the word and knock the fence sitters (cowards, fools and naive)off the fences and wake em up !



Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Faye Turney - Female Hostage

Fourteen Brits and a Bottle of Rum

Not a good day for the British Navy. Video, letters and admissions of guilt!

Cohersion, fear or just plain - I didn't want to be here in the first place!

If the Brits were in Iraqi waters why didn't they call the Iranians bluff, lock and load? The Iranians wouldn't have gone as far as firing on the Brits, with a battle wagon a quarter of a mile away.

OK, water over the bridge you say. Fine, but whats with the cooperation once illegally detained.. Allowing yourself to eat (Muslim) food is bad enough but to be filmed hoggin down like It's Christmas dinner - dis-f*@kin-graceful!

Seaman Faye Turney, if she accepts release after the abominable letter and video display, should be jailed for acts unbecoming a member of Her Majesty's Royal Navy.
She would have done better to have one of her mates rough her up a bit and accuse the Iranians of abuse rather than ( whole lot of them )the treasonous acts of cowardice displayed in front of the entire world. My God, how will they ever live this down as adults?

UPDATE - 4-1-07 Sunday

New video showing 2 British Navy Hostages at a chart pointing out the trespass and apologising while - NOW PAY ATTENTION - demonstrators that look strikingly like soldiers/police in civillian clothes (look real close and you'll see smiles on both sides) put on mock riot outside the British Embassy complete with smoke bomb on the Embassy grounds. Cute!

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Fathers Fear

A dear friend of mine (name withheld) has changed direction about the Iraq War in recent months from kick ass, which coincided with his sons first tour as support group for attack helicopters in which he met his Apache AH pilot and superior (now lovely bride - name withheld) to totally against - bring them all home NOW - in large part I'm sure because his son, (name withheld) being in the reserves, is being called back up, with rank, and different duties more to the hearts and minds side of the conflict (thank God, I care for the guy as well).

The War has gone from nuts to dangerously stupid, history teaches you can't go from offense, without totally bringing the enemy to it's knees, to defensive occupational hearts and minds bullshit when the population is armed to the teeth and the borders (this country has an obsession with not protecting borders) are an open highway of infiltration for weapons and dumbfuck Muslims wanting to die in order to get laid because they're to stupid and ugly to get a woman here on earth..

Don't get me wrong, if you've read any of this blog you know I'm not one of those mentally deficient lefty maggots, burning our soldiers in effigy while spitting on wounded VETS in wheelchairs etc etc. Don't get me started! From the forward plunge to Baghdad in the very beginning which accomplished nothing in the way of diminishing the enemy on the way. No, we just left the flank wide open allowing the enemy (can you say Republican Guard who put on civis and melted away)to freely lay waste to the supply lines which couldn't keep up anyway and the occupation which amounts to nothing more than playing the odds everytime you pull the patrol straw which is nothing more than being a fish in a barrel and splitting up the troops and making them bivouac with Iraqi soldiers (Sunni/Shiite) at outposts isn't the answer either. Hey damnit, that's what those expensive fucking hopped up remote control toys are for - flying eyes with rockets - use em !

Oh, there were and are plenty of mistakes, the worst. Four years later and no one can blame any parent especially after seeing all the media reports on the amputees, disillusioned civilians and dead.

But then again, the troops were traind, conditioned and aware that the day may come to pay the piper for those educational and VHA perks that seduced them into signing the bottom line. But that's no excuse for the assholes at the top to be wreckless and wasteful with the best damned Military Resource in the world!

Now the War is grinding along and another new General with a brave new plan (The Surge)is on the scene (this reeks of the Civil War and the Union Generals if anything)and no one is holding there breath anymore.
I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to call for the troops to come home because the conventional Armys job is done the Shock and Awe was inadequate and failed to bring the enemy to it's knees. We have no business hunkered down in the cities. Bases are definately (Iran) needed in Iraq for covert black ops and air strikes but the citys should be left to the murder clubs until they either come to their senses or annihilate each other - their choice - without our guys being caught in the middle !


Thursday, March 22, 2007

John Edwards - have we been had by a trial attorney ?

The News Alert comes on CNBC - Bill Griffin, surprised, says we are to be told John Edwards (D) to announce his withdrawal from the Presidential race due to his wifes longtime, in remission, cancer condition - or to that effect..

The press conference commences and Edwards explains that Mrs Edwards went to the doctor because of a cracked rib (no mention of how that happened) and while there found that she had a spot on the other (right) side rib which after testing was found to be cancerous bone. She then speaks of it not (several times) being a problem due to it being in the bone and emphasising that with proper attention and medication, it will be no problem (and don't expect to see her in a wig) she won't be losing any hair!!!

The ("mini campaign rally/photo op"??) ended with a pledge to move forward (under intense hardship albeit)with the Presidential race for the GOLD with his ill wife in tow,who also pledged to do her part for the WIN!

I'm sorry if this sounds a little sarcastic but we're talking about an ambitious, very successful TRIAL ATTORNEY/POLITICIAN trained and experienced in the art of verbal fencing that eventually led him to Congress and now a run for the Most prestigious office in the world - a lot on the line here.

We've all seen the "sympathy factor" before! I'm not saying she dosn't have an illness, nor am I saying she shouldn't have our sympathy and best wishes. What I'm saying is that I beleive J.Edwards and his wife is milking her illness for all it's worth! She played it's severity (or lack of ) her self - don't expect to see her in a wig ! Wait and see !

UPDATE - Wednesday April 4th 2007

Yep, I knew it. Edwards announced that the cancer, as told by their Doctor, isn't as bad as they thought. Wow, this after the campaign sympathy funds come a rollin in - charlottins - How 's it feel to be duped?


Sunday, March 18, 2007

In God We Trust

Do not buy Pepsi's new can

Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance on them.

However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "Under God."

Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. In that case, we don't want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office, either!

So if we don't buy any Pepsi product, they will not be offended when they don't receive our money that has the words

"In God We Trust" on it.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Imams' Threat to National/Global Security

This an update to "Imams and American Airlines" about the Terrified American Airlines Passengers who had to witness the foreign, barbaric cult practices that, as we've learned, usually precede the slaughter of innocents the world over. Yes, from the Netherlands to Darfur, Afghanistan to New York,Iraq to Spain, Iran to Maylasia - need I go on (I could very easily).
Back in December 2006, these self righteous Imams using the black americans civil rights experience as a field manual decided to flex their crescent head muscles and push the good citizens of this country's tolerance to the edge and they did! They got what they were searching for, outrage! And now they, after trying and failing due to the Patriot Act, to sue the airlines are now, suing the decent, good and ALERT Americans doing their patriotic duty for their fellow citizens and for freedom. The antagonistic Imams led by their designate lead protagonist Omar Shahin, one of the "Minnesota Six" as they're not so affectionately called and his attorney Omar Mohammedi have C.A.I.R. and M.A.R. supporting the bastards so stay tuned I guess.

Excerpt from The Washington Times - link below
"Unless this is thrown out of court early, the lesson learned will be that next time someone sees something, it may be safer to stay quiet and hope someone else reports it. Even if the charges get thrown out or dropped, this is an announcement that you could be caught up in litigation for years and spending your savings on lawyers."
Now you know that's exactly what the Islamofascists prize more than anything - paralysed by our own laws!

I'm doing some more - focus and time permitting - on the Muslim Menace on a Global Scale soon, maybe today...... One for sure on the visit by representatives to D.C. of the Belgian political party "Vlaams Belang" the worried Frank Vanhecke and Filip Dewinter regarding the Islamification of Belgium that is reaching critical mass for sure! Stay tuned kids !

March 29th 2007
Update on the Goofy Imamas and their suit against A.Airlines passengers
from The Washington Times article actually based upon the new minority (Repubs)and getting things done to the frustration of the majority (Dems).

"The minority unsheathed its prerogatives again this week, winning a motion protecting airline travelers from being sued if they report suspicious activities"

See link to the article above in case curiosity has you trapped like a rat !



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Russias Promise to Modern Civilization

People, Ivan Safronov, being thrown out of fifth story windows http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20070306-101317-1996r.htm

Two American women,Mother and Daughter are poisoned with KGBs favorite toy toxin - Thallium. Marina Kovalevsky, 49, and her daughter Yana, 26, are Soviet-born and emigrated to the United States in 1989

Alexander Litvinenko, a former colonel in the Russian secret service and a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin, A leading Russian critic of Putin's regime is poisoned in London.

Red October: Killing the Truth in Moscow Anna Politkovskaya

I'm amazed that no one seems even a little perturbed about the Kremlins, shall we say shenanigans, because thats exactly the adolescent light in which it's portrayed.
The ole - ah hell, boys will be boys as if Putins henchmen are just out after dark breaking windows or knocking over trash cans.

If he was a wifebeater or child molestor, and I'm not saying he is or isn't, the west, the world for that matter , would be considered enablers for downplaying or out right ignoring these sinister deeds.
Make no bones about it, these are serious murders going on like a popular play at some Opera House, right out in front of God and everybody!

Man, I just got a chill on the back of my neck and now I know why only a brave few are willing to stand up (and die) in the face of a Russia lost.
Anyone willing to stand up against (criticise)Putins Government is on borrowed time.
Damn, I'm outa here, that freakin chill again!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Muslims urged

I read an article in the Washington Times this morning, cut it out to look up the organization mentioned "Central Council of Ex-Muslims" to put in this illustrious, (can I say that ? Sure I can ) Blog - always looking for amunition you know! Sorry, went to the Times online for the link and, damnit, could'nt find it - at all!

Then I was led (Google)to the article in the FreeRepublic.com translated from German. With a comment forum which is interesting.

Sample comments

To: SolidWood
Very brave. Non-muslims need to consider giving moral and financial support to chapters of this movement in every locality. I'll kick in a few bucks for one in Dearborn, Michigan.

To: SolidWood
They're not likely to survive. Islam is not tolerant of freethinkers and apostates.

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus

The Woman in question probably dosn't have long to live, even tho she is afforded Police protection - for what and how long that's worth - you know how those wacko Muslims are - I mean, hell, just ask Mr Van Gogh. Oops, I don't think you'll get much out of him !

