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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Location: United States

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dirty Harry

I saw some news on Senator Harry Reid, D. Where, why FOX of course. Thats exactly why I decided to put this piece together. I couldn't find anything on the mysterious land deals that some are calling "Harrygate". I even Googled it finding some info but nothing with the teeth I knew was in this story
I know I didnt find much on this, not because it's not a big deal but because the Liberal press chooses not to shine light on it.

check out the link below for "Captainsquartersblog" which also has many trackback links and good comments ( why reinvent the wheel).
Hell, I've become a link factory !



Monday, January 29, 2007

Government Anarchists and their antagonists are growing

like a laboratory petri dish. The fungus among us!

The only semblance to Viet Nam and Iraq are the Traitorous Liberal Cowards offering nothing more than aid and comfort to the enemy, and all that just to garner YOUR vote.
Well, You should be careful what you wish for - the pain has just begun!

The next Liberal march should be joined by American Patriots - in full battle dress!

Read the story in THE WASHINGTON TIMES - see link below


Muslim Arrogance

So, now the hit television movie 24 has to apologise (suck up)or change the terrorist barbarians from Muslim to, oh lets see, Eskimos.

I guess next, we'll change the history books from the Muslim murderers they were, of the 9/11 Twin Towers, Pentagon and a lonely field in Pennsylvania to a horde of drunken silver haired senior citizens on their way to Las Vegas.
Hell, why not? They're already used as token suspects at air ports all over the country. We don't want to offend any Muslim sensibilities and heaven forbid be accused of unfair profiling!
Do we?



Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kerry on the loose - again!

John Kerrys motors running but his minds not in gear, as usual.

There he is , overseas of course, shootin his mouth off. Among his new words describing America is PARIAH

Pariah, originally the name of the Pariah caste of Indian Hindu society, has gained widespread use as an analogy, especially in the phrase social pariah, as a term for anyone considered an outcast or different by others.

nough said!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Democrats fretting over low wages

Yeah, thats right. The stupid ass commie/socialists are all up in arms with their new half baked comeback to the booming economy. They can't argue the economies resilience and strength so they come up with an argument that shows their asses in spades !

It's called low wages HELLO, ANYBODY OUT THERE ?

You stupid assholes - low wages are the result of illegal aliens doin your yard ,roof and daughters you dumb fucks!

What the hell have you been going along with for the last thirty years - what the hell was the goal you wanted via NAFTA, HAFTA, LAFTA and "CRAFTA" besides cheap five and dime shit.

You're all guilty of drivin down wages and puttin the hammer to the middle class and you know it, don't you? Not knowing it is even worse - no excuse!

I'd love to beat the holy fuck outa every one of you turd fer brains sap suckin sons a bitches ! Get out of the gene pool you gutless brainless punks %&^*&%^ *(*&^&^*(



Tribute to a Sailor

So what do you say to this my friend?

Al Zawihiri is a full blown punk

You know, I havn't been on here for a while but matters seem to be getting totally out of control on many fronts (too many actually, It would take forever to catch up and well, I gonna come clean here now. I've been distracted with the Yahoo interactive editorial comment boards which are now shut down because of the rowdys - dont look at me!

Yeah , I know,I know. But It's like instant fratification.

The latest Al Zawihiri threats are just, well, laughable, no,lunacy, pure nutso. where does he, while hiding so far back in the cave whats left of his leiutenants have to pump air to him - the little raghead prick. see link
Because our politically correct Government doesnt want to upset any of the interlopers (Muslims) living here. God forbid treading on their warped sensibilities. We don't get a meaningful enemy body (parts) count but I gaurantee you the trains to their whore house in the sky are many and packed full - kinda like those videos of passenger trains you see from those parts of the world - not an inch to spare (heathen fucks)what a bunch of third world turds eh!

How the fuck did we (along with Britain and the rest - France and Spain is understood) ever come to the decsision to let those dumb fuck museum relics called Muslims into our countries anyhow?
We're the dumb fucks - you know that ,right?

Now the task to rid ourselves of the vermon!

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