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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spy Satellite - Shuttle

Hard hats for sale!
Yeah, right .. A spy satellite the size of a school bus is 170 miles out in its orbit but expected to plummete to earth soon.

Thats just great, apparently it's out of fuel but has plenty of nuclear waste on board and they can't control where or who it will hit.

The last time i checked in with them, the space shuttle crews were either sitting around playing space chess or heading down the highway in diapers hell bent to abduct a lovers lover.

It seems to me, that maybe all that shuttle money could be put to good use in rescueing some potential short straw holder by changing the batteries in that crippled satellite - send Bruce Willis! He and crew stopped a renegade meteor from smashing into earth in Armegaedon and killing everything - yeah, that's the ticket, Hollywood will take care of it !

Friday, January 25, 2008

So, whats the score now ?

I was just watching FOX News with Laura Ingram filling in for Bill Oreilly on the Factor discussing the Netherlands, who are still having a vermon problem - with muslims to be more precise - I really shouldn't insult rats that way but heh, the rats can be happy in knowing they aren't the lowest of the low anymore.

Well, a ballsy Dutchman, a Mr Geert, hope I have that right(the last one by the name of Van Gogh had his throat cut by one of the so called prophet muhammads vermin followers) is making a movie equating the koran to fascism and the muslim world - by the way, befor you put me down for my typos - not capitalising any arabic words, that's on purpose...Where was I? Yeah, right. The whole muslim world is out to burn down the West and kill the intolerant Infidels for SAYING or WRITING their thoughts "correctly" about this barbaric religion islam.

So what is the score now?
We've been killing muslim jihadis for 15 or so years now, I know it's well over 1.5 million. And I'm not talking about the them killing each other statistics. We killed a mess of em on the Highway Of Death where approximately 2000 vehicles were found blown to hell on the road to Basra from Kuwait in Desert Storm. The big boys are playin those down due to liberal world angst because the slaughter was considered by them to be overkill - HAH !Desert Shield with Stormin Norman, then on to Afghanistan, whew took out a mess of em there too! Then Operation Iraqi Freedom which is still going on as is Afghanistan.
Damn there's alot of em. Oh well, bring up more ammo! Pull back the troops and bring up the Daisy Cutters !

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

McCain is not the answer!

I suppose with McCain in the White House and not the Senate, he can't get together with Democrats and co - sponsor bills like McCain Feingold which was an affront to free speech.
Or shooting his mouth off about torture and closing Gitmo (Guantanamo)bringing the heathen Islamicist combatants here, to say, Levinworth (Kansas State Penitentiary)to reap the benifits of American citizens in that they would be entitled to legal representation - that's a taxpayer paid attorney to you novices out there. They're trials will go on for years at taxpayer expense. Now, it's one thing to have to put up with a child killers appeals going on for 20 years before execution because we have to - that should be changed as well - but I would go off the deep end if I had to endure the same for a bunch of third world Muslim heathens barely out of the primordial swamp!

McCains a swell guy, but he has no business as President because he's unqualified due to the fact he isn't well rounded in all matters - he loves making long winded speeches and can't speak without a teleprompter.
Sound like someone else we know?

We need someone not afraid to kick butt, negotiate fair trade deals, not afraid to put hot pokers in the eyes of terrorist Muslim animals and he absolutely must know something about business and economic growth. Not from the view of matrimonial wealth either.

You people better wise up and take a real good look at McCain before you pass on The Gold Mine Of A Man Like Mit Romney.
If religion is your hangup then you're a fool.