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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proposition 8

Lets get this straight fag!
Or should I say gay boys and girls as in children?

You're demonstrating in Queer land U.S.A., with the whole world watching, and trying to make the real world feel sorry or guilty for not being tolerant of the life style most, psychologically whole, human beings call an abomination!

There you are, practicing your right to free speech with the signs saying "feel sorry for me" and "I have to trample on your rights and traditions" for mine while beating up on an old lady for expressing her right to free speech.

You genetically challenged bastards are destroying a mans business in Southern California, for voting against you're wishes, by harassing his business and customers..

Proposition 8 was a California State ballot proposition that amended the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman. It overrode a decision of the California Supreme Court from earlier in the year, In re Marriage Cases, that had recognized same-sex marriage in California as a fundamental right by overturning the California Defense of Marriage Act. The official ballot title language for Proposition 8 was "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry." The entirety of the text to be added to the constitution is: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

In San Francisco, THE fetid cauldron of unrestricted human debauchery and the lowest rung of self esteem and dignity imaginable, a "straight" man in the film industry was fired for voting in support of his right to free speech and respect for traditional morays, read that, "keeping gays propensity for playing hide the weeny (ah gross)illegal and not hiding it behind the sanctity of marriage (disgusting mutants).

So, how much sympathy or how many friends do you think you made?
Of course, we pity your childhood feelings of being unloved and never quite measuring up to Daddy's expectations. Your need to scream out for the attention you didn't get as a child is , well pathetic.

No, really, I do feel sorry for you and if you need some creative ideas on suicide , I'd be more than happy to to give you some !

You know of course Dr Kevorkian is out of prison now. "see that, he goes to prison for trying to ease the pain and suffering of humanity while you bastards spread a killer disease to the innocent and then get to demonstrate and harass people to make it acceptable - go figure!

You people are seriously twisted !

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Barak, wakeup,, ok what now ?

That should be, but I know for sure now, that's not the question on 51% of this unfortunate Nations mind.

We have now a man whose constituents actually believe I saw some video of exit poll questions of people whose answers convinced me there should be rules as to who should be allowed to vote OR NOT that with Obama in the White House, they will never have to worry about paying rent, bills or their mortgages ever again.

Ahhhh, finally! The description of the vaunted CHANGE of the Obamalamadingdong campaign
You have a man whose reconstituting the Clinton White House staff including the Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder who helped Clinton Pardon Mark Rich who was many things but mostly a gun runner that sold weapons to Iran during Jimmy Carters Embassy hostage fiasco and who was a most wanted fugitive for 17 years, ole slick willy got kinda close to Riches buxom wife while she negotiated for her husbands pardon.

Rahm Emanuel - Consider, for starters, Emanuel’s position on taxes, where his voting record has been overwhelmingly on the side of higher tax rates. In May 2003 he voted against a $350 billion tax cut which contained, among other things, a provision to eliminate the so-called “marriage tax penalty.” A year later, he voted against a proposal to extend the alternative minimum tax relief that had been available in 2003 and 2004. Also in May 2004, he voted against a proposal to make the $1,000-per-child tax credit permanent rather than letting it decline. Four months later he voted against another bill calling for a five-year extension on the $1,000 child tax credit.

And then there's;
Tom Daschel -
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tom Daschle, Your New Universal Health Care Czar
Posted by: Amanda Carpenter at 12:19 PM

Tom Daschle will be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services, a government agency that consumes nearly 25% of all federal expenditures

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle has been tapped by President-elect Barack Obama to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The agency oversees hundreds of government programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, and administers more taxpayer-funded grants than all federal agencies combined.

The HHS budget for fiscal year 2008 was $707.7 billion.

Daschle is not widely recognized as a health care wonk, but recently authored a book last titled "Critical: What We Can Do About the Health Care Crisis" that argues for the creation of a universal health care system and a Federal Health Board, much like the Federal Reserve.

The purpose of the board, Daschle has said in other interviews, would be to "preclude" Congress of the responsibility of becoming "mired in the minutia of details" of universal health care. Congress would simply delegate those duties to the board. This would increase the chances of a complex piece of legislation, like universal health care, getting passed by Congress.
Gee,the last I heard, the economy is walking wounded - yeah, thats the ticket, MORE TAXES COMRADE!

And then there's Hilary, head of the State Department - whew hoo! pack your bags, cigars and red dresses Willy theres a party somewhere overseas...

Change as in turn back the clock !