Instrument of Repudiation
We, the People of the United States of America,
HEREAS We recollect with filial Affection and patriotic Pride that eleven score and thirteen Years ago our Forefathers brought forth on this Continent a new Nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the Proposition that all Men are created equal;
AND FORASMUCH AS We remember with Gratitude Our gallant Armed Forces who fearlessly fought and bravely died that Our Nation might be born free, then again that all Slaves might be set free, then again that all Europe might be restored to Freedom and all the World delivered from fell Tyranny, and We salute Our Troops who this day as fearlessly fight and as bravely die on Freedom’s far Frontiers that the World may win the Freedom that our Nation has long and merrily enjoyed, that blessed Freedom for which She is everywhere known, and for which She stands a Beacon of Hope to all who are not yet free;
NOW, THEREFORE, reaffirming our Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all, with united Voice and Will do declare this Our implacable Intention and Our unflinching Resolve –
We will no longer countenance the fraudulent, unscientific, now-discredited Superstition that is Climate Change, in that the warming that carbon dioxide induces is now proven small, harmless, and beneficial;
We will not abide the wanton squandering of the hard-won Fruits of Our Workers’ Labor either for the Establishment and Enrichment of any such costly, corpulent, corrupt, many-tentacled, supranational Tyranny of pampered, festering Functionaries as is now in Prospect or for purposeless Redistribution to the Dictators or Oligarchs of other Nations in imagined Reparation for Our imaginary “Climate Debt”;
We will remind our Lawgivers that any Bill to curtail Emissions of Carbon Dioxide, however piously intended, is doomed to extravagant Futility, in that shutting down every Enterprise and Industry of Humankind even for 200 years would forestall no more than 1 Fahrenheit Degree of “Global Warming”;
We will never be governed by any but them whom We have freely elected, may freely hold to Account, and may freely replace, and We will have no unelected, unaccountable, irreplaceable World Government set atop of Us, or above Our beloved Constitution, or over any of the Free Nations or Free Markets of the World, and Government of the People, by the People, and for the People shall not perish from the Earth;
WHEREFORE We direct that the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for its Corruption, its Extravagance, and its Mendacity, be utterly disbanded forthwith and for aye.
AND We utterly refuse, reject, and repudiate the proposed Treaty of Copenhagen and all Climate Bills as null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, and empty of Meaning for all Time;
AND We require that this Our Instrument of Repudiation of the said Treaty and Bills, when signed by Us, be served upon the Conference of the States Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change;
The Treaty of Copenhagen shall not pass. No Climate Bill shall pass. We will remain free.
God Bless America!